Choosing a bouquet for a man: design options

In the minds of the vast majority of modern people, the idea that giving men flowers is not accepted. However, as practice shows, representatives of the strong half of humanity perceive such signs of attention very favorably and even willingly. So what kind of bouquet for a man to choose? You can find the answer in this article.

Bouquet for a man
When choosing a bouquet for a man, you should give preference to flowers of the same species or variety - this will help give the composition rigor and elegance. We should not forget about the elements of decor, most often for this purpose a variety of greens is used. Massive leaves and stems of emerald color will look especially impressive. To the category of "male" colors include hippeastrum, popularly often referred to as amaryllises. Moreover, their color can be very different and vary from light red to salmon. It is difficult to name another such flower that can compete with hippeastrum in terms of expressiveness and power. Several buds, combined into a common ensemble, can repeatedly enhance the impression of a bouquet.

Gifts to the leader
In the bouquet for a man, you can also include such tall and "purposeful" flowers as gladioli or irises. Bright, large exotic plants such as anthurium, protea or heliconia will also look very organic. The beauty of such flowers lies in their unpretentiousness and long flowering. Universal roses, chrysanthemums, carnations can also be a good solution.

Is it worth mentioning that a bouquet for a man should not be decorated with all kinds of bows, ryushechkami and butterflies. Gold packaging in this case is also not suitable. Pick something more neutral and unobtrusive. It is better if the paper for decoration will be combined with the color of the leaves or the colors themselves.

Bouquet of sweets for men
If you are not sure that the classic bouquet will be favorably received by the addressee, a bouquet of chocolates for men can become an original alternative to such a present. When choosing gifts for a leader or a businessman who is familiar, do not immediately discard this option. Modern companies that provide services for the compilation of such compositions will select for you the ideal option that is fully consistent with the business image and the preferences of its recipient. If you want to buy such a bouquet for a man from your inner circle, it can be made in a less formal style. However, it should be borne in mind that bouquets of sweets or toys are more suitable for young people who have a good sense of humor. Respectable respectable men are unlikely to appreciate it. For them, there is a more sophisticated solution - a basket with a bottle of brandy and a box of good chocolates, decorated with fresh flowers. Such a present will not only emphasize the status of a man, but also demonstrate your respect for his person.

In conclusion, it should be noted: no matter what bouquet you choose for a man, the main thing is that he be presented with all his heart and be accompanied by warm and sincere wishes. And then you can be sure that such a present will cause a lot of positive emotions.

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