Basic laws of management and their characteristics

In control theory, the concepts of law and principles are fundamental. Laws are considered as necessary, essential, stable and cyclical relations between subjects and objects. They are impartial, that is, they exist regardless of human consciousness.

The laws governing the system can be established theoretically or empirically. They prove the interdependence between goals and how they are achieved in management processes. Key management rules play a very important role in our daily lives and in the work process. Therefore, their knowledge and understanding is very important for each of us.

People Management Law


The concept of management is based on a set of rules and principles that operate in a market economy. The conscious implementation of economic laws, which is carried out through management, allows people to bring their activities in line with objective development criteria. Directly, the manager chooses a balanced method when making a decision.

Governing laws are fundamental. They can be divided into two groups. The first includes those used by management as a whole. The second is directly the rules of production management.

It has a bilateral character. Firstly, management expresses the impartial process of employee’s labor management in the production of consumer values, that is, it acts as a need for production (relations are justified by collective labor).

Secondly, it concerns the production relations of the parties in the process of creating prices. The parties are the employer and the employee entering into property relations with each other. In accordance with this, production management is studied in two aspects: organizational, technical and socio-economic.

The first aspect involves the unification of employees based on the used technical means and machines. The main task: to unite workers and objects of labor, to form the relationship between them. This direction reveals the essence of the concept of management and the composition of its parts.

The socio-economic aspect consists in the fact that the owner of the funds carries out the industrial process not only in his own interests, but also for the collective of workers and society as a whole.

General Provisions

According to established practice, control laws can be divided into three main groups: general, private, special.

Objective (general) are those that are characteristic of the management process and express various dependencies that are formed regardless of the desire of the subjects.

General management laws include several provisions. Here is a list of them:

1. The law of unity and integrity of the management system.

2. The law of the required number of degrees of freedom of the control system.

3. The law of ensuring the necessary diversity of systems.

4. The law of correlation of the controlling and controlled subsystems.

5. The law of correspondence of the forms and content of communication (reverse and direct) in the management system and the economic nature of relations between subsystems.

We consider each of them according to the serial number of the list.

System Management Laws

The first

The law of unity and integrity of the management system is the basic rule in the science of management. Multifunctional integrity means that the management system must implement all the functions necessary for the development and operation of socio-economic systems.

The unity of the management system means that it should form a single whole, and not the sum of parts, fragments or individual acts.


The law of the required number of degrees of freedom of the control system. This means that it must be not only quite flexible, but also possess the necessary internal resources, have a certain stability and rigidity.

The number of degrees of freedom of the controlling subsystems is limited by the laws that have been adopted in this state, the norms of the executive branch, state traditions and principles. Therefore, ensuring the required number of degrees of freedom is carried out using the universality of legislation, certainty of by-laws, explanations of the executive branch, which in general characterizes the flexibility of the management system.

Organization Management Laws


The law of providing the necessary diversity of systems. It consists in the fact that systems must have the necessary diversification in accordance with the needs as a whole. Despite the commonality of management systems, they can and should be distinguished from each other, which is justified by a variety of reasons - industry, weather, ethnic, demographic, vocational, personal qualities of the leader.


The law of correlation of the controlling and controlled subsystems. It means that these subsystems must be consistent with each other, based on the beliefs of their multifunctional and structural capabilities, tasks, directions, development goals and activities of the organizational system. The law of management and the goals of the subsystems are closely related. It implies the need for experienced use of unity of command and collegiality in management.

General management laws


The law of correspondence of the forms and contents of communication (reverse and direct) in the management system and the economic nature of relations between subsystems. What does it mean? The control system consists in giving signals to subjects to carry out any actions. Signals are decision commands based on information from various sources.

Specific rules

The second group of laws includes private, subjective legal acts, due to the application of which it is possible to significantly increase the productivity of the management system as a whole, as well as some of its parts. These include the laws of changing management functions, reducing the number of levels, the prevalence of control. Below we consider them in more detail.

Private laws

Among such similar legal acts, the following can be distinguished:

  • The law of change of management functions.
  • The law of reducing the number of management steps.
  • The law of concentration of management functions.
  • The law of distribution and control.

Let's talk about them in more detail.

The law of changing management functions suggests that an increase or decrease in the levels and steps of management inevitably entails an increase in the value of some functions and a decrease in others.

The essence of the law of reducing the number of management steps is that the less levels there are in an organization, the more effective and efficient management is. This is true, other things being equal.

