In order to understand all the complexities of relationships, many people try to find explanations in eastern horoscopes and astrology. This is especially interesting when the relationship is just emerging. In such cases, many are interested in possible friendship, love, and mutual understanding. Today we look at the compatibility of the Tiger man and the Rabbit woman. Read more about their relationship in this article.
A few words about the years of the Rabbit and the Tiger
If you believe the eastern horoscope, the Year of the Rabbit is often associated with another beast - a cat. And all because the same year in Japan is entirely devoted to the Rabbit, and in China the same year to Kotu. Despite the fact that both animals are honorary symbols of the year with the ensuing magical possibilities, not all countries love them.
The reason is superstition. For a long time, the Cat was considered an accomplice of evil spirits. The tiger, on the contrary, was endowed with an incredibly sharp mind, patience, strength, tenacity and determination. But have people's views changed in accordance with the interpretation of characters according to the Eastern horoscope? Who are they: male Tiger and female Cat (Rabbit)? The compatibility of these signs still raises a number of questions. We will deal with them in stages.
Rabbit female characterization
Women born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat are completely non-conflict personalities. They are kind, calm, love to enjoy every minute of their lives and look without fear in tomorrow. They are optimistic by nature. And this means that these ladies rarely get depressed and do not panic in vain. Their movements are smooth and graceful, their voice is melodic. They easily captivate and fall in love with people. Their distinguishing feature is natural charm.
Such ladies are able to support the topic of conversation and are famous for their excellent oratorical qualities. They have an inquiring and sober mind. They are able to evaluate a person from the first minutes of a conversation.
According to many astrologers, Rabbits have an innate flair for people. These individuals do not like to conflict. Therefore, at the slightest hint of an impending storm, they simply leave. How attracted to her is the Tiger man? Compatibility with many characters does not bring much happiness to the Rabbit woman. But only if her partner was not born in the year of the Tiger. Who is this mysterious sign?
Character Features of a Tiger Man
Men born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished by extraordinary willpower, confidence, perseverance, intelligence and ambitiousness. They also have excellent communication qualities. This allows them to find a common language with parents, colleagues and even leaders.
When communicating, they, like Rabbits, try to avoid conflict situations and ridiculous embarrassments. They are great diplomats. Therefore, they try to resolve all disputes in a calm and peaceful atmosphere, and are successfully seeking a compromise. But is there a compatibility between a male Tiger and a female Rabbit?
Manners and features of behavior in the society of the Rabbit
A woman born in the Year of the Rabbit is usually quite attractive in appearance, sexy, and has excellent manners. She appreciates communication and simply loves to make a good impression on people. Such ladies are often said to live for show. In order to impress people when communicating, she is ready to learn a foreign language, to master higher mathematics. And all this in the shortest possible time. But the main thing is that she will have something to say.
Features of Tiger behavior
Men born in the year of the Tiger can be of two types. One of them is a purposeful, strong-willed and rather serious person. These are real fighters, unprincipled people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a good idea.
The other, the exact opposite. These men are unnecessarily conceited, cutting, petty and rude. Sometimes they are quick-tempered, irritable and scandalous. Contrary to the peace of the year of the Tiger, such individuals are prone to conflicts with colleagues, management, neighbors and households. They do not like to ask someone for something. Rather, they require the fulfillment of their instructions.
Due to differences in character, such people are most often the heads of enterprises, military leaders. However, they often like to "walk around the edge" and take risks. Therefore, the teams of such authorities must be subjected to careful analysis. It is this approach that implies the compatibility of the Tiger man and the Rabbit woman. But first things first.
Are both signs suitable for marriage?
According to astrologers, men and women of these two signs perfectly complement each other. They have a lot in common. They easily find a common language with each other. Moreover, the shy and quiet woman Rabbit feels safe being next to the man Tiger.
Both partners are easily attracted to each other and can attract attention. The Tiger man does not look at the Rabbit woman as prey. He likes the friendliness, inquiring mind and cheerful disposition of such a beautiful person in all respects. Therefore, often such a relationship ends with a Mendelssohn waltz. In marriage, both partners deeply respect and value each other.
