The most effective conspiracies for money

Everyone wants good health, love and material well-being. And often people resort to magical rituals, hoping to get what they want. Money conspiracies have been known for a long time and are considered an effective method of attracting material success. The effectiveness of such methods can be explained from an esoteric point of view. As you know, thought is material, and spoken aloud is doubly material. The energy that is invested in a conspiracy or spell feeds the egregor (a kind of energy substance that returns the converted energy in the form of fulfilled desires), in this case money. Therefore, the power of monetary conspiracies is quite real. But before moving on to specific rituals, you need to learn a few rules, following which you can prevent the outflow of money.

  • You should always take a trifle, for example, you canโ€™t refuse to give up at the store.
  • On Sunday, all the small coins accumulated in the wallet must be distributed to the poor.
  • You can not lend money on Monday and evening.
  • Sweeping floors should only be from the threshold.
  • You canโ€™t give animals just like that, you need to take at least a nominal fee.
  • Do not store empty bottles in the house.
  • The broom should always stand with its throwing side down.
  • In the wallet, banknotes should be stored facing the holder and be arranged in ascending order.
  • To attract money, the wallet should be black or red, preferably square.
  • You canโ€™t transfer money from hand to hand, you need to put it on some surface.
  • Money loves accuracy. You can not store crumpled bills in your pocket.
  • It is impossible for the wallet to be empty - at least one bill must always remain in it.

In order for the money to come, you need to want it. You can not complain about a material shortage. The phrase: โ€œIf you want to be rich, live like a richโ€ has the right to exist. You need to inspire yourself constantly and daily: "I am rich", "money loves me and comes to me in a continuous stream." Self-hypnosis is a very strong thing and tested on many people.

Now consider the most popular and effective conspiracies for money.

  1. It is believed that the most powerful conspiracy for money is a conspiracy for a young moon. On the first or second day of the lunar cycle, you need to go out at midnight, pick up bills (preferably large ones), "show" them a month and repeat 10 times: "As the moon grows, so do my incomes."
  2. The most popular church conspiracies for money. They buy 5 church candles, put them on banknotes and hide them for 5 days in a secluded place. Before hiding, they say: "Money is coming, money is floating, like candles are burned out, I will become rich." After 5 days, the candles are taken out and burned a day, one at a time (in the evening), and the enchanted notes do not spend.
  3. Conspiracy for fast money. You need to take a bill, roll it up with a tube, and bind it with a red woolen thread. When tying, sentence: "how many fish are in the sea, how many leaves are on the tree, how much sand is in the river, so much money will come to me." A bill should always be carried with you to attract good luck.
  4. A plot with grain. For this, you need to strip naked, and sprinkle yourself with grain, saying: "money for bread, bread for money." Another conspiracy: grain or cereal should be spread out in all corners of the house, saying to each: "As the field is rich in spikelets, so I am in cash."

Money conspiracies will only work if a person believes in them. Therefore, making a conspiracy, you need to make an effort, wish with all your heart wealth. It is worth noting that you can not use several conspiracies at the same time, at least you can not do more than one ritual during the lunar month. Do not engage in raising money on Monday, the best days for attracting wealth are Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

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