Tendency to risk: concept, diagnostics, level assessment, possible dangers

A risk appetite is what is called an adrenaline addiction, a desire to learn new sensations. In psychology, a person’s trait is regarded as a manifestation of an “incorrect” instinct - the opposite of the self-preservation instinct. In the financial sector, there is also such a concept, and it means the trader’s willingness to work with risky assets in order to achieve the goal. In both cases, people are driven by emotion, self-confidence, and it all depends on intuition and the ability to stop at the right time.

What are risky people: varieties of propensities for the incomprehensible

Risk appetite

There are only 2 types of risk appetite, which differ in manifestations in actions:

  1. Motivated risk - a person assesses the situation, takes into account the circumstances. He gives an account of the actions, can determine the goals, goes to the decision only according to the plan. He always has a financial or "cold" calculation in case of force majeure. The purpose of the manifestation of riskiness is praise from the “spectators” for whose sake the play was performed.
  2. Unreasonable motive - when there are no real goals and objectives, a person lives an illusion, in a virtual "I". The risk appetite is already of a different nature, which confronts the individual with the fact: "either get away from the risk, or meet him face to face." If the choice fell on the second option, this is an unmotivated goal. It’s not about profit and praise, but about unlocking potential.

People who are intentionally faced with difficulties never give up. Unmotivated, albeit unjustified actions help to achieve success to a greater extent than those who act according to plan, protecting themselves from all sides.

Diagnosis of personality under stress: the methodology "Risk aversion" and assessment of actions

Over the past century, scientists have found a method how to determine a person’s condition, find out his character and behavior psychology. Science has helped to make portraits of famous personalities, in the capture of criminals, to choose the right profession. Special algorithms have been developed to concentrate the conventions of the techniques. The risk appetite was determined by "tuning" these experimental sets of information to determine the level of danger. This made it possible to observe and evaluate the dynamics of progress that could “read” a person, predetermine his behavior.

  1. The first development in science belongs to A. Gore - in 1957, an Australian scientist performed an experiment on people. Volunteers took part. The subject was asked to perform manipulations with the balls over a layer of glass. Broken pieces are the result of an individual's work that is prone to risk. He did everything carelessly, clumsily. Those who did not break the glass tried to “play” with balls as little as possible.
  2. F. Merz developed his own method. He assessed risk appetite in the selection process. The subject was asked to take a sharp piece of glass or wood. And here the logic of establishing riskiness is essentially separated from the scientist’s previous conclusion. Those who without hesitation took any item are prone to risk. The rest, analyzing which subject is safer, were considered less risky characters.
  3. Further, the diagnosis of risk appetite was undertaken by American scientists. They invited people to play dice for money. Whoever makes a bet more is riskier. The brilliant idea of ​​the two Americans did not impress the scientific staff of the researchers.
  4. Compared to European and American geniuses, Russia has put forward stringent methods for assessing risk appetite. M. Kotik set up experiments on volunteers who needed to stop the hand at the “5 seconds” mark on the electro millisecond stopwatch. Whoever did this received an electric shock. Those who decided to experiment turned out to be risky, because only volunteers were invited.
Diagnosis of risk appetite

Today, there are already over a thousand questionnaires to assess risk appetite in adolescents, children, and adults. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of adolescent responses. It is in this period that children begin to assess the realities of the world soundly, some violate the acceptable level of safety. Evidence of this is the egregious snapshots of the tricks that teenagers do, imitating the famous bloggers-ruffers.

Suicidal tendencies of adolescents

To determine how much the child is subject to public opinion, is risk averse and is able to take a desperate step, it is possible by the method of social diagnosis. It is not only a questionnaire in the form of oral testing. Those who wish are given a piece of paper, where they describe with bright colors the worst moment in their life.

The process of assessing behavior at particular risk to life

After the start of testing, adolescents are evaluated for behavior during the test. Reading emotions from the face is an important component.

  1. The result is evaluated positively, that is, the tendency is confirmed if the most “dangerous” part of the image is colored red.
  2. Family problems are often depicted in blue or purple.
  3. If a child uses yellow, beige or pale shades of pastel colors, his life is not in danger.

L. V. Voskovskaya studies the behavior of adolescents not only on paper. She experiments, observes the “difficult” children and wraps everything in a friendly game while the students are in class.

Cognitive components in relation to death

Suicidal tendency

Teenagers perceive the meaning of death in different ways. It gives someone joy, someone expects it, as the beginning of something new, someone wants to free themselves from the difficulties of the present world. As a result of the survey, in which children from the boarding school took part, psychoanalysts received the following answers:

Death as a transitionDeath is the end of everything
CalmPhilosophical attitude (11%)Atheistic attitude (7%)
FearFear of death (14%)The horror of "nothingness" (1%)
JoyDeath as a deliverance from life (18%)Protest against the world (0%)

This shows that adolescents underestimate the danger of risk appetite, which makes them happy with emotions they don’t know. A man cannot feel freedom, peace in advance; this assumption that "death" as an option to solve the problem is better than the lack of a way out of the situation as a whole.

