Name of Eugene: characteristics and translation

The name of Eugene is translated from Greek as "noble." This to a large extent determines the fate of its owners. The desire to subjugate others, punctuality and severity of morals - all these are the distinctive features of women bearing the name of Eugene. A characteristic of this kind can be given to them at absolutely any age. In English, this name sounds like Eugenie.

name eugenia characteristic


Little Eugenia is reputed to be very thoughtful, but slightly withdrawn girls. While their peers are read out by the tales of Andersen, Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm, they can study the life of Jesus Christ with great interest. The tendency to religion manifests itself in Eugene all his life and even in a certain way affects fate. However, they set it a priority rather rarely.

If you determine the value of the name Eugene for girls of primary school age, it can be noted that this is primarily loyalty and quiet disposition. Zhenya is home-made girls, and although they sometimes do not mind running around in the yard with their girlfriends, they still prefer all kinds of needlework to active games. Little Eugene is more likely to get involved in sewing or knitting than riding a bicycle or swimming.

the meaning of the name eugene for a girl

Transitional age

At this age, among other things, her character begins to radically change. If a girl bears the name of Eugene (the characteristic of which, among other things, is determined by the fact that it is a female version of the name of Eugene), then, most likely, in adolescence she will become unusually touchy and stubborn. Even if a mother or a friend simply disagrees with her in something, she can become furious and “pout” for a long time. These girls learn quite well. With classmates, thanks to natural kindness and responsiveness, they have a wonderful relationship. In adolescence, Eugene is unlikely to be friends with the boy, taking such things very seriously. Also, she will not discuss the problems of the relationship of the sexes with her friends. Eugene would rather prefer to learn about all the details of the "adult" life from literature.

Relations with the opposite sex

The name Eugene for a teenage girl determines in her character such a feature as conservatism in relation to the opposite sex. However, with age, Zhenya begins to look at these things much easier. In her youth, she easily makes connections with men and breaks with them just as easily. But he still chooses a permanent life partner in all seriousness. Donjuans, accustomed to easy victories, are unlikely to please her. Zhenia prefer men who are courteous and thorough.

name eugene for a girl

Family life

Having married, Zhenya becomes a very good housewife, neat and welcoming. The name of Eugene, whose characteristic defines such qualities as the ability to cook well and housekeeping, make her owners wonderful wives and mothers. Children love them, but at the same time they are a little afraid of a strict nature. If the wife of Zhenya will look through her fingers at her tendency to control everything and everything, the relations in the family will be simply magnificent.

Job and career

Eugenia very often make a successful career. However, their promotion through the ranks is due to a greater degree of industriousness than any talents. Having occupied the chair of the boss, Eugenia fully enjoys their high position, turning their subordinates almost into slaves. If we talk about specific professions, then the best choice for Zhenya may be medicine, pedagogy, and all specialties related to travel.

Thus, the name of Eugene, whose characterization was examined in detail above, influencing the fate of his possessor, defines such features of her temper as temper, tendency to despotism, organization and solidity. In the photo (from top to bottom) - Princess of York Evgenia Victoria Elena (a member of the royal family of the United Kingdom), Eugenie Bouchard (tennis player from Canada) and Evgenia Phillips (participant in the Civil War in America).

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