Almond oil for the skin around the eyes: keep youth

Almond oil is often used for face and body care , including suitable for sensitive skin in the eye area. This unique tool contains many useful components. Almond oil contains a large amount of vitamins D and E, calcium, magnesium and many other substances.

Just a few drops of this oil - and you can moisturize dry skin, prevent dryness and cracking of the lips. It can also be used to strengthen hair and eyelashes.

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes

The skin of the eyelids, as you know, requires special care. It is most likely to undergo age-related changes most quickly, since it is very thin and practically devoid of collagen and fat subcutaneous layer. Almond oil is perfect for caring for this delicate area. In addition, using almond oil for the skin around the eyes, you will not only be able to get rid of small wrinkles, but also forget about such troubles as dark circles and swelling.

Almond oil against dark circles and swelling

To prepare the product, you need a little liquid honey and half a teaspoon of oil. The mass obtained by mixing these ingredients should be applied to the skin in the eye area for five minutes, and then rinse with cold water.

Almond oil around the eyes

Remember that almond oil around the eyes should be applied with light patting movements. You should also make sure that you are not allergic to nuts. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to the skin at the bend of the elbow and leave overnight. If after a day no irritation appears at this place, then you can safely use this product for cosmetic purposes.

Proper Use of Almond Oil

Almond oil for the skin is very useful, so do not be afraid of experiments. Add it to any cosmetics that you use for face and body care. It can also be used instead of cream. Like other oils, almond can be replaced by any, even the most expensive makeup remover. Dip a cotton swab in a little warm oil and wipe your face with it. And, of course, this useful product can be used as a basis for preparing a huge number of masks.

Almond oil for the skin

Masks for skin with almond oil

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes is an excellent nourishing and tonic. Also on its basis, you can prepare an excellent mask for skin prone to rashes. To do this, mix raw protein, a little oil and tincture of hypericum. Regular use of this simple remedy will help you quickly get rid of acne and acne.

You can also prepare the next simple mask that will refresh your look. Mix the yolk with two tablespoons of almond oil and apply the resulting mixture on the face. It is worth noting that you can apply almond oil to the skin around the eyes, the entire face and even use it for hair care.

Almond oil can do real miracles. The most important thing is to find a mask that is right for your skin. And soon you will see for yourself the usefulness and effectiveness of this oil.

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