Often, bark beetle plaster is used to decorate the facades and internal walls of buildings. This is explained by the availability of the material, as well as its high resistance to weather conditions. An important condition for decorating the facade with a bark beetle is painting, which will give the walls a presentable appearance. But before you start the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of its implementation and possible difficulties.
Features of the "bark beetle"
Since the price per m2 of painting work performed by professionals is quite high, many people try to paint themselves.
But, despite the simplicity of applying this decorative plaster, which even a beginner can handle, painting it requires certain knowledge and skills. This is due to the fact that the “bark beetle” is distinguished by a two-layer structure, since during the alignment process the mineral particles move randomly, leaving characteristic traces.
These furrows can have the most diverse depth, shape and direction, which creates difficulty in painting the coating. Since it is quite difficult with this randomness to achieve a uniform distribution of the shade. Therefore, in order to understand how to paint the bark beetle plaster, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties of the procedure in advance.
Necessary tools in work:
- rollers with different pile lengths;
- several brushes;
- sponge;
- soft rubber;
- mitten.
It is necessary to start the procedure after 48 hours after the base has dried.
Types of paint
The facade decoration with bark beetle must withstand the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and various types of precipitation, while maintaining its decorative qualities. Therefore, staining should be carried out taking into account the further load on the coating.
Optimum types of paints for external works:
- acrylic;
- silicate;
- silicone.
Each of them has a high level of moisture resistance and vapor permeability. In addition, their color scheme allows you to choose the optimal shade in combination with the roof. Facade paints, when dried, form the top layer, which protects the coating from extreme temperatures and precipitation. Initially, they are white, and then they are tinted according to the shade table from the manufacturer.
For painting interior walls, the main selection criteria are environmental friendliness and safety. Therefore, wear resistance fades into the background.
The main types of paints for painting "bark beetle" inside the building:
- water emulsion,
- acrylic;
- latex.
The last two options are best used in rooms with a high level of humidity (kitchen, bathroom), as their wear resistance indicator can withstand this load. Subsequently, the surface of the coating can be strengthened with the help of the finish layer with varnish.
The better to paint the "bark beetle", everyone decides on their own, but when buying it is worth paying attention to the peculiarity of the destination. Since paint for interior work is not able to withstand external conditions, it subsequently loses all its decorative qualities.
The main advantages of the procedure
Painting the bark beetle plaster provides a number of advantages.
- A wide range of colors allows you to bring to life a variety of design decisions, conducting experiments with mixing different shades.
- Surface treatment creates a reliable protective layer, which significantly increases resistance to the negative effects of external conditions.
- The textured structure of the plaster makes it possible to paint in two colors, which is impossible to achieve when finishing the building with another coating.
- The paint creates a dirt-repellent barrier, which allows the facade to remain clean and attractive at any time of the year.
The main disadvantage of painting "bark beetle" is the complexity of the process. This is due to the fact that the coating has an uneven structure and requires careful processing of all the recesses.
The main difficulties in carrying out painting work:
- When using a short-nap roller, it is impossible to reach all the recesses, so part of the plaster remains unpainted. This spoils not only the aesthetic appearance, but also negatively affects the indicator of wear resistance, as part of the coating will remain unprotected.
- Painting with a long-nap roller is also difficult, as the tool will trap too much working solution. And this means that the surplus, not having time to dry, will flow down. This leads to the need to use additional tools to correct smudges, which will significantly complicate and delay the process.
The optimal solution is the combined use of rollers and sponges, but before starting the procedure, you need to practice on a small section of the wall.
Do bark beetles need to be primed before painting?
Before proceeding with the painting, you must first prepare the base. This procedure includes cleaning the walls from dirt and dust, with the subsequent application of a primer, which will increase the adhesion of the layers. Subsequently, painting can be carried out immediately after drying of the treated area.
The main qualities of the primer:
- increases the durability of the finishing layer;
- strengthens the surface, and this is especially true for a porous coating;
- provides uniform distribution of moisture, which is important when painting "bark beetle";
- It is an antiseptic, that is, it prevents the development of fungus on treated surfaces.
Ignoring this stage can lead to the fact that after a short period of time the wall decoration will have to be repeated.
Color Guidelines
Painting the facade implies a harmonious combination of all elements of the building, which will help emphasize individuality.
Therefore, when choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for combining shades.
- For the facade, it is better to choose pastel color paint, which will help it organically fit into the overall design, while it is easier to choose the shade of the roof. To avoid monotony, you can use the selected color in two different shades.
- If the idea is to make the facade multicolored, then it is necessary to select shades harmonious with each other, which will help to streamline the variety.
- The color of the walls is better to lighten the shade of the roof, although the opposite option is possible. But it will be possible to realize it only with the help of a professional designer or architect.
Consumption per m2 and the cost of painting
Before you start staining, you need to calculate the required volume of the finishing solution. It should be borne in mind that in this case the plaster has a relief surface, so the average paint consumption will be within 500 g per 1 m2.
For more accurate calculations, it is necessary to carry out arithmetic operations. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the total surface area, taking into account all the openings and the boundaries of each color. In the future, examine the can of paint and find the hiding power indicated by the manufacturer on it and multiply it by a factor of 1.4-1.7, based on the structural features of the bark beetle. The result obtained will mean the estimated consumption of the paint solution per 1 m2. Subsequently, it remains to calculate the required amount of paint commensurate with the treated area.
The average price per m2 of painting work on painting decorative bark beetle plaster is 120-150 rubles.
Classic way
In this case, the procedure involves the use of one color. In this case, a uniform layer is applied in one step. To do this, the paint is distributed with a long-nap roller or with a spray gun, while painting the furrows and depressions neatly with a brush. In the process of painting, smudges will appear that must be immediately rubbed with a sponge or mitt.
Paint is applied up and down with a roller, but each subsequent vertical layer should capture the previous one. When using a brush, the direction of the tool should be alternate - then vertical, then horizontal, which guarantees uniform overlay of the layer.
In order to save money, you can use a tinted primer, which is directly applied to the plaster. After drying of this layer, the paint is applied with a roller, but at the same time, additional coloring of the recesses is no longer necessary.
To simplify the staining procedure, you can use the method of tinting the plaster. To do this, you need to add color pigment directly to the solution before applying it to the walls.
An important condition for uniform painting of the "bark beetle" is the creation of the same shade for all the necessary solution. After drying of the finishing layer, apply another layer of paint on top of the roller, but avoiding getting into the recesses.
It should be understood that you can only tint polymer acrylic plaster. It is impossible to pigment cement dry mixes, since when pigment is added over 5%, their quality sharply decreases, which affects wear resistance.
How to paint bark beetle plaster in two colors?
In this case, using different shades, you can achieve a more spectacular appearance of the building. But at the same time, measure should be observed. Therefore, the best option is to use one color of paint, but different shades.
Initially, staining is carried out using a long-nap roller. This helps to process all the holes and recesses in the plaster.
The second stage of the painting is carried out using a foam roller or sponge. In this case, it is necessary to use the spikes on the paint tray to achieve the minimum amount of solution on the tool. And then, with light movements, paint over the protruding parts of the plaster without recesses. For this two-color production, you can also use the tinted primer method.
Knowing these subtleties of painting, you can independently paint the "bark beetle". But first you need to work out the technique on the most inconspicuous place on the wall, and only after that proceed to the front side.