Riskiness as a variant of self-rescue

Risk appetite

Some teenagers rated the “near-death state” as something that causes vivid violent emotions:

Attitude towards death: salvation or the end of life
AngerDeath protest (23%)
Indifference, indifferenceDeath Denial (11%)
Sadness, griefDeath as a loss (45%)

Of both groups of teenagers, there is not a single person who would respond otherwise than: "Death is salvation and end at the same time, but it causes a dilemma. You want to free yourself from the burden of the burden, but you cannot find another option. Therefore, you are scared and I want to".

Types of death attitudes can tell you exactly how high the risk appetite is in adolescence. When the brain does not yet understand and cannot accept reality, it is easier for a child to establish virtual reality for himself, where he decides to do desperate things.

How to recognize a person who is suicidal?

There are mentally unstable people who are born in such families, and there are “absolutely normal, never capable of such” adolescents. To prevent stupidity, adults should pay attention:

  1. The child has changed - he has lost vital energy, sharply changed points of view on something, tastes have changed, a strange desire has appeared to remain alone.
  2. Behavioral signals like loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, paranoia, persecution mania.
  3. Constant self-flagellation - "I always dreamed, but could not", "parents say that I am a loser", "friends did not believe, condemned." The child depends on adults, peers. A sense of shame eats the adolescent from the inside, which makes him vulnerable to suicidal risk.
  4. Aggression, anxiety, fear - knowing the reasons, you can get the child out of the web of negativity. The transitional age, characterized by insolence, is the most "mobile" for suggesting to a person or imposing in the performance of an action. An example of this is the Blue Whale game.

Anxiety can also occur in melancholy, when the nervous system is "tired of living." This is a sign of the beginning of the end.

A character trait that costs a person dearly

Risk appetite in adolescence

Not all risky and courageous people imagine risk as a danger that can take their lives. However, any rash act, like drunk driving, can lead to irreversible. Add pepper and listen to psychologists:

  1. Risk is not always an indicator of a person’s courage. He can take risks from despair.
  2. To risk is not to live it. Just seasoning for calm weekdays, which "ignites" a person.
  3. Risk as a post-traumatic syndrome. It’s not scary anymore, but you still cannot completely immerse yourself in the adrenaline world.

Adrenaline addiction is a disease and cannot be treated. There is a saying: that a person is killed in a large dose, makes him safer in small proportions. For example, a military man returned from a “hot spot” and can no longer do without stressful situations. Therefore, once a week he flies, jumps with a parachute. Dependence does not pass, does not decrease.

Outrageous justifiable risk - what are people living for?

It’s hard for some people to keep the bar, getting the same emotions every time. In pursuit of strong new sensations, someone is trying wingsuit.

Others are limited to extreme sports. The development of adrenaline does not give a person a sense of fear or, conversely, abilities that he had not previously found in himself. This kind of extreme love speaks of inner discord.

The theory of relativity in the methodology for determining the level of risk

Methodology for determining risk appetite

According to the degree of threat, 4 risk images are distinguished on the basis of real threats that allow you to correlate a person with a particular dangerous lifestyle:

  1. Damocles sword - risk plays a cruel joke with a desperate man. He does not have time to solve problems, and the consequences of a hasty decision are unknown.
  2. Self-control or unlucky people - who are afraid to see a doctor, get more problems in the form of complications. Instead of borrowing money to cover installments on a loan, they are silent, and the debt turns into a "snowball". Such people should be feared - they are not afraid of the environment, but of themselves. The consequences for them - this is another task from which they will be selected in the same way as they were in trouble.
  3. Pandora's Box. Big money on the first day of viewing ads on the network - yes! Pleasant meetings with unfamiliar people - yes! An ill-conceived hitchhiking trip - yes, it's about those who love danger. The threat to satellites is in space, and the consequences of rashness are a matter of time.
  4. Libra Athena. The level of risk appetite borders on the middle ground - 50/50.

Separately, psycho-pedagogy identifies the type of risk as "the exploits of Hercules." Cases when a person acts for good, risks only his interests, called "in the name of something or someone." The Lord also risked when he took upon himself the sins of mere mortals. Of course, comparing such things is unacceptable, because people are stupid, as in “Woe from Wit,” and not for the sake of a common goal.

The risk is in a state of affect: what is a person ready to do and what are his abilities?

Underestimation of danger and risk appetite

Compare the tendency to suicidal risk with the lack of self-preservation instinct can be as 1: 1. Only in the first case there are doubts in thoughts, in the second - doubts in actions. In a state of affect, a person is able to take the most desperate step:

  • Strength and energy increase 340 times.
  • There is no fear at all.
  • The goal is any means, even prohibited.

If we combine in one person indicators of the state of affect, lack of survival instinct and add a high degree of riskiness, then in ordinary life he will be the most cautious only in relation to the family, the child. With enemies, whom he considers such, will behave cruelly.

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