What stretch marks appear from and how to get rid of them?

Stretch marks on the body always cause dissatisfaction with yourself. It seems that they are invisible and invisible, but this is not so. Stretch marks can appear due to various reasons, and they should also be treated according to them.

What do stretch marks come from ?

get rid of stretch marks
Stretch marks, or striae, are uneven strips of different widths on the body, that is, these are some kind of skin defects. They can be painted in different ways: from dark red to white. What causes stretch marks on the body? Firstly, these are hormonal changes in the body. These include pregnancy, puberty, the use of drug hormonal drugs, as well as disorders in the endocrine system. Secondly, stretch marks can appear due to the rapid gain in muscle mass and accelerated growth.

How to identify stretch marks on the body? To do this, remember that these are atrophic scars on the abdomen, hips, chest or buttocks.

what stretch marks appear from

If stretch marks are caused by rapid muscle gain, they can also appear on the inside of the arms, hips, and shoulders.

What causes stretch marks on the pope? From many microtraumas of subcutaneous tissue and, therefore, the skin itself. This is usually a genetic predisposition.

How to get rid of stretch marks? Is this possible ? It is worthwhile to immediately warn that it is possible to completely get rid of stretch marks only with the help of surgical intervention, since striae are complex skin defects. What can be done at home? You can noticeably weaken the color intensity of stretch marks and smooth the skin. The following tools are used for this:

  • mud and algae wraps;
  • cosmetic masks;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • massage and compresses;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • home peeling;
  • mesotherapy.

After it became clear what stretch marks appear from, you can proceed with a possible home treatment. What is advisable to do? Firstly, these are cosmetic masks, usually oily. They help smooth the upper skin, making it smoother and more elastic. To do this, prepare the following mass: 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil or almond oil + 4 drops of essential oil of juniper and orange, mix everything and apply to massage areas with massage movements.

from which there are stretch marks on the pope
Secondly, mud wraps. To do this, you need to buy kelp at the pharmacy. It should be diluted with warm water, add 4 drops of essential oil of juniper and orange, mix everything, apply to unwanted stretch marks, wrap with cling film on top and walk like that for 40 minutes.

Thirdly, home peeling will help smooth the skin . It is advisable to use sea salt and coffee, since these components are natural, the result of their action will not be long in coming.

What are stretch marks? What causes stretch marks on the body? How to get rid of them? All these issues have been and will be of concern to women all over the world. It is important to know that they can significantly reduce their manifestations at home and at no particular cost. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions above.

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