Lack of sex: what is dangerous, how does it affect the body

For full happiness, each person needs a different person with whom you can share all the hardships and joys of life, as well as feel true closeness. Of course, a best friend may be suitable for this purpose, but, despite this, a person mentally wants more. A sexual partner is vital, as lack of sex is extremely dangerous for the body and can carry many consequences. That is why not only men, but also women should be sexually active.

In this article, we will find out why the lack of sex life is dangerous for both sexes. Therefore, carefully read the information presented in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible.

Sexual rebirth

Doctors simply conducted a huge number of studies confirming that to refrain from leading a sexual life is extremely dangerous for the mental and physical health of a person. However, no one says that you need to have sex with the first comer. Far from it. Sexual life can only be beneficial if you have sex with someone very close to you.

love joy

According to doctors, if the lack of sex does not cause you discomfort, then there is no serious reason for excitement. After all, each person has a different sexual activity. Someone lacks two sexual acts per day, and someone can spend months and even years without sex.

Listen to the scientists

Carrying out various scientific studies confirms that the absence of sex life destroys all spheres of human life. Thus, intimate starvation can lead to mental and physical health disorders, spoil the mood and cause many other problems.

Wrong thoughts

It is believed that the lack of sex helps to conceive a child. So, if a man refuses sex for several days in a row, then the amount of sperm produced during this period will increase, which means that the likelihood of conception will increase. However, scientists say that abstinence does not always lead to the onset of a much-desired pregnancy. In addition, it can provoke a number of other problems. Therefore, for a happy family life it is very important to have sex as often as possible.

upset girl

Some people believe that life without sex can rejuvenate and bring the body a lot of physical and spiritual benefits. But this is far from the case. The absence of love joys will only accelerate the aging process of the body, and also worsen the activity of the central nervous system.

The danger of lack of sex life for men

It is very tight for the representative of the stronger sex without an intimate life. A man just needs to be sexually active in order to continue his race. If a representative of the stronger sex simply does not have enough sex at home, he can consciously commit treason. After all, this is the physiological need of the body, and there is no getting away from it. Let us consider in more detail what sexual abstinence in men can lead to.

Men's problems

Long life without sex can lead to problems with potency. Every man wants to be healthy, sexually active and not to know what premature ejaculation, prostatitis and serious problems with erection are. At the same time, keep in mind that abstinence is dangerous for both guys and the elderly.

men's problems

The older the man, the more difficult it will be to restore his sexual functions. But once again it is worth mentioning that sex will only be beneficial if it is part of family life. Indiscriminate sex life can cause even more trouble than problems with potency.

The occurrence of nervous system problems

Irregular sex life leads to the development of mental instability. As you know, during intercourse, a large amount of testosterone is produced in the male body. An insufficient level of this hormone in the male body affects the emotional state.

lack of sex

A person becomes unsatisfied with his life. He is haunted by depression and a bad mood. As a result, problems arise at work and in the personal sphere. Therefore, regular sex life will help a man to remain calm and balanced in any situation.

Hormonal problems

Lack of sex leads to hormonal imbalance. Disruption of the hormonal background can cause the development of very dangerous diseases, including diabetes. Improper production of hormones will worsen the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Hormones also have a direct effect on the human nervous system. Their imbalance can lead to problems such as a split personality, the appearance of various obsessive thoughts and conditions.

Why women should not abstain

If previously it was believed that sex is very important only for men, now opinion has changed dramatically. The lack of sexual life in women leaves a serious imprint on health. Consider what this could lead to.

The presence of gynecological diseases

If a woman is sexually aroused, then more blood will flow into the pelvic organs. Abstinence also contributes to the fact that this blood begins to stagnate. And this leads to serious pathologies in the ovaries, appendages and the uterus itself. In addition, the lack of sex in a woman can disrupt her menstrual cycle.

mental disorder

At the same time, menstruation itself is very painful, can be accompanied by a large number of secretions. It's no secret that sex during menstruation also benefits women's health, significantly reducing pain.

Hormonal problems

During sexual intercourse, a large number of hormones of joy and pleasure are produced in the female body. Such hormones are very necessary for the body, as they give a feeling of some happiness. To make up for them, the fair sex begins to actively consume sugary or alcohol-containing drinks, which leads to excessive excess weight or alcoholism. In addition, the female body decreases testosterone, which is responsible for the beauty of the skin and hair.

Psychological problems

Do not forget that the absence of a sexual life adversely affects the psyche of a woman. A sexually unsatisfied woman can be very easily identified. Her mood is constantly changing, and she also becomes overly irritable. Such a representative of the fair sex is constantly suffering from depression, as well as personality disorder. Please note that no supplements and vitamins can fully replace sexual intercourse.

Immunity issues

A large number of scientific studies confirm the fact that the absence of sexual life significantly impairs immunity. So, regular sex increases the number of immune cells in the body by as much as thirty percent. And this suggests that a person will be able to resist viral and bacterial infections.

Benefit or harm

Of course, all scientists say that sexual life is essential for the human body, but sexual abstinence can provoke a lot of problems. Only a full regular sexual life with a regular partner will help normalize the hormonal background, as well as protect the human body from a large number of diseases.

sex life

However, there are people who completely refuse sex. This may include highly spiritual representatives, as well as people suffering from mental disorders.

As you know, sexual energy gives the human body a very strong charge. However, asexuals say that this type of energy can be used in a different way. That is, direct it along a different course. For example, turn into creative energy.

Man and woman

But still you won’t get anywhere from physiology. A complete rejection of sex will lead to serious hormonal malfunctions and problems with internal organs.


In this article, we examined how the lack of sex life affects the body. It can be concluded that sex is an integral part of an adult's relationship. An active and vibrant sex life improves physical and mental health, and also increases the level of happiness and satisfaction. However, do not forget that sex can only be beneficial if two people who truly love each other participate in it. Help your soulmate maintain health and youth.

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