Slimming Avocados - One of the Many Ways to Be Slim

The modern name of the avocado plant comes from the ancient Aztec "ahuacatl". Since ancient times, it has been called differently in different countries: somewhere, the Perseus is American, somewhere the testicle, because the fruits hang in pairs and are associated with well-known male organs, but perhaps the most famous name is the alligator pear, possibly because hard peel with pimples of dark green color. In Europe, this fruit appeared much later, it was widely used quite recently - in the 20s of the 20th century.

slimming avocado


For residents of tropical countries, avocado is one of the most important foods. Only ripe fruits are suitable for use in food, as unripe - tough, and overripe - oily and friable. Alligator pear is a fairly nutritious and nutritious product that contains many vitamins, salts and minerals. Not everyone likes her taste. The pulp of the fruit has a peculiar buttery taste with a slight nutty tint. This fruit is able to improve any dish; the special taste of avocado is good in salads. From a medical point of view, this fruit protects the liver very effectively, cleanses and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, positively affects the cardiovascular system, and helps prevent cancer. In addition, the fruits of avocado are used for weight loss. In cosmetology, oil has been widely used, from which a variety of lotions and creams are obtained.

taste of avocado

Use in Dietetics

It would seem that an avocado for weight loss is not suitable, as it is considered a rather fatty and high-calorie product, but this is a misconception. Fats contained in the fruits of this fruit are easily absorbed, they can be called useful. They give the body a feeling of satiety, appetite decreases accordingly, the feeling of hunger disappears. Countless beneficial elements in the fruit help maintain the right level of hormones in the body. In addition, metabolism is restored. We can say that the phrase โ€œwe are losing weight correctlyโ€ reflect the truth, if it was decided to do this using an alligator pear.

we are losing weight correctly


There are several types of diets based on avocados, they are ideal for weight loss, they allow you to lose up to 1.5 kilograms per day, but they are quite tough. Here is an example of one of them. For breakfast, eat half an avocado filled with low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, mix it in half (finely chopped), mix with a boiled egg, a small cucumber, add green onions. Dinner again with a similar half of the fruit with low-fat cottage cheese. You can add a small piece of low-fat steak to this. Please note that the fruit must be cut very carefully, because the bone in it becomes poisonous when it comes in contact with air. You can stick to such exotic diets for no more than three days. All this time you need to use a large amount of pure water, only then can we say that we, using the fruits of avocado for weight loss, do everything according to the rules. The reward for these three days of "torment" will be that the kilograms dropped during the diet will not reappear. Avocado for weight loss not only helps burn fat, it does not allow deposits to accumulate in the future.

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