Preventive psychology is an independent branch of psychological and pedagogical science. In Russia, the training of specialists in this discipline began in the early nineties of the last century. Its appearance and development is valuable in that it comes from the practice of preventing deviations in behavior. Based on the study of experience and creative "findings" identified in the work of pedagogical institutions and extracurricular institutions. The basic concepts of preventive psychology, its specificity and scope will be considered in this article.
Risk group
A significant omission of many specialists is that deviations in behavior and, as a result, the appearance of mental health disorders in young people are not always considered by them from the point of view of preventive psychology. There is still much to learn about the causes of mental disorders. But numerous studies prove that at least some categories of this age group can be considered potential and be at risk. These may include the following persons:
- Those who use alcohol or drugs.
- Those who have experienced past or present child neglect or abuse.
- Surviving traumatic experiences or stress.
- Not having a healthy relationship in the family and with the immediate environment.
It is clear that when you work with a person, it is impossible to change what happened in the past. However, mastery of the basics of preventive psychology provides an opportunity to help young people by developing their resistance to stress and instilling strong skills in overcoming difficulties, thereby helping to put up with traumatic experiences and paving the way for moving forward in a positive way.
General information
The objects of preventive psychology are socially non-adapted children, adolescents, youths and their families. The reason for the study is the appearance of deviations in behavior, which has the form of an aggressive, self-serving, socially dangerous, self-destructive character.
Psychologists consider deviant (deviant) behavior in three conditional directions:
- In terms of socialization.
- In the aspect of social reactions.
- From a position of social control.
Deviant behavior is investigated through a systematic analysis of actions or social actions that contradict social standards, legal or moral standards. There is a conditional division into its main types:
- criminal
- not illegal (not criminally punishable),
- immoral.
It is difficult to draw a clear line between different types of behavior, since deviation from moral standards makes it possible to commit a crime or other offense.
The basics
Preventive psychology is based on theoretical developments on:
- the study of the criminogenic qualities of personality and society;
- identifying factors affecting their formation;
- the discovery of the basic laws of neutralizing such phenomena;
- the development of measures in terms of the development of the positive properties of the individual and society.
This science solves its problems, based on theoretical and practical knowledge, which allows us to analyze the emergence of antisocial qualities of personality and consciousness, to identify factors that contribute to their formation, as well as patterns of their neutralization and development.
Main goals
We list the main tasks facing specialists in preventive psychology:
- Development of the theoretical foundations of this science.
- Creating applied strategies for the prevention of behavioral abnormalities.
- Preparation of a system of effective organizational, legal, educational measures to prevent the occurrence of behavioral disorders.
- Methodological development of methods for the prevention of crime and the study of the formation of criminogenic personality traits.
The problems of science affect the development of effective and scientifically sound approaches to preventive work with people at risk.
Principles of state preventive work in this area
The intensive development of preventive psychology in recent years has led to the need to revise the approach to solving problems arising in connection with the socialization of youth. The following are a few basic principles for implementing activities:
- Organizational policy. Creation of a state structure of preventive services for young people and families in need of help. It should include various psychological and counseling, social, rehabilitation, leisure and other organizations.
- HR policy. Training professionals who specialize in practical work aimed at preventing or correcting examples of deviant behavior among children, adolescents and youths.
- The implementation, again, at the state level, legal, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical assistance to the family as a key link in the socialization of the individual.
Given the basic principles of discipline, state bodies are developing measures that involve the maximum reduction in the activities of juvenile inspectorates; psychologization of the processes of training, development and upbringing in public education and health care institutions; organization of the structure of services aimed at helping families and children who need it.
Testing as a preventive measure
Recent statistics have noted a significant increase in the number of young people who use substances that change their consciousness (drugs, alcohol, psychotropic drugs and others) and subsequently cause manifestations of altered behavior, which cannot but affect their social role.
Therefore, as a preventive measure for the early detection and prevention of drug use, a federal law was adopted. In accordance with his article, the process of identifying persons taking narcotic or psychotropic substances is regulated. It goes through two main stages:
- Socio-psychological testing of students.
- Student examinations.
The first stage is carried out in an educational institution. Students are tested by qualified professionals. The procedure was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation βOn approval of the Procedure for conducting socio-psychological testing of persons studying in general educational organizations and professional educational organizations, as well as in educational institutions of higher educationβ. According to the document, the presence of observers from the parental community is allowed.
The main goal of the measures is exclusively preventive in nature and consists in the timely provision of targeted assistance.
Age crisis
Overcoming age-related crises is inherent in every generation, regardless of the times or state of society.
And if, due to physical dependence and lack of independence, early crises (newborns, one year, three and seven years) are passed under the close attention and control of older children, later ones (puberty, crisis of seventeen years) are complicated by the fact that a certain part of young people overcome them either on their own, or using peer solutions and advice. And they can contradict legal, moral and social principles and are able to cause significant harm to the physical and mental health of the child.
