Intel Pentium G620: specs and reviews

Intel processors based on Sandy Bridge architecture have become sales leaders in many segments of the market for computer solutions due to their high performance, technology and energy efficiency. Among the most popular chips of the corresponding line are Pentium G620. What are its main competitive advantages? What do experts and users say about their experience in using the capabilities of this chip?

Pentium G620

General processor specifications

The first thing it makes sense to study in the Pentium G620 processor is the specifications. The chip in question has:

- LGA 1155 type connector for connecting to the motherboard;

- 2 cores manufactured using Sandy Bridge technology and corresponding to 32 nm process technology;

- a frequency that is 2600 MHz;

- system bus type DMI;

- an integrated graphics module such as HD Graphics, operating at a frequency of 1.1 GHz;

- built-in RAM controller with a bandwidth of 17 GB / s;

- cache of the first level in the amount of 64 KB, the second - 512 KB, the third - 3072 KB;

- A set of modern multimedia instructions, such as MMX, SSE;

- compatible with NX Bit, as well as Virtualization Technology;

- a heat dissipation factor of 65 W;

- an indicator of the maximum temperature maintaining functionality in the amount of 69.1 degrees.

Pentium R G620

The maximum amount of RAM that is supported by the device is 32 GB. The type of memory module that is compatible with the processor is DDR3. The RAM controller that is installed in the chip is dual-channel.

The integrated graphics module of the Pentium CPU G620 has 6 computing pipelines, operates at a frequency of 850 MHz, which in dynamics can increase to 1100 MHz. This module assumes the use of RAM resources up to 1.7 GB. Among its notable features - support for 2 monitors, as well as accelerated decoding of the video stream.

You can consider a number of disadvantages of the chip in question. Of course, they should be distinguished as very conditional - in practice, the average user may not even notice them.

So, it is worth noting that the chip does not implement Hyper-Threading technology, which allows for the calculation of 2 data streams within the framework of 1 processor core, and therefore the operating system does not define it as 4-core - like, for example, the Intel Core i3 chip. The chip in question cannot be overclocked, since the multiplier responsible for setting the processor frequency is locked in it. Also, the chip does not support some cryptographic and vector standards.

It will be useful to consider the specific architecture of Sandy Bridge, which released the processor in question.

Sandy Bridge Architecture Features

The corresponding microarchitecture of the Pentium G620 chip cores was introduced to the market by Intel in 2011. Later, an alternative development from AMD appeared in the segment - the Bulldozer architecture. According to experts, the competing solution from AMD was inferior in most respects to what was offered to the market by Intel. In general, devices based on the microarchitecture in question, many experts in the computer industry tend to be among the most successful products of the American corporation, which leads the world market for PC processors.

Pentium G620 Specifications

In total, about 29 chips based on Sandy Bridge technology were released - for desktops and laptops, as well as about 10 new chipsets. At the same time, 15 processor models were adapted to mobile platforms. The microarchitecture under consideration allowed Intel to produce chips based on the 32 nm process technology - in fact, the Pentium G 620 chip is one of the corresponding products.

One of the main competitive advantages of chips based on the microarchitecture under consideration is the presence of an integrated high-performance graphics module Intel HD Graphics type 2000/3000, which is located on the same chip with the microchip cores. This approach can be considered innovative. Before the corresponding microarchitecture was introduced to the market, the concept was applied, according to which the processor cores and the graphics module were located on different crystals. It is noteworthy that the video processing chip, which is built into the chip in question, has access to the third-level cache - like all processor cores.

Sandy Bridge architecture supports common interfaces, such as PCI Express, and involves installing 2-channel DDR3 RAM modules on the controller processor.

Sandy Bridge technology was based on the Nehalem microarchitecture. In turn, it was subsequently modernized, and on its basis the architecture of Ivy Bridge was developed. Its application corresponded to the process technology at 22 nm.

So, now we can begin to study the capabilities of the Pentium G620 chip. We studied the characteristics of the processor, as well as its microarchitecture, now our main task is to investigate how the resources available in it can be used in practice. But first, let's examine the characteristics of its configuration: before the user installs the chip in his computer, he will be given the package of delivery of the product in question.


According to experts, the box in which the Pentium G620 processor is supplied practically does not differ from those in which the manufacturer places other chips of the same line.

Pentium CPU G620

It is important only before unpacking, for example, if the microchip came by mail, make sure that the sticker on the box shows the correct characteristics. So, there should be noted the processor clock speed - Intel Pentium CPU G620 - 2.60 GHz, the volume of the third level cache - 3 MB, the fact that the processor has an LGA 1155 connector, the chip power consumption is 65 watts. Also on the sticker should be the serial number of the chip and its code.

The full name of the processor sounds like Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU G620, that is, it reflects that the name of the microchip and its manufacturer are registered trademarks. The package itself must contain the chip itself, as well as:

- cooling system;

- processor installation guide;

- manufacturer warranty information;

- Intel branded sticker.

Now let's move on to studying the practical results of using the capabilities of the Pentium (R) CPU G620 chip. The most informative for us will probably be those that reflect the experience of testing this processor. Let's start by examining a chip parameter such as power consumption.

