The medicine. The oldest science of mankind. Long before the formation of states, people lived in a tribe and community. Each of them had its own doctor, healer. At that time, it was treated with herbs, no medicine. That is, it makes us understand that one of the oldest professions is a doctor, and science is medicine.
Of course, ancient people were not born with impeccable knowledge of this science, not at all. The healers were whole generations. This knowledge was transmitted from father to son, from son to his children, and so on. Interestingly, no one could learn this business. Each family, each tribe was in some ways better and worse than others. That is, if one family owned knowledge in medicine, and the other in gathering, then they could not transfer their knowledge to each other.
It has been accepted that every family, tribe or community has unique knowledge. Only after hundreds of years, these foundations and rules began to erode and wear out, mainly, of course, this was due to the discovery of new lands by pioneers.
Medical universities in the world
Over the millennia of the development of medicine, each country has achieved a certain result. When talking about Germany, Israel, America, we immediately think about the high level of development of medicine. But where did they get such advanced medicine and high-class doctors? The level of sponsorship and emphasis on medicine is enormous.
Of course, the level of development of medical schools in the country directly affects. Education in them lasts longer than in any other specialty. On average, this is about six years of study. You also need to say about the internship, that is, a kind of practice, only after which the student becomes a full-fledged doctor.
In recent years, medical higher education institutions of Russia are gaining momentum and striving to reach the level of European universities, of course, this is not so simple, it takes time, for many years, but there is no way out, we need a world level.
The best medical universities in Russia
Let's try to list the top ten best honey. Russian universities:
- The first place is occupied by MGMU.
- Second place - RNIMU.
- Third place - SPbSPMU.
- Fourth place - PSPbGMU.
- Fifth place - NGMU.
- Sixth place - Ryazan State Medical University.
- Seventh place - Volgograd State Medical University.
- Eighth place - Siberian State Medical University.
- Ninth place - Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky.
- And, finally, the honorary tenth - Rostov State Medical University.
This list is compiled according to the rating of medical universities in Russia on the quality of education. We proceed to consider each of them. We will divide them into three groups, in the first there will be universities included in the top 3 in the ranking, in the second - in the top 5, and in 3 - the rest.
First three
Date of foundation of Moscow University. THEM. Sechenov is considered to be the year 1758. The Institute can rightly be called the best medical university in Russia. Mehriban Aliyeva is the wife of President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, and she is a graduate of Moscow State Medical University. A graduate of this university is also Leonid Mikhailovich Pechatnikov - Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Honored Doctor of Russia.
Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov ranks second in our ranking of medical universities in Russia. It was founded over eighty years ago, namely in 1930. The Institute is named after the great Russian surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov. This institute receives over ten thousand new students a year.
St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy is considered the oldest pediatric university not only in Russia, but throughout the world. This institution of higher education was founded five years earlier than the previous university in our top. The enrollment of students here is quite modest, about three thousand a year, but nevertheless it is believed that it is pediatrics that are taught here better than in any other university in our country and in neighboring countries.
The second group of universities
Academician I.P. Pavlov St. Petersburg Medical University is the fourth in our list of the best medical universities in Russia. The institute bears the name of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - a Russian scientist, a Nobel laureate. The end of the nineteenth century, namely 1897, is considered the date of its foundation. In the first year, this university accepts more than 5500 thousand new students. Several times a year is an open day.
Novosibirsk Medical University takes an honorable fifth place in the ranking of medical universities in Russia in terms of the quality of education. It was founded in 1935, more than eighty years ago.
Final five
The Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov was founded in the midst of the Great Patriotic War, in 1943. The university provides an opportunity to visit its walls and get acquainted with the educational process to all comers several times a year. This institute is the youngest in our top.
Volgograd State Medical University was founded in the same year as Novosibirsk State Medical University. In the list of medical universities in Russia, he takes seventh place. Recruitment every year - more than ten thousand new students.
Siberian State Medical University is the largest medical university in Russia in Siberia. The founding date is the fifth of November 1930. The enrollment of students per year is five thousand.
KrasSMU takes the ninth place in our list of Russian universities in the quality of education. The foundation date of this university is considered to be the beginning of the 40s of the last century, namely 1941. An open day at this university is held every fall and spring.
Rostov State Medical University is the last university in our list of medical universities in Russia, occupying an honorable tenth place. The best medical university in the south of Russia. The founding date is the fifth of November 1930. Over its more than half a century history, this university has graduated more than one hundred thousand students.
In the article, we combined the medical universities of Russia into a list, each institute from the rating is special. One is far away in Siberia, the second has existed for more than 250 years, the third oldest in its profile in the world and so on. All of them are good in their own way, each of these institutions has its own unique features. Of course, in our state far from the best higher education institutions in the world, but they strive for improvement. A person who wants to connect his life with this profession will certainly find a university from this list in his own taste.