When does the day of angel Daria celebrate on the church calendar?

It is customary to celebrate a name day from the time of the baptism of Rus, when the tradition appeared to give children names in honor of Christians who deserved the right to be ranked as saints by their actions.

Day of the angel Daria celebrates more than once. Many Orthodox saints bear the same name. Therefore, the guardian angel is considered to be the saint whose day is closer to his birthday. More details on this can be found in the church calendar.

Where did the name Daria come from?

Choosing a name for the child, he was given a guardian angel. On the day of the angel, it is customary to attend church, to pray to that saint in whose honor the name is given to a person.

One version says that Daria is a derivative name from the Persian king Darius.

According to another version, this name has Slavic roots and comes from the name of Darin, Darren.

Angel Day Daria

Who is Daria?

The priestess of Athena, the beautiful Daria, a very young woman, was married to Christian Chrysanthus, a native of a noble family. But instead of turning her husband away from Christianity, as his relatives intended, Daria herself became a Christian on her wedding night. A pious couple turned their home into a place for Christian preaching. They converted many citizens to Christianity. There were dissatisfied who did not like it, who subjected them to unearthly torture and hard labor. The couple was buried alive for their faith. So the Roman Chrysanthus and Daria perished. The Orthodox calendar celebrates Angel Day on April 1 (March 19).

Church Day Daria's Angel

Meaning of the name

Translated from the ancient Persian language means strong, victorious, sovereign, woman-fire.

Since childhood, this is a girl full of energy, cheerful, inspiring. She shows sufficient hardness. Clockwork, impulsive, often the ringleader, the soul of the company.

Able to quickly concentrate, abruptly switch to another type of activity. Sensitive nature, sometimes flowing from one extreme to another. She does not know how to do half, always gives all the best for 100%. Able, successful in all areas of life, reaches its goals. The rule of her life is to walk like a walk! She is straightforward, always says what she thinks, and this often spoils her life. It is never petty, always remains faithful to friends, their values, chosen one.


The day of the angel Daria on the church calendar is celebrated more than once. There are many saints with monotonous names. And then Saint Daria is considered the patroness , whose name-days coincide or are closer to the woman's birthday.

The birthday or the day of the angel Daria celebrates April 1, April 4 and August 17.

On April 1, they remember the martyr Daria of Rome, who suffered for her faith in the third century. AD The church also mentions Daria, who died from the enemies of the Christian faith in the second century.

Church Day Daria's Angel


On the day of the angel Daria, according to church tradition, it is customary to go to the temple, put a candle next to the icon of her patroness, thank, pray for help. And as a gift to get an icon with the face of St. Daria and a prayer for salvation. But in order to earn his favor, one must also remain faithful to oneself, one's own word and faith.

Several times a year the day of the angel Daria is celebrated. According to the church calendar, you can determine exactly when your holy Daria is worshiped. Having received a blessing in the church, you can celebrate birthday, accept warm words of wishes and gifts.

How to congratulate a woman on angel day?

Women are emotional natures, they love tender words of wishes, flowers and gifts for any reason. Therefore, they are especially kind to the day of the angel.

The choice of congratulations on angel's day does not depend on the age and status of the woman. Everyone wishes that the guardian angel was always there, helping, protecting, protecting, averting trouble.

It doesn’t matter in what form the congratulation will sound. Daria knows how to feel people and does not tolerate falsehood. It is important that all the words spoken are sincere, sincere.

Daria name day angel day

Congratulation in verse

The best option for congratulating a woman is always poetry. Internet features make it easy to find the right words. On specialized sites you can find great poems for any reason.

Even better is to write a poem for the birthday girl. On her day, angel Daria will be happy from attention and kind words.

Dear, dear friend,

Today we say a word about you.

For the guardian angel to be a best friend

Protector and benefactor in fate.

To your faith in the name day

I gave you according to your deeds.

Good luck in your life and career.

So that the Lord gives many, many powers.

So you break all the records

So that she could fulfill her dreams.

You go forward in life proudly!

Know how to believe, hope, love!


I wish the guardian angel

Blessed your abode.

So that you live in hope

I was able to achieve everything in life.

For faith to be strong

Successful career.

And life was full of love.

And we were friends with you.


Day of the angel Daria, what date,

Please tell me something.

The friendly company has come today

Say a toast of your own free will.

We will drink for you: you and that

Who always guards

Who is always near, for your angel.

You deserve it. And he knows that.


On the day of the angel named Daria

It is no coincidence that we all gathered.

And fly by swan

Wishes to the angel up.

To send health to you

And he gave his protection.

To always be lucky in fate

To always be in the ranks.

Congratulation in Prose

Sometimes a few simple words are warmer and much more expensive than any solemn speech or ode. A woman perceives reality on emotions. She is able to feel any note of falsehood. On the day of the angel, Daria will especially emotionally accept spiritual wishes in simple words.

“Dear Daria! I want to pray to your guardian angel that he gave me such a girlfriend with a loving heart, a gentle nature and a vulnerable soul. Let him always go next to you, substituting his faithful wing. And when your legs get tired of worries, let them grab you in your arms. They say that with a kiss from an angel, a person receives talents. I wish you to be kissed. And so that you do not spend them, but use them for good. I love you".

“May the Lord send his helper from heaven - an angel who will protect you, protect you, help you in difficult times.”

Day of the angel Daria what date

Short congratulatory poems

Short congratulations can be sent by SMS if you do not have the opportunity to say your wishes in person.

Notes Daria name day,

Angel Day is hers today.

We wish her strength

To always fight for her.


The day of an angel is given to us by God,

To open the doors to heaven.

Love, prayer and incense.

Let us be rewarded by faith.


Let it be like an angel bell

You have a blessing.

We congratulate you very much

Happy angel day and happy birthday.

Day of the angel named Daria

And as a gift for the day of the angel, you can present the icon of the martyr Daria, who will put in a word to the Lord about the birthday girl, if she is asked with a sincere prayer.

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