In some cases, a marriage between Rabbit and Tiger is a bad idea. Despite the fact that the couple has a lot in common, they can argue with each other for a long time. Female Rabbit can often fend off a dispute. Over time, such relationships become strained and burden both partners. Most often, such cases of hanging out end in parting, as one of the partners does not withstand the pressure of the other.
Are there conflicts between signs?
Despite the apparent idyll, conflicts and disputes may arise between partners. According to astrologers, everything here depends not only on the year of birth of the partners, but also on their constellations. For example, if the woman is Rabbit β Aquarius and the man is Tiger β Capricorn. Disputes and conflicts in this case will arise due to different temperaments and outlooks on life. Aquarius is an air sign, and Capricorn is an earth sign.
Aquarians often soar in the clouds and take off from the performance of their domestic duties. They do not like routine life. Consider it obsolete and boring. Capricorns love order. Moreover, it is men in this case who can and love to earn money.
Consequently, they have the right to control spending. Therefore, sober-minded Capricorns may be interested in: βWhy hire a cook or maid if he has a wife?β The same applies to unlawful and "empty", according to the Tiger-Capricorn, spending on things that are not connected with any vital necessity.
Often conflicts of this couple can arise due to the fact that Aquarius Rabbit happily transfers his duties to his spouse. As a result, he must work in the sweat of his face so that this lady could spend money on her whims. At some point in time, her husband breaks off patience and he expresses to his missus all that he thinks of her. The situation is somewhat different between the male Tiger-Virgo and the female Rabbit-Aquarius.
Relations between Tigris β Virgo and Rabbit β Aquarius
If under one roof a man is born who was born under the constellation Virgo in the year of the Tiger and a woman Rabbit (Aquarius), mutual understanding and respect will reign in their family. However, some difficulties of such an alliance are not excluded. Like Capricorn, Virgo loves order in everything. Such men in a woman of Aquarius cause boredom. They do not like moralizing on the part of the spouse, his reproaches and advice. She herself knows how and what she needs to do.
Moreover, most conflicts between this pair will arise on material grounds. Virgo man will put pressure on Aquarius, trying to instill in his wife a sense of discipline, teach planning, the rational use of the family budget. The spouse, in turn, will perceive such good intentions as some kind of encroachment on her freedom.
Female Rabbit (Scorpio) and male Tiger (Leo)
The union between a woman Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit and a man Leo, who was born in the year of the Tiger, can be safely called very difficult in every way. In this case, there are two independent individuals with incredible charisma and explosive temperament. Leo loves to be admired and worshiped. Scorpio just loves to quarrel out of nothing and prove something. At the same time, he masterly argues and operates with facts, which completely discourages his partner.
Both spouses love to command. However, in this case, the leading position is occupied by Scorpio. Leo does not like it when they tell him what to do and command. On this basis, conflicts often arise.
The distribution of roles in marriage
So, there was such a long-awaited meeting between the Tiger man and the Rabbit woman - love. Further, they decided to get married and live under one roof. But what are both partners in everyday life? At the very beginning of family relations, a peculiar distribution of roles occurs. So, the male Tiger becomes a real earner. His task is to make money and control all possible financial flows.
Moreover, a man in such a family is a pretty good business executive. He keeps order. Able to repair certain broken, out of order things. Moreover, he always tries to keep his promises and is considered a man of his word.
Woman Rabbit in such an alliance becomes a real keeper of the outbreak. She is not alien to family values. She is a wonderful hostess, she cooks well, she keeps order in the house. But the main thing is that she is able to support her husband, who quite often can come home in a bad mood. She will always regret it, support him and even give useful advice.
Is friendship between signs possible?
Friendship with a male Tiger and a female Rabbit is also real. Such a partner attracts a strong and strong-willed Tiger. She admires him and supports him. They have a lot of topics to talk about. They can easily discuss politics, touch on the topic of global warming, talk about ecology and dream up on free topics. But whether friendship will develop to marital relations will depend on both partners, their desires, zodiac signs and compatibility.