The law of concentration of management functions establishes that it constantly strives to create more functions at each level. This inevitably leads to an expansion of the administrative apparatus.

According to the law of distribution and control, there is an established relationship between the number of subordinates and the ability to control their activities on the part of management.

There are other particular patterns.

The law of synergy says that in any company there is a set of elements in which its potential will always be either significantly higher than the usual amount of parts included in it, or significantly lower than the indicated number. The task of the organization’s leadership is initially to find a more optimal composition of the parts.

The essence of the law of self-preservation is that any system has a desire for self-preservation and uses its potential for this purpose. The total size of the organization’s creative resources must exceed the combined impact of external and internal destructive factors.

The law of development is that any system wants to achieve the highest overall potential.

The life cycle of the system contains 8 alternating stages:

  • Threshold insensitivity.
  • Implementation.
  • Height.
  • Maturity.
  • Saturation.
  • Recession.
  • Crash.
  • Elimination.

The law of awareness - ordering states that the more information about the current and future state of the internal and external environment the organization has, the higher the possibility of its normal existence.

The law of the unity of analysis and synthesis suggests that every system moves to a more economical mode of activity through the use of analysis and synthesis. The basis of the control analysis system is the method of gradual approximation.

Special laws

In the third group of laws governing the organization's management, it is advisable to include those that are not directly related to management, but can have a significant impact on the performance of the organization.

This group includes economic, legislative, social and other laws. Such rules may be called the term “special”.

Such laws are official. They are inextricably linked with the specifics of the organization. For example, for companies that work in the field of heavy engineering, the laws of mechanics on which the development and creation of machines and equipment are based are of great importance.

For the food and pharmaceutical industries, the laws of chemistry in particular are of great importance. Without their use, the development and dissemination of technological innovations in this field is impossible.

Management Laws

Society Rules

Among the laws governing society can be called those that are presented in the table below.

The wording of the law


Artificially create problems and propose methods for solving them

It is necessary to create such an environment that citizens, without the help of others, seek to use the measures that are necessary to achieve certain circles at the top of the hierarchical pyramid. The deterioration of the criminal situation leads to the fact that people themselves demand the restriction of certain freedoms. The financial crisis is forcing people to accept some violations of social rights that were previously considered severe.

People distraction

One of the laws of managing people is the need to distract their attention from the main issues, filling the entire information space with small, often meaningless messages. As a result, it is possible to constantly occupy people with insignificant problems, without giving at the same time basic information in various leading branches of science and modern knowledge.

Gradual implementation of laws in the field of management

This method allows you to gradually introduce those models of society that will cause enormous resistance from people. The destruction of the state structure in the 90s of the last century was created precisely according to this scheme: a sequential reduction in the functions of the state, privatization of property, reduction of wages, and the elimination of the savings of most of the inhabitants through inflation at an extremely high rate. If all this collapsed on people at once, then it would be impossible to avoid large-scale riots.

Deferred implementation

The bottom line is that at some point in time unpopular measures are taken, but they are introduced only after some time. This reduces people's indignation and gives them the opportunity to get used to innovation.

Treat people like children

It involves the use of arguments, intonations and semantic concepts of a level that is intended for children under 12 years of age. In this way, an appropriate response can be achieved from people who do not have an adult critical assessment of events.

Management laws are

Social Management Laws

They are impartial, that is, they do not depend on the desire of individual subjects. The main provisions of this category are presented in the table below.

The laws

Description of the basic laws of management

The dominance of the global goal of the system

It is fundamental in this category of laws. The subsystems (economic, technical, political, and so on) that make up the social system form a unity, make up a whole organism.


It implies the separation of management functions at various levels and directions in the social management system.


Combines actions at different levels and directions into a single management process.

Save time

It characterizes the productivity of management, the achievement of tasks taking into account the small time costs.

The most important social tasks

The task of society and maintaining its balance and development is to constantly improve the quality of life of its members. Therefore, all other goals should depend on the given task.


The control system should be more diverse than the managed object.


A social concept is a kind of global development. It highlights the fundamental values ​​of the social interests of society, contains the mechanisms for their implementation and is the basis for certain strategic objectives of social policy, certain guidelines.

Development of self-activity of each substructure

Of great importance is the transfer of management functions to national bodies.

Goal Management Laws


Among the basic laws of management are those that can either be applied at all enterprises, regardless of the specificity of their work or the legislative form. These are economic rules that govern the implementation of business ideas and the legislative framework governing the relations of business entities with government agencies and other counterparties.

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