Processor Testing: Power Consumption

As tests performed by experienced experts using specialized applications show, energy saving in the processor in question is implemented at a very high level. So, in a number of modes, the chip consumes about 40 W less energy than, for example, another popular chip on Sandy Bridge - Intel Core i5-2500K. This advantage makes it possible to install a less productive and therefore not so noisy cooling system in a computer.

CPU performance in synthetic tests

We now proceed to the study of the speed of the chip. In particular - detected at the level of synthetic tests. As some experts note, it makes sense when testing the chip's performance to focus on the use, first of all, of single-threaded testing tools. Their advantage is the ability to track how the speed of the chip varies, depending on its operating frequency.

Intel R Pentium R G620 2 60 GHz

As the results of testing the Pentium (R) G620 processor using the appropriate tools show, the chip's performance is at the level of Intel's leading products within the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture - in particular, the 2500K chip noted above. Although in some modes the model in question is inferior to it. But this is understandable, since the 2500K chip is 4-core.

Chip performance in file archiving

Another significant aspect of processor performance is file archiving speed. In this case, experts record the undeniable leadership of 4-core competitors. Moreover, the 2500K processor implements a mechanism in which the frequency of the microcircuit is regulated dynamically, which further increases its performance. However, due to the high frequency of the Intel Pentium G620 - 2.60 GHz, this chip in practice, in terms of archiving speed, is not too inferior to the 4-core processor model.

Multimedia Encoding Chip Performance

The next most important aspect of microcircuit performance is the encoding speed of audio and video data. Benchmarks by which the efficiency of solving a chip by the corresponding tasks is measured are usually single-threaded. Therefore, their performance is almost completely determined in this case by the clock frequency of the Intel (R) Pentium (R) G620 chip - 2.60 GHz. An exception to the corresponding rule can be traced when encoding video data. The fact is that this problem is solved, as a rule, with effective load balancing on the processor cores. Therefore, the chip in question may be inferior in terms of performance to 4-core models. But in general, as tests show, its speed remains sufficiently high.

Chip performance in image processing

Processor performance in practice is important from the point of view of user comfort with applications through which graphics are processed. In this case, the chip speed, again, depends on the number of cores, as well as on the frequency (of course, if its performance in the compared processors does not differ much).

Therefore, the 2-core Intel Pentium (R) G620 chip is inferior in speed of image processing to 4-core models on the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture. However, when using applications that allow loading only 1 core - for example, such as GIMP, the difference in performance is not so noticeable and, in turn, depends on the frequency of the chip.

Pentium R CPU G620

In principle, even in one of the most popular graphics processing solutions - Photoshop, the difference in the speed of 2-core and 4-core chips in practice is often not noticed by users. But this feature, according to experts, is due, first of all, to the fact that the program supports the operation of several cores. If it is, then it makes sense to pay attention to more productive solutions, which, perhaps, are more expensive. If the task does not require the use of several cores or the program does not support the corresponding function, then a more economical solution can be dispensed with. The Pentium G620 chip belongs to those, in fact.

Chip Performance in Mathematical Computing

In many cases, the role is played by how efficient the processor is in terms of mathematical calculations. It is noteworthy that tests that measure the speed of the chip as part of its respective functions load the cores of the microcircuits almost completely. In this case, both the frequency and the number of cores matter. Therefore, a certain lag of the processor under consideration from competing solutions in the Sandy Bridge line is quite explainable by the difference in performance, if not in the first parameter, then in the second.

Gaming chip performance

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of processor performance is the speed of the chip in games. The operation of the microcircuit in the appropriate mode actually involves the solution of all the above types of tasks - in processing sound, video, graphics, and in performing mathematical calculations.

It should be noted that in modern games, performance is almost always achieved by utilizing all available processor resources. Therefore, the speed of the microcircuit will depend on both the frequency and the cores. In addition, the quality of microchip support of various multimedia standards that are implemented in the game engine will matter.

Intel Pentium R G620

Thus, when comparing the performance of the chips in their pure form, the Pentium G620 processor, which is understandable, is inferior to the 4-core models of the Sandy Bridge line. But it is worth noting that in practice the difference in the speed of various solutions may not be too noticeable, from the point of view that even at the resources available at the level of the chip in question, a comfortable game process is provided. That is, in practice, a gamer will play at the same frame rates with the same level of quality of their rendering - despite the fact that, for example, a 4-core solution can be potentially more productive.


What do users say about their experience in utilizing the capabilities of the Pentium G620 chip? According to the owners of the PC, it is quite applicable for solving problems that are facing modern users. This is due to the high speed of its operation in single-threaded applications and sufficient performance in many types of games, graphics processing programs - both advantages appear due to the high frequency of operation of the chip in question.

This processor is characterized, according to many users, as a good level of energy saving, supports current multimedia technologies. In general, the microchip is evaluated by the owners as quite competitive not only in respect of models that were launched onto the market at the same time, but also in terms of comparing its capabilities with the most modern solutions in the field of computer technology development.

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