Favorite and long-awaited holiday - Birthday! Without exception, everyone dreams about this event: gifts, wishes and all attention is only for the birthday man! Units do not like this day, but they carefully prepare for the holiday of their second half. I want everything to be at the highest level, the gift aroused delight, and the words touched to the core. Think of a congratulation for your beloved happy birthday in advance!
Photo surprise
Each house has an album with colorful photos. Borrow from there some of the most successful, preferably joint with your lover! In the stationery store, get whatman, felt-tip pens, glue. At home, you can begin to create greetings for your beloved happy birthday. Cut out a huge heart shape from a drawing paper, and inside draw hearts on the size of the photo. Paste them into the prepared frames and leave the wishes and recognition for the birthday person under the photo.
You're the best man in the world
There are a thousand reasons to be with you.
You are beautiful, smart, gallant,
Educated, elegant.
Courageous and dear,
I feel so good with you.
You are gentle and caring
And sometimes it’s just amazing!
I recognize you every day
To make surprises you are not lazy to me!
Happy holiday, my beloved man!
Do not forget that our anniversary is coming soon!
Humble as I hint
I raise my glass for you!
Such a congratulation for the beloved on his birthday can not only be placed on the poster, but also pronounced, looking in the eyes!
Full house
Well, who does not dream of arranging a surprise for his beloved, like in a movie? He is tired, comes home from work, takes off his shoes in the hallway, silence in the house ... And suddenly ... The light comes on, the loud music turns on and before his eyes all friends and close people! A banner with the inscription: “Happy Birthday, beloved!” Is stretched across the room, everyone is dreaming of such an action. It is so nice to know that you are loved and respected by your family.
So arrange your soul mate such an unforgettable evening. In the morning, take him to work and you can get down to business. Decorate the house with balloons and flowers, prepare a delicious dinner and call your friends! Your man will be pleasantly surprised when he understands what