Carnal love - what is it? The difference between carnal love and true

Ah, what a beautiful word - love! Memories alone make you shine, just a word about her as if wrapping you in a cocoon of intimacy and some mystery. A great many poets sing this feeling with incredible inspiration. Their revelations make you wish the same lightness, breathe the same sweet floral aroma. On the gentle rustling pages and in the gentle harmony of music, love seems capable of any miracles. But is this “desire to touch” in real life so noble?

Carnal love

Illustration of carnal love

One of the most important instincts inherent in man is procreation. It is not surprising that the desire to merge in a single ecstasy with the person who attracts us often arises and is not always easy for him to resist. Mother nature made us feel the pleasure of sex, so that we strive for satisfaction and continue to populate the planet. Society, however, often makes us feel ashamed for this and shuts these “dirty” skeletons tight behind the wardrobe door. So who is right? Is carnal love ugly or natural?

Many of us have friends who are quite successful in carnal pleasures. Yes, they cause different emotions in everyone. But what do we call them? From a natural point of view, they are "alpha males." Society, on the other hand, labels them "slaves of carnal love." Right, in fact, both. Just each in his own way.

Carnal love is a very common occurrence. It, as a rule, does not imply the presence of romantic feelings for the person. This is just the passion of mastering the body. Thirst for satisfaction. Fear of physical loneliness, if you like. Agree, this is not the kind of love that spills from beautiful verses. So what inspires art people to do?

Platonic love

Spiritual love

If love "carnal" obviously makes the basis of flesh, then "platonic" sends us to the notorious philosopher Plato. It is he who, through the mouth of the character, discusses spiritual love, positioning it as "ideal" and "real."

Do you know the feeling of satisfaction from just being near a person? From idle conversations and harmless disputes? We believe that it is familiar, and we hope that firsthand. Platonic love is not a craving for the body, but for the personality of a person. She suggests some kind of asexuality, lack of physical attraction.

From the point of view of nature, such behavior is considered at least unreasonable. However, who cares when you can enjoy music together and discuss routine events, like exciting adventures. Who cares about survival when there is a person nearby, without whom life seems to have no sense.

Yes, such a feeling can definitely bring inspiration. It is this that permeates the lines of romantic works. But we also know that feelings come and go, never remaining at the owner’s hand. How to be then? After rising so high, the fall will be very painful. And where did the ordinary, “earthly” desire for physical love go? After all, nature cannot be defeated. Or are all these lofty words about love no more than a myth?


slaves of carnal love

Before answering these questions, it is worth a little plunge into the past. Namely, we will take a single glance at the love and carnal joys of the ancient world. We will not dive in too much, so as not to frighten sensitive readers. After all, I must say, people of antiquity were much more open in love affairs than our contemporaries. Let's start from the homeland of great philosophers.

Ancient Greece

Sculpture of the ancient Greeks

Take, for example, the body cult of the ancient Greeks. Recall the ancient Greek statues of naked bodies, of which there are many. Absolutely not covered by anything, no hint of embarrassment or, God forbid, censorship. All body bends are presented in striking details, which, incidentally, is very conducive to raising self-esteem.

Or take the Olympics filled with naked athletes. The beauty of their bodies was appreciated. This was the "decoration" of the event itself and did not carry any erotic subtext. Such a phenomenon, however, is hard to imagine for people of the 21st century, but then naked bodies were perceived by many as routine, because they were not a “forbidden fruit”. The question of the convenience of a naked fight was of little interest to anyone.

The relations “master” - “student” were considered normal, and sexual connection was considered an important aspect of “training”. And in Sparta, such relationships are generally included in a public institution. On the whole, same-sex love was in the order of things, so people could drink, so to speak, from two “springs” at once.

The Roman Empire

Sculpture of ancient romans

The society of the great Roman Empire led a no less uphill ’lifestyle. Severe legionnaires and wise emperors, too, had to somehow rest from continuous expansion. The barbarian tribes could not offer much, so they had to cope on their own. Oh, and if suddenly you are overwhelmed by an irresistible desire to caress right during a military campaign, and around you only gloomy faces in "iron crowns". The mood will deteriorate, but without a mood about love and speech can not be.

In addition to homosexuality, prostitution was widely used. Courtesans quickly wedged themselves into a public institution. No censure, of course. Normal work for the good of society. Service for a voiced coin. The oldest profession, you need to have respect.

True love?

carnal love is

Well, all right, they laughed a little, made a little grimace, but it's time to return to our time. We realized that people of the ancient era would give odds even to the most emancipated of us. The question of what carnal love means did not bother people so much. But the time of these great states has passed, and the time has come to raise new questions in old things.

Today, many are convinced that carnal love is a false feeling. Indeed, it is difficult to call it "true." But, returning to the questions, can we accept only platonic love? After all, she in many respects does not fit with our beliefs. Many couples call the absence of sexual activity the cause of the break.

platonic and carnal love

Poets glorify platonic love, because you want to share such a feeling. It brings with it amazing friendliness and openness. But if you look at the carnal love, which was so unfairly stoned, then an understanding of its benefits comes. Yes, songs about such love are rarely composed. She does not want to share precisely because she is too personal. In such love, people often open up from an unexpected angle. They accept each other for what they are, with all the “demons" and flaws. Behind closed curtains, they remain alone with their instincts and cease to be ashamed of them. And such a “desire of the flesh” does not underestimate the carnal and spiritual love.


carnal and spiritual love

As it turned out, platonic and carnal love are completely different things, which, however, in symbiosis give us a familiar feeling. None of them are worse or better than the other. They are just different for different. Carnal love is what blood whispers to us. Our mind screams about platonic love. And ultimately, only you decide who to listen to.

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