This occurs, as a rule, in dysfunctional or single-parent families. In those where there is no support that is necessary for the young man and should give him a sense of self-confidence, competence. Where instead of friendly communication and understanding the child receives total control, pressure on the psyche, perhaps even violence.
In cases where the child does not find support in the family, it can be replaced by friends or peers with similar experience. They will be able to listen, and advise, and help. In cases of positive influence of the immediate environment, young people successfully overcome a difficult crisis period. Their personality is self-determined both socially and professionally.
A negative outcome implies the negative influence of βfriendsβ. It was during this period that most of the so-called hard-to-educate adolescents acquire bad habits, the first and not always safe sexual experience, acquaintance with criminal relationships, and the like.
Teenage years
Adolescence goes through several stages. It begins with manifestations of physiological changes in the body that are caused by puberty. And is accompanied by psychological changes. Through the desire to become adults, which is obligated by the processes occurring with the body, the so-called sense of maturity is formed. A teenager is faced with a number of contradictions in attitudes and feelings that he needs to cope with:
- He still needs an adult leadership of his own actions, but at the same time demonstrates rebellious behavior against adult control measures.
- Violent, rapid internal and external changes in the body caused by physiological maturation, on the one hand, and mental unpreparedness for sexual experience, on the other.
- Setting strong boundaries of personal space. And at the same time, there is an urgent need for care and support of elders.
Psychologists determine the following main goals of overcoming the puberty crisis:
- Achieving self-determination and awareness of one's own personality.
- Sexual identification.
- The formation of a personal system of values ββand life goals.
At this stage, manifestations of irritation, negativity, signs of depression and a tendency to suicide are possible. Often there are typical examples of delinquent behavior. Read about it later.
What is delinquent behavior?
In the textbook on preventive psychology, this type of social behavior is described as a set of minor misconducts that do not have a criminal nature, but have an asocial coloring.
Some examples of delinquent behavior from life:
- deliberate delay or absenteeism from school;
- manifestations of violence against the weak (younger children, the elderly or defenseless animals);
- familiarization with bad habits;
- communication with "difficult" peers and so on.
The motives for delinquent behavior are unconscious. As a rule, these are desires that require immediate fulfillment. And they are caused by the inability of the teenager to find solutions to their own internal conflicts.
Deviations in the behavior of adolescents and their manifestation of aggression are phenomena that are closely interrelated. Only a small percentage of aggressive children have any pathological abnormalities in the work of the psyche or nervous system.
Dangerous manifestations of anger are associated with steady asocial behavior and are observed in incredulous, "closed" children. At the initial stage, these outbreaks occur, as a rule, with relatives, at home. In the absence of a proper reaction and the provision of corrective assistance, manifestations intensify, self-control is lost, aggression manifests itself outside the home environment and, when certain conditions occur, can develop into examples of criminal behavior.
Juvenile delinquency
Textbooks on legal psychology contain many examples of the fact that juvenile delinquency is a reflection of adult crime. By copying the actions of elders, adolescents successfully develop existing criminal abilities under their guidance. They are involved in all types of crime: carrying weapons, illegal trade, fraud, theft, robberies, violence, terrorist attacks and more.
Psychological support
Too often, mental health disorders are seen as character flaws or a sign of weakness. These beliefs may simply not be true. But the damage they do to the mental health of a young person is real.
A number of features of developmental psychology and the conditions of society can interfere with an attempt to seek treatment, even in cases when there is a real need for this. Children or youths may not turn to their family or friends for comfort. Therefore, a specialist in preventive psychology, working directly in his community, could help them by teaching and enlightening.
The main tasks of preventive psychology are to provide psychological support. This may be useful in the situations described below:
- When you canβt overcome a temporary crisis or difficult events on your own.
- If there is a need to reevaluate your life goals.
- When to Promote Personal Inner Growth
- To achieve a better awareness of yourself, other and life areas.
- To increase the dynamics of emotional, social, family, relational, educational and labor events.
- Rediscover peace and inner well-being.
- Find a way out of a deadlock or blocked situation.
- Free yourself from anxiety, stress, impulses, thoughts, fears, difficulties, etc.
- Restore the functional level of mood and self-esteem.
- Improve your character, improve your personality.
The principles of modern preventive psychology and pedagogy imply the rejection of punitive measures in favor of providing comprehensive assistance and support to both children themselves and families at risk.
Preventive psychology is an independent science, which is based on fundamental knowledge from the fields of psychology, sociology, medicine, law. Its object is asocial-adapted individuals and their immediate surroundings. The subject of the study is the presence of deviant behavior, the causes of such, methods of correction and influence.