Why do we need a characteristic from the place of practice

Characterization from the place of practice is a necessary condition for obtaining a diploma of higher education, but not all students understand what information should be contained in the characterization and why this document is needed. This article exhaustively answers these questions.

Why do we need a characteristic from the place of practice?

Studying at the university is a labor-intensive process, which includes both obtaining theoretical knowledge in the framework of listening to lectures and developing professional skills in the process of attending seminars and practical training. After its completion, the student writes a report, and his supervisor writes a characterization from the place of practical training, which is a reflection of his success and an independent assessment of the skills and abilities useful in professional activities.

student characteristics from the place of practice

Who writes the student profile?

The author of the characteristics of the student from the place of practice is his immediate supervisor, that is, the person who oversees his activities, gives production tasks and checks the results. This person may be the head of a department or department, senior specialist or employee with some professional experience. To be able to verify the authenticity of the characteristic, the manager must sign, stamp, and in some cases leave his phone number.

student characteristics from the place of practice

An example of a performance characteristic

What does the sample look like? In general, we can say that at the moment there is no single form that would be used to write the characteristics of the student from the place of practice. However, it is desirable that the document includes the following components:

  1. The full name of the practice site. You can also specify the legal form of the company, its details, address and phone number.
  2. Responsibilities that were entrusted to the student, and the results of their implementation. These may include assistance in the implementation of business negotiations, settlements within the framework of a particular project, preparation of documents, assistance in the implementation of document management and so on.
  3. Skills demonstrated through practice. These may include, for example, knowledge of office programs, the ability to conduct business negotiations, the ability to carry out large-scale mathematical calculations and other skills that are used in the framework of professional activities.
  4. Student's personal qualities, for example, commitment, punctuality and responsibility, high efficiency and ability to work in a team.
  5. Position of student curator, his details and signature.
  6. Seal of organization.
feature example

Relationship characteristics with the place of practice and the sphere of professional activity of the student

It is necessary to understand the specifics of the profession, which is obtained by the student, and write a description, taking it into account. So, for example, a characteristic of an economist from a place of practice may include information about the student’s ability to carry out financial analysis of production indicators, knowledge of accounting and tax accounting, the ability to use marketing tools to solve production problems.

field practice

Where can be useful?

Firstly, it is necessary to remember that a characteristic from the place of practice is a necessary condition without which a student cannot continue his studies at the university. After passing practice in many universities, a procedure for protecting the report is provided. In the absence of characteristics, the report cannot be accepted.

Secondly, the characterization is a significant addition to the resume, especially in the initial stages of a career. Many employers are interested in learning as much as possible about the knowledge and skills of an employee before taking him to a vacant position, and characterization is an ideal tool for obtaining such information. Perhaps it is a characteristic from the place of practice that will tell you much more than a simple story about yourself. After all, it is in her that a view from the outside is given, moreover from a person who already has some professional experience.

Thirdly, many companies implement their own competitions and targeted programs, participation in which involves a comparison of the portfolio of participants, which includes information on their achievements and successes. A positive characteristic from the place of practice is a document that is able to strengthen the portfolio and highlight it against the background of competitors, as it indicates the presence of some professional experience.

It is for these reasons that one cannot relate to production practices irresponsibly. In addition to the opportunity to get a job after internship, there are many bonuses and preferences that can be obtained due to the presence of a positive characteristic in the portfolio.

field practice example

Fictitious characteristic from the place of practice - is the game worth the candle?

Currently, there are many companies that conduct illegal activities to issue fictitious characteristics from the place of practice. At first glance, this is very convenient: you do not need to look for a place where to practice, and there is no need to visit the practice itself. There is an opportunity to organize an unscheduled vacation.

However, you must understand that, firstly, falsification of documents is a criminal offense. In addition, the university can at any time check whether the student really did practice at any production, just by making one short call. And if the fraud is revealed, the student will inevitably be punished in the form of expulsion from the university without the right to restoration.

characteristic of the economist

You need to think a thousand times before deciding to take such a step, because its consequences can be dire. Practice is a great way to gain new knowledge and skills, so it is foolish to voluntarily give up such an opportunity.

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