The drug "Tizin" during pregnancy

Pregnancy of a woman is the most joyful and responsible period. Expectant mothers give all their strength to care for their health and the health of the baby, so the first symptoms of the disease must be corrected immediately. But, unfortunately, not all medications are suitable for a woman expecting a baby. These drugs include the common cold remedy - Tizin. During pregnancy, can it be used, many women ask. We will try to give an exhaustive answer.

tizin during pregnancy

Doctors do not recommend the drug "Tizin" during pregnancy because of the xylometazoline hydrochloride contained in it. This substance in the treatment of the common cold narrows the blood vessels and has the desired effect on the nasal mucosa. It helps with nasal congestion, the mucus secreted is reduced, and pore narrowing occurs .

Despite the rapid effect in the fight against the common cold, the drug "Tizin" can cause a burning sensation in the nose, while there are unpleasant sensations. Possible side effects such as headache, palpitation, general malaise, which may adversely affect the well-being of pregnant women.

The use of a medication or an overdose of a drug can lead to undesirable consequences. The medicine "Tizin" during pregnancy can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. The fact is that imidazole with excessive absorption can lead to a disorder of the central nervous system, a certain

in pregnant women
lethargy, drowsiness, heart rate weakens, body temperature decreases. Overdose of this substance can cause lower blood pressure, respiratory failure, pulmonary edema, and the worst, coma.

Knowing all the side effects of the drug, it is safe to say that the drug "Tizin" during pregnancy is not recommended. In this case, it is important to correctly assess the risk for the mother and the unborn baby, therefore, independent treatment with this tool is prohibited. The use of this medication is generally not recommended for pregnant women with low blood pressure, since it can lead to a hypotonic crisis.

It is the question: "How to treat a cold pregnant women" the most effective treatment during pregnancy - folk remedies or drugs, the composition of which does not include chemicals.

how to treat a cold in pregnant women
At a cold help washing nose weak solution of salt water or saline, which can be found in any pharmacy, and warming. To do this in the pan is heating up about one hundred grams of salt, and then all wrapped in a cotton cloth and put on his nose. The duration of the procedure is ten to fifteen minutes.

Remember that the Tizin medication during pregnancy or any other medication can cause a completely unpredictable reaction of the body. Take this seriously and do not take any medicine without your doctorโ€™s permission. After all, the health of you and your future baby depends on this. Only a woman's careful attitude to herself can guarantee that the child will be healthy.

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