Natural resources are the gifts of our planet

Our planet is a storehouse of various natural resources. It is thanks to their huge number that a person can fully enjoy the beauty and variety of forests and fields, the azure waters of the seas and oceans, the warmth of the gentle sun and the breaths of salty breezes.

natural resources it

Natural resources are the basis of human life, as well as of society as a whole. Only these riches allow us to grow and develop normally, satisfying all important needs and not refusing requests. Various representatives of flora and fauna, inhabitants of the sea and river depths, bacteria and microorganisms - all this is an integral part of a stable and familiar world. Natural resources - this is the diversity of wealth that was formed without human intervention. These include plants and animals, the oceans, the soil cover of the Earth, minerals hidden in the bowels of the planet, as well as the energy of the sun, wind and water.

Natural resources are what human life is impossible without. It is they that make it possible to satisfy all kinds of material and cultural needs of society.

types of resources in the economy

All natural components, one way or another involved in the process of human life, are classified according to many criteria.

Classification of Natural Resources

Classification sign


Gene (natural)

Here there is a division of all the riches of nature into groups:

a) all mineral;

b) all kinds of water;

c) land;

g) vegetable;

e) animals;

e) energy resources.

At the same time, plants and animals are often united by one category - biological resources.

Mineral wealth includes all mineral resources. Water resources are the oceans and the underground waters of the planet. Land includes the entire surface and soil cover of the Earth. Natural energy resources are the energy of the sun, wind, water, bowels of the planet, etc.


All resources are divided into renewable and exhaustible.

Nature of use

On this basis, all natural components belong to one of two groups. The first is the means of labor, and the second is commodities.

Replacing some components with others

This feature underlies the classification of resources into those that can be replaced by others (replaceable) and those whose properties are unique (irreplaceable).

Technical capabilities

It distinguishes between real components, the use of which is conducted extensively, and potential ones - those resources that can be used in the future.


On this basis, 4 groups of natural wealth are distinguished:

A - resources studied and ready for mining;

B and C1 - those that are not fully explored;

C2 - reserves of these resources are known only approximately.

water is

In addition, in the modern world there are aggregates of wealth that characterize the state of the economy of the country and the planet as a whole.

However, they also include natural gifts.

It is customary to differentiate the following types of resources in the economy:

1. Natural resources.

2. Labor resources.

3. Capital is also a resource in the economic system;

4. An element of market relations is entrepreneurial ability.

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