How is a "robot" different from a "machine", what is the difference? Which is better - a box of "robot" or "automatic"?

Today, the number of modifications and varieties of automatic transmissions is growing every day. More recently, motorists all over the world have learned that there is a standard automatic transmission with torque converter. Later cars began to be equipped with stepless variators. And now there are robotic gearboxes. Many still do not trust this fresh technical solution. So what is better - “automatic” or “robot”? What are the differences between these boxes, what to choose for an ordinary motorist?

Robotic gearbox

Such a gearbox or a “robot box” is not an automatic machine.

how is the robot different from the machine
In fact, this is a mechanical transmission, where the clutch and gear shift functions are automatic. The name of such a system means that the driver of the car and the road conditions form only the input data. And all the work inside the checkpoint is carried out using the electronic unit according to certain algorithms. This is the main difference between the box: the "robot" from the "machine" differs in this in the first place.

“Robot” means automatic transmission comfort, high reliability, as well as fuel economy - it is a mechanic. At the same time, a robotic box is often much cheaper than classic automatic solutions. Today, many popular and even unknown car brands equip their cars with exactly these settings. There are already manufacturers who have installed such boxes on the entire line: from budget models to premium.

How does a robotic gearbox work?

How is a "robot" different from a "machine"? At least with your device. "Robots" can also differ from each other. However, there is something in common in these nodes. This is a manual transmission, where the shift and clutch are controlled by electronics. In such solutions, a friction clutch system is used.

difference between a robot and a machine
It can be both single-disk and multi-disk. In modern gearboxes, double clutch is usually used. This avoids losses in power and dynamics. At the heart of the "robots" is the usual mechanics. Ready-made solutions are used at the plants. For example, in SpeedShift robotic systems, the automatic transmission base 7G-Tronic from Mercedes is used. Here, simply instead of the torque converter, clutch discs were installed.

which is better automatic or robot
BMW's SMG is a six-speed manual gearbox with an electro-hydraulic clutch. So, on the technical side, the difference between a "robot" and an "automatic" is the lack of a torque converter and other electronics. That's all the differences.

Robotic gearbox drive

Gearbox robots are either hydraulic or electric. If the model has the latest drive, then servomotors and mechanisms are used as it. If it is hydraulic, then the work is carried out using hydraulic cylinders, which are controlled by solenoid valves. Specialists and marketers call this system an electro-hydraulic drive. Such boxes are equipped with some models of Opel and Ford. A hydromechanical assembly may also be used in conjunction with an electric motor. The motor in this case serves to move the clutch master cylinder.

The electric drive is slower. The average switching speed is about 0.3–0.5 s. And energy consumption is much less. Hydro-driven systems provide constant pressure, which means that energy costs will be higher. However, hydraulics are much faster. Similar solutions are installed on sports cars because of the high speed.

Drive and scope

Electric "robots" are used more often on budget models of cars.

difference of the robot box from the machine
Among the popular boxes are: Allshift - Mitsubishi, Dualogic - Fiat, 2-Tronic - Peugeot. Hydraulics are installed on more expensive models.


The robotic gearbox is controlled by a special electronic system. It includes various sensors, ECUs, as well as executive systems. Sensors monitor the main parameters. Even in hydraulic systems , the pressure level and temperature are monitored. Sensors transmit information to the control unit. Based on the received signals, the unit generates control pulses to the executive part according to certain algorithms. The control unit is in constant interaction with many nodes in the car.

In hydraulic systems, in addition to all this, the control unit also includes a hydraulic element that controls the operation of the hydraulics. This is another difference between the "robot" and the "machine."

Dual clutch robot

The main disadvantage of such solutions is the long response time. This leads to jerks and failures in the dynamics.

how to distinguish a machine from a robot
All this in combination reduces control comfort. But that was before. Now this problem was solved by two clutches, which ensured quick switching without loss in power. Another difference between the “robot” and the “machine” is the following: with one gear engaged, the driver can choose another and, if necessary, switch it on without any interruptions. Such systems are called reflexive boxes. No automatic solution can offer this yet.

Another advantage of dual clutch systems is their high speed. Here it depends only on the speed of switching couplings. This is used in the popular DSG from Volkswagen. How is a "robot" different from a "machine"? It is worth saying about the compact dimensions of the first and low weight. This is very true for small compact car models. In addition to compactness, they note a large power consumption. High speed operation with constant torque output makes it possible to obtain good acceleration dynamics and fuel economy.

How does the "robot" work?

As for the work, there are two modes available - automatic and semi-automatic. In the first case, the ECU for sensors implements the embedded algorithms. Each robotic box has a manual mode. It is similar to Tiptronic on most “machines”. This mode allows you to sequentially switch from low to high using the selector.

Box "robot" and "automatic": the difference

If you look at both systems in terms of operation, there are few differences. In the case of the "automatic" there is no clutch control. The robot controls it, but completely automatically. A “robot” is mechanics, an automaton is a hydromechanical system. This is the difference between it and the "machine."

box robot and automatic difference
It is important to take into account late acceleration. The fluid in the automatic transmission can not immediately cope with the impact of the driven shaft. They are not tightly coupled - it is a kind of “fuse”. The transformer will rotate freely even when something is jammed. The efficiency of the torque converter is small, so part of the power disappears. If the engine is turned off, the “machine” cannot work.

Advantages and disadvantages

How is a "robot" different from a "machine"? At least for the price. Among the advantages can be distinguished reliable design.

the difference between a robot and a machine
It is based on mechanics, which has already been sufficiently studied and tested. In its reliability, the manual gearbox is significantly superior to both the variator and the “automatic”. It is also believed that the use of manual transmission can contribute to lower fuel consumption. So, some owners claim savings of up to 30%. The robotic box consumes less oil. So, there will be enough 2-3 liters, and the variator will eat 7. The number of gears is equal to the number on a mechanical transmission.

The mechanics are much easier and cheaper to repair, although motorists write on the forums that the service is quite expensive. But most of the damage can be done with your own hands, having the necessary experience. Also increased clutch disc life. In the city, the driver often stands in traffic jams, and on the ups, the manual control function will be very useful. Among the shortcomings is the lack of the ability to flash the unit.

the difference between a robot and a machine
The speed is lower than on the machine. The city needs to switch to semi-automatic mode. On the lifts, the clutch opens.

Visual differences

If motorists do not know how to distinguish a "machine" from a "robot", then, choosing a car, it is worth taking a look at the selector. If there is a sign P, then it is an automaton. If there is only N and R, then this is a "robot."

Which transmission to choose?

If you compare the pros and cons, then no transmission has advantages. Otherwise, manufacturers would have already released the best solution. The choice depends more on personal preferences. It is difficult to say which is better: “automatic” or “robot”. It should be noted that automatic transmission is smoothness, manual transmission is dynamics. So, we found out how the "robot" differs from the "machine."

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