How to accept Islam? Features, requirements and consequences

In this article we will talk about how to convert to Islam in the modern world, what reasons can lead a person to become a follower of this religion, and also a little about Islam itself. In addition, we will mention the features of the life of Muslims, which may look at the same time both advantages and disadvantages.

How to accept Islam?

muslim woman

Before talking about how to become a follower of the teachings of Muhammad, it is worth remembering about himself. Islam is by no means a fundamentally new faith - the fact is that it is the only true teaching that states that there is only one God, and that he should be worshiped. This idea was broadcast through many prophets: among them were the first man Adam, Noah, King Solomon, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ. Thus, Islam has always existed. By the way, from Arabic the very word "Islam" is translated as "obedience", that is, fidelity to God's laws, through which a person can find peace with himself and the Lord.

The coming of the prophet

However, in the course of history, the doctrine sent down by God was mutated and distorted - for this reason, more and more prophets were sent to Earth. First, indeed, faith in the One Creator was questioned, and secondly, each messenger told people a little more about God - but just as much as they can accept at their stage of development. So, the books in which Divine revelation is stated can no longer be a reliable guide to action for sincere believers, and even they have already departed from the only true teaching. Then, six hundred years after Jesus came to Earth, Allah sent his prophet Muhammad, who was the last in a large chain of messengers of God (there were about one hundred and twenty-four in total). It was he who conveyed to people the finally formed teaching, which his followers adhere to this day. The first to convert to Islam was Abu Bakr, but the very first follower and associate of the prophet was his beloved wife Khadija.

Preparation for adoption

muslim family

Many outsiders tend to relate to Islam rather negatively than positively - in their minds there are enough unpleasant stereotypes about the followers of this ancient religion. However, everything changes when a person learns more about the tradition and the people who follow it. Often, an interest in an unusual culture, which is inextricably linked with religion, leads to the fact that he agrees with the basic principles of Islam and becomes morally ready to accept it. Then the question arises: โ€œHow to convert to Islam?โ€ After all, if you have encountered other religions before, then you know that in most of them there is sometimes a very complicated adoption procedure. For many, this becomes a stumbling block.

Before thinking directly about the procedure, it is worth understanding why a person needs it, what exactly he is looking for in religion. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone.

In the future, it is necessary to study the basic principles of Islam, the main book of the tradition is the Quran. In many cities, there are special centers where you can attend courses for those interested in Islam. It may be wise to chat with familiar Muslims, if there are such people in the environment, or to get to know them in reality or on the Internet. Communication with followers of religion will undoubtedly allow a better understanding of its specificity. By the way, communicating with new converts also helps in finding your own way - their experience will allow you to evaluate options for developing your own future. In addition, it is often important for a neophyte to understand what kind of people converted to Islam, what they are. Nevertheless, the environment plays an important role in making such a responsible decision as the choice of religion. In addition, a lot depends on the year in which these people converted to Islam. Many argue that their life has changed significantly for the better after this important step, that they have become much happier, that their view of events from the "past" life has changed dramatically. Belief in Allah helped them to believe in themselves as well, that they are really capable of following the right path, making fewer mistakes and transforming themselves into a strong person worthy of paradise.

muslim women in hijabs

In order to become a follower of the Prophet Muhammad, you must first of all be sure that this is really your religion. Of course, this question arises when a person decides whether to accept Islam, but the answer to it must be true, because it is given to Allah, and not to people. In addition, a person must believe in God and in no one but him, believe that the Holy Quran is the word of Allah, believe in prophets and angels, and also that the Day of Judgment will come sooner or later, as promised .

Adoption procedure

Actually, accepting Islam at first glance is very simple. There are no special examinations or ceremonies in this religion to become its follower, as is the case in Christianity or Judaism. In order to learn how to convert to Islam, it is enough to read or recite the testimony of faith - al-shahada, as it is called in Arabic. An approximate translation of this short text is: โ€œThere is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.โ€ But, of course, just saying this phrase is not enough. It is necessary to understand its meaning and really believe in it - for the most part, the followers of Islam believe that the thoughtless utterance of the shahada is not enough to become a follower of the teachings of Muhammad, otherwise everything would be too simple.

