Fresh and crispy taste cookies - who doesn’t like such sweets? Many nursing mothers are also not averse to treat themselves to delicious pastries. However, they are stopped by its possible negative effect on the newborn's body.
So, what kind of cookies can I breastfeed? The article will discuss the permitted baking, its positive and negative qualities.
The benefits of cookies for lactation
Like any product, such baking can both help and hurt. The benefits of cookies experts include:
- A large amount of carbohydrates in its composition. Such food is able to charge a woman’s body with energy, which is especially important for her during breastfeeding.
- Sweets ( scientists have proven this) provide the production of endorphins - special substances that help improve mood. But because sweet cookies will help get rid of frequent depression during lactation.
- Also, such baking is involved in the production of another hormone - serotonin. It is he who makes it easier for a woman to cope with insomnia and fatigue.
Therefore, to the question whether you can eat cookies with breastfeeding or not, the answer follows: the benefits of its use are still present.
The harm of baking
But any product has not only useful qualities. It can negatively affect the body of crumbs and mothers. So, the following facts are related to the minuses of cookies:
- The use of sweets in large quantities is harmful to health. If there is baking without any norms, there is a risk that a woman will gain excess weight. It can also lead to caries. And nursing mothers are already at risk.
- Simple carbohydrates in a woman’s diet sometimes negatively affect a newborn. For example, eating biscuits in large quantities can cause diathesis in infants.
- Baking based on yeast sometimes leads to the appearance of increased gas formation and colic in babies.
Thus, cookies can be eaten while breastfeeding, but in limited quantities. In this case, it can only bring benefits to the body.
And neither stress nor other problems should force a nursing mother to consume baked goods in kilograms.
Now another question arises: what kind of cookies can I breastfeed? In the first month after the birth of a child, a woman should exclude products from her diet that can cause him an allergy. And therefore, cookies should be chosen one that does not harm the newborn.
What is the safest treat
Today, it is not so easy for a nursing mother to choose the right kind of product because of its variety. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to these types of cookies:
- Oatmeal.
- "Anniversary".
- Galetnoe (with or without sugar).
- Rye
- Corn.
- Curd.
- You can have Maria cookies. When breastfeeding, it is the most popular and useful.
And from such types of cookies as shortbread, chocolate and crackers, it is best for mother to refuse during lactation. In addition, the product should not contain fillers, spices and various fillings.
Another question that interests moms: is it possible to have baby cookies with breastfeeding? After all, it is produced specifically for babies. This means that it contains many useful substances, and the content of harmful substances is minimized. The answer of experts: yes, such cookies are allowed to be used during breastfeeding.
Now a little about the composition and benefits of permitted products.
Properties of Oatmeal Cookies
It has already been noted that a product made from oatmeal is approved for use by nursing mothers. However, most often such cookies are baked from wheat flour. So, in its composition, most likely, there are gluten, palm oil and preservatives. Therefore, it will be more useful to cook oatmeal cookies yourself. Then it will definitely contain many useful substances: vitamins A, B, micro and macro elements (iron, selenium, manganese). Oatmeal cookies also contain fiber, which prevents constipation and improves bowel function.
The following ingredients are needed to make goodies:
- 3 cups of oatmeal;
- 3 eggs;
- milk (170 g);
- vanillin on the tip of a knife;
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
The cooking process includes the following steps:
- Oatmeal is poured with water so that they swell.
- Then add the remaining ingredients.
- On a baking sheet greased with butter, spread the dough in the form of cookies using a spoon.
Bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
This dessert is definitely allowed, but in limited quantities, of course. One correction - the recipe is suitable for mothers of babies who normally carry chicken eggs. Although allergies to this product in baking are less likely than when they are used in their pure form.
And one more thing: if the baby’s body reacts negatively to milk, it is best to replace it with water.
Lactation Galette Cookies
This is a satisfying and at the same time dietary product, so it is included in the diet, requiring some nutritional restrictions.
When women think about what kind of cookies can be breastfed, experts advise using it. The flour from which the product is prepared is rich in fiber. Ready cookies contain micro and macro elements (zinc, iodine, phosphorus and others).
However, the composition of the cookies still contains fats and carbohydrates, which can lead to the appearance of excess weight in nursing mothers. Therefore, it is better to use it only as a snack.
The recipe for such a product is also quite simple, and it will not be difficult to cook it yourself.
The following products are required for biscuit cookies:
- water (110 ml);
- wheat flour 1 grade (400 g);
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
- some vanillin;
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
Water is poured into the container at room temperature. Add the remaining components. The dough should have a thick consistency. It is rolled into a not too thick layer and then cut out with a glass of circles.
A baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil or lined with baking paper. The product is laid out and baked at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.
By the way, you can make dietary cookies without sugar.
"Mary" while breastfeeding
Such a product is the most useful and least allergenic of all types of sweets. The cookie recipe is very simple, and the product itself is nutritious and nutritious, but with a minimal amount of calories.
Therefore, when a woman determines which cookies can be breastfed, the most suitable option is Mary.
This product is also suitable for feeding infants 7-8 months if it is previously soaked in milk.
But before buying this cookie, you need to study its composition. It should not contain preservatives or other harmful components. Despite all the advantages, you should not get involved in the product either - just use it a day for 50-100 g.
How to introduce cookies to a woman’s diet
Now about how much cookies you can use during breastfeeding per day and at what time it is better to start doing this.
Due to the fact that such a delicacy is not the safest product, it is administered carefully, observing the following rules:
- In the first month after childbirth, a woman is allowed to use dry biscuit, baby cookies, or "Maria."
- If a nursing mother suffers from constipation or has had a cesarean section, then she should completely abandon any flour products for some time.
- Initially, they try to eat 1 piece a day and only in the morning. If the baby is calm during the day and does not have allergy symptoms, the amount of the product is increased to 2-4 pcs.
It is best to enjoy cookies in the morning due to its high calorie content.
So, can cookies be used while breastfeeding a newborn? Yes, a nursing mother can afford to indulge them. However, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product and not to purchase it in the store, but to bake it yourself.
And another thing: introducing a new product into the diet, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby. And at the first signs of an allergy, cookies should be deleted from the menu for a while.