Christian Christmas sketches. History and Practice

The tradition of celebrating Christmas of the Savior in European countries is inextricably linked with the concept and operation of the den. And the Christian Christmas sketches, short plays telling about these events, are to some extent his personification.

Christian Christmas sketches

What is a nativity scene?

Literally - from Old Slavonic - means "cave". This is the place where Jesus was born. Birth Cave is located in Bethlehem. This prototype became the ancestor of all subsequent nativity scenes, which are a kind of man-made copies of the original.

Nativity scene

Many craftsmen and craftsmen began to make models of the cave from papier-mâché, from gypsum, cardboard, clay and other materials. First Christian Christmas scenes were played out only with dolls. Nativity scenes spread throughout the countries of the Christian world. At one time, they played an important educational role, reproducing scenes from the Bible for illiterate converts Christians. And in Italy, for example, as early as the 13th century “living” nativity scenes appeared. Here the roles of characters were played by actors - ordinary people. These cribs are popular to this day in European Catholic countries. And in the territory of the former Soviet Union - in Western Ukraine.

christian short christmas sketches

Christmas sketches

Christian traditions suggest an active celebration of the Nativity of Christ. It is considered one of the greatest events in the history of mankind. The Savior comes, born into the world as a man, the Redeemer, who has accepted all our sins - past and future. Traditionally, at this time it is customary to empathize, as if to repeat in people the action that took place many centuries ago. At first, in previous years, this was probably done to remind the sequence of events, to teach the Bible new parishioners, often illiterate, and children. Then the Christian followers perceived the Christmas sketches as a good tradition and involvement in a secret community, sometimes banned by state authorities. And already in the modern world, where there are no prohibitions, such a celebration of Christmas becomes pleasant and cheerful, especially for the younger generation of parishioners.

Christian Christmas sketches for children

Christian Christmas sketches for children

Children, because of their integrity and sincerity, perceive and portray short scenes on Christmas themes very well. The general direction of such plays is not in doubt. It is dedicated to the central event - the birth of Christ the baby. The following stories are most popular: the worship of the Magi, Christmas itself and the arrival of the shepherds. Here is an example.

Christian Christmas for children

Adoration of the Magi

It is based on events that occurred immediately after birth. Magi, seeing a bright star, come to bow to the new King of the World. And having bowed, they leave to carry the good news on all sides of the World.

Actors (for children under 12 years old): three wise men, Joseph, Mary, Christmas Star.

Scenery: traditional nativity scene.

Magi costumes made from old dressing gowns. False beards are possible . The Star costume is made of bright clothes decorated with foil.

Action (accompanied by poems and songs): A star notifies everyone about the birth of Christ, the magi come to bow, Joseph and Mary come out to them, holding a large doll - a baby, the magi worship and diverge in different directions.

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