Stereotypes about the adoption procedure

It is believed that it is important where to convert to Islam. Some people believe that the mosque will be the only right place for this, and it is necessary that there be people in it at that time who can testify to the newly arrived member of the Ummah, the Muslim community. Of course, this is ideal, but it is not fundamentally important to observe this point. However, it is good for at least one Muslim to hear a person uttering words that are part of Islam.

In addition, some believe that in order for a man to become a Muslim, circumcision is necessary. This is not entirely true - for a Muslim, this action is necessary, but it can be done even after the moment when the man comes to Islam.

The same applies to thorough thorough ablution - indeed, it must be done after the shahada is pronounced in order to begin your first prayer. But before accepting Islam, ablution is optional.

Note for women

Many people have a question: โ€œHow to convert Islam to a girl?โ€ The adoption procedure is common for both men and women. Of course, the consequences should be taken into account - after all, the situation of women in Islam is quite peculiar and unusual for Europeans, and at first glance it may seem completely wild. Therefore, a girl should study gender issues well and think more than once about her decision, which will have a strong impact on her life and worldview.

The benefits of Islam

The followers of this religion can give numerous examples of what Islam, in their opinion, is much better than other possible options. Let's consider some of them.

hajj muslims

So, in Islam, a person turns to Allah directly, without intermediaries, thus establishing a personal connection with God. He always remembers that His life is known to the Almighty, and he, if necessary, can come to the rescue.

Islam contains the answers to almost all the questions that a person may have during his life, allowing you to know exactly what behavior or decision will be correct in a particular situation. Islam in this sense is very concrete in itself, and the options for actions offer almost always unambiguous.

It is interesting that, unlike the followers of other religions, Muslims do not need to turn to a mediator to repent of their sins, if they were committed. Since we have already said that personal contact with God is being established here, the process of repentance should be as sincere as possible - only in this case, gracious Allah will forgive sins. By the way, a person who converted to Islam is absolutely forgiven of all committed misconduct. In fact, after coming to this religion, he begins life anew, from scratch.

Future life

mosque in Russia

There is also no doubt that if a person finds himself in Islam, then he receives peace and tranquility in his soul. However, such an argument can be made in favor of any religion - for a sincere believer always finds what he is looking for. And of course, having come to Islam, a person saves himself from hellish torment, and if he leads a virtuous life, he will be able to earn the mercy of Allah in the future and gain a place in paradise. According to the faith of Muslims, life there will be much better than on Earth, but, interestingly, everything will be clothed in the same, in fact, physical flesh as in this world. Paradise is no less but even more real than Earth.

Russian Muslims

Russians who converted to Islam are far from being as rare as they might seem at first glance. The reasons leading ethnic Russians to Islam are numerous. This is personal sympathy, and the weakness of the Christian tradition in the family, and marriages with Muslims, which represent a significant stratum of the population in our country. It is worth noting that the number of Russians who converted to Islam increased significantly in the period after perestroika.

History examples

Muslims in Russia

In the history of Russia of previous eras, there are not so many similar examples; nevertheless, the traditional religion - Christianity was too strong. However, there have always been exceptions to the rules - in the context of this topic, one can recall another story from the annals of how Prince Vladimir made his choice of religion. As everyone remembers, among several options was Islam, but according to legend, the prince rejected it, since in this religion there is a ban on the use of alcoholic beverages. At a later time, voluntary conversion to Islam remained rare, but during the war with countries dominated by Muslims, some prisoners of war converted to Islam: some voluntarily, others forcedly. And in the Council Code of 1649 there was even a note on the strict prohibition of the decline of the Orthodox to the Muslim faith. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the situation changed dramatically, and examples of conversion to Islam began to appear more often. The peak, as already mentioned, fell on the 1990s.

Religion of Protest

mosque in pakistan

In many ways, Islam looks to Russians as a religion of protest against Orthodoxy - especially for some young people who did not find answers to their questions in Christian churches and who considered the traditional religion something unpopular and even possibly dangerous in the turbulent modern world. But in general, Islam is positioned as a universal religion, which is able to give answers to all problematic questions, which is invariably relevant, and which is based purely on common sense. By the way, for some Muslims, the fact that ethnic Russians convert to Islam is proof that this is a generalized and only true religion for any person, regardless of ethnic or racial affiliation.

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