Ovaries hurt, what to do? Ovarian pain: how to treat?

Recently, more often the representatives of the fair sex have to face various worries from the genitourinary sphere. Most often, doctors have to hear from women the following question: β€œThe ovaries are very sore, what should I do?”

In fact, there can be many reasons for this concern. Consider the most popular problems that cause such an unpleasant sensation, and answer the main questions. What to do if the ovary hurts? How to treat this disease?

ovaries hurt what to do

Causes of pain

Female genitals can bother women for many reasons.

Sometimes such an uncomfortable state is a variant of the norm and does not require a doctor. Once a month, approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, in women, the egg is released from the follicle. At the time of rupture of its walls and immediately after it, a lady may experience pulling or slightly pressing pains in the lower abdominal cavity. In this case, sensations are localized more often on the one hand.

Also, unpleasant sensations can be caused by various pathologies, for example:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the development of tumor processes.

Ovarian sore: what to do?

So, if you are concerned about the constant pain in the lower abdomen, which extends mainly to one side or captures the entire lower segment, you need to consult a doctor for advice.

An experienced specialist will listen to all your complaints and record them on the card, then conduct a physical examination and prescribe additional diagnostic methods if necessary.

left ovary hurts what to do


During the examination on a gynecological chair, the doctor notes the size and location of the uterus and ovaries. With a fuzzy clinical picture, after examination, the patient is examined using an ultrasound device.

On the screen, the specialist sees the internal organs and establishes the cause of the appearance of discomfort.


Any detected pathology that causes discomfort for the fair sex should be eliminated. Consider the correction methods.

right ovary hurts what to do

Inflammatory process

If a woman has inflammation due to which the ovaries hurt, what should I do in this case?

First you need to go through an examination and identify what became the causative agent of the infectious process. For this, the patient is offered to undergo a series of tests to detect sexually transmitted infections. The result of the study can be obtained in a few days. After this, you must re-visit the doctor to get appointments.

Usually, in such cases, gynecologists prescribe certain types of antibiotics (Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin and others, depending on the disease). Their intake is necessary to destroy the pathogen of the inflammatory process. It is worth noting that in this case it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, in which the sexual partner must necessarily take part. Otherwise, after recovery, you risk getting the pathogens of the inflammatory process again at the first unprotected contact.

After antibiotic therapy, a woman is prescribed taking beneficial bacteria to restore the vaginal microflora. A physiotherapy course is also recommended. It will help to avoid the development of an adhesion process, which is a frequent consequence of inflammation.

ovaries are very sore what to do

Hormonal disorders

If the hormonal background of a woman is unstable, and for this reason the ovaries hurt, what should I do in this case? First you need to take a blood test to determine the level of certain hormones. The study is scheduled for a certain day of the cycle. Some hormones must be taken immediately after the end of menstruation, while others must be examined in the second phase of the cycle.

When you get the result of the study, you need to visit a doctor and get the appointment you need. Typically, the doctor prescribes the intake of certain hormonal drugs (for example, Duphaston), and also prescribes the use of oral contraceptives for 3-6 months (medicines "Yarina", "Janine", "Novinet" and others).

ovarian pain how to treat

Tumor development

In the case when the specialist sees a neoplasm on the ovary on the ultrasound machine, then this is a tumor. So, if an ovarian cyst hurts, what to do in this case?

First you need to reliably establish what kind of neoplasm a woman is dealing with.

If the left ovary hurts, what should the woman do in this case? According to statistics, on the left side in women, mainly functional cysts occur. They do not require treatment and resolve on their own after a few months, but in some cases a woman needs a course of taking hormonal drugs.

If the right ovary hurts, what should I do then? In most cases, cysts on the right side are not functional and almost always require treatment. From what kind of tumor the lady had to face, and the chosen correction method will depend.

Usually, if an ovarian cyst hurts, what to do - the doctor decides. The woman, of course, is given the right to choose, but it is strongly discouraged to argue with the appointment, as this may end in failure.

In most cases with non-functional cysts, surgical intervention is indicated. During the operation, the doctor removes the cyst. After the manipulations, the specialist prescribes hormonal agents to the patient for faster recovery of the body, as well as antibiotic therapy for prevention.

If the ovaries hurt after the operation, what should I do then? In the first month after removal of the cysts, minor pain in the lower abdomen may be observed. This is a variant of the norm, since β€œliving” tissue was affected. If the unpleasant sensations persist after four weeks after the operation, then this is an occasion to see a doctor, as you may be developing an inflammatory process.

ovarian cyst hurts what to do

Alternative methods of treatment

Some women who are worried about discomfort in the lower abdomen prefer to self-medicate. It is worth saying right away that such manipulations can lead to serious complications, therefore, before such a correction, you need to consult a specialist.

If the left ovary hurts, what should I do? In some cases, discomfort helps to remove heat. To do this, put a heating pad or hot salt wrapped in a towel on the left side of the lower abdomen. Remember that heat can aggravate the development of the inflammatory process.

If both ovaries hurt, you can take decoctions of various herbs. For example, viburnum, chamomile or sage. They help relieve inflammation and fight pathogens. Remember that some herbs accelerate the development of the tumor process.

If the right ovary hurts, what to do and what folk remedies to use? Many healers recommend taking mud or salt baths. They have a beneficial effect on the entire urogenital area and usually have no contraindications.

Experts strongly recommend that you contact your doctor for any complaints and adhere to your appointments. This will help to avoid irreversible complications. Be healthy!

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