When to change a car? Winter tire fitting time

Throughout the year, there are two periods of time: the first snow in the winter and the beginning of the thaw in the spring. That is what most service stations look forward to. There is enough work then. Unexpected snow cover threatens drivers with unpleasant incidents on the road. Also, with the first plus temperature, many motorists are in a hurry to send winter tires to rest. You need to think carefully when to change the car. Regardless of the tires installed, you need to drive carefully, carefully and keep a distance.

Optimum replacement time

Do not rely on the first snow cover as a reason to urgently change tires. It’s time to change the car when the average daily temperature reaches 5-8 degrees above zero. This will avoid unforeseen situations on the road. Weather conditions are often unpredictable, but even with the appearance of snow on the road, he will not lie for long, because the road surface has not had time to cool to sub-zero temperatures.

when to change the car

There is no specific calendar framework for replacement; no one knows for sure what date to change a car. The transition to summer tires is necessary in early or mid-April, without waiting for a massive flow to services. Timely replacement will allow you to feel confident and avoid rush queues at tire stations. You need to consider tips and listen to intuition.

Is it possible to travel in winter on summer tires?

If the tires do not meet the weather conditions, then ride on them is prohibited. Summer type of tires is not intended for operation in winter conditions. They lose traction, tanning and are easily damaged, which can lead to disastrous consequences. The main goal of every driver is to provide a personal car with winter shoes before the snow and sleet. When the first frosts occur after a few days, as a rule, a small thaw is observed.

when to change a car for the winter
It is for those who do not know when to change a car for the winter that this period of time exists. Also, from December 1, traffic police will have the right to fine the driver for traveling on rubber that does not correspond to the time of winter operation. There is a possibility of trouble for every motorist - the weather took by surprise. In this case, you can ask your friends to take the wheels to the tire shop to make the transition to winter tires. These options are recommended and safe. An excellent solution to the problem is to purchase spare wheels with winter tires - then there is no reason for excitement.

The influence of plus temperatures on winter tires

Companies involved in the production of shoes for cars always report the optimum temperature when to change the car, that is, the conditions for installation and proper use of tires. It is their winter version that retains elasticity in frosty conditions.

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At temperatures above zero degrees, such rubber has increased wear, and the car will behave completely differently. Summer shoes freezes, has a low coefficient of adhesion to the road surface, making braking and cornering ineffective. To be sure, you need to inspect the tires, clean the winter tread from clogging and periodically wash it with soap and water. It is also recommended that the wheels be swapped regularly, as they often have uneven wear. Proper care is a guarantee of a longer product life. Otherwise, the movement may be unsafe.

Differences between winter and summer tires

If you think about when to change the car for the winter, a large number of people consider the tread pattern to be one of the main differences between tires. The main difference is in the composition of the tire material. In frosty weather, winter types of wheels are elastic, do not harden, provide good grip on the road. The design of their tread has adhesive properties to the coating. When the tread hardens, these properties will not work. Its shape is designed in such a way as to ensure the removal of water and snow and to exclude natural lubrication between the wheel and asphalt. There are tire models developed from innovative water-repellent materials. Summer species are opposite in properties.

Should I use year-round products?

Many people wonder when to change a car between cold and heat. It is during this short period that you can use these types of shoe wheels. It is best to use rubber separately for winter and summer, that is, specially designed for a specific time of year.

In terms of economy, a pair of kits has a longer life than one. The rubber used during the period of the year for which it is produced is characterized by high wear resistance and gives stability to the vehicle on the road. It is better to refrain from operating all-season tires.

Where to change a car?

To change tires on a car, you will need to visit a station or a workshop dealing with tire business. She has all the necessary technological equipment. At the station, the master replaces with a stand. During the installation of new tires, sealed lubricant is applied. After all, the chamberless type of wheels replaced the camera type of wheels. All work takes about an hour. In addition, workers will definitely balance the disks.

transition to winter tires

Many service stations may have a mobile tire service team that has the option of leaving home. All devices they have mounted on the basis of the car. Some workshops provide tire repair services. A side cut or puncture can be eliminated, after which a longer operation is possible.

Tire price

Before making the transition to winter tires, most drivers ask themselves: how much does this procedure cost? Replacing a set of tires and balancing wheels will cost about 800 rubles. It still depends on the management of the station. The rubber replacement period marks a profitable time for all workshop owners, so pricing may vary. Some owners of service stations are very impudent, setting space prices for their services in such a rush time. Many tire service companies cooperate with tire and tire sellers and can persuade them to replace a wheel or tires without any reason. In this matter, vigilance is required.

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Some stations offer services for seasonal storage of rubber, and this is good in the absence of their own storage space. The price of such pleasure will be about 4000 rubles. Moreover, for the disposal of old tires will have to pay a certain amount of money. In order not to puzzle over how much it costs to change a car, you need to do everything thoughtfully and in time to avoid queues and high expenses.

Can service be excluded by unscrupulous organizations?

During the season, many workshops hire non-professional specialists in their field. This applies to newly opened installation companies offering tempting discounts, because the time has come when a large number of customers are going to change their shoes. There are many who want to quickly hit the jackpot. Often such workers provide poor-quality services, and they should beware. They can be misleading about the poor condition of the tires and their replacement, although the tires can still ride more than one season. There is also the possibility of damage to the heads of secret bolts and threads.

where to change a car

You need to contact certified services that have been working in this area for several years, so as not to be deceived. A positive sign will be the possibility of issuing a cashier's check and the availability of a terminal for payment by credit card. Well, if there is modern technical equipment. It is also recommended that other drivers be interested in this procedure.

Is it worth it to personally carry out tire operations?

You can do it yourself, but you need to have some tools. For those who wondered how to change a car themselves, it is minimally necessary to purchase or make two pullers. The first device serves to separate the tire from the base and consists of a movable part that allows pressure on the tire. The second element is needed to fix the product on the disk. The following tool is used to remove rubber from the disc (after disconnecting the first puller). It consists of a gear roller and three studs. Thus, the device is fixed in the disk, a rubber collar is applied to the roller and the gear is turned with a key. As a result, the tire is removed.

it's time to change the car
For the reverse operation, you need to fill the shoulder under the roller. Work with one wheel will take about 20 minutes. You can also purchase used equipment and customize it. In extreme cases, it is possible to use the chisels and use them as pullers. But such a procedure will take more time and require considerable physical effort.

So, we found out how much it costs to change a car and when to do it. Remember that careful attention to the car can at one point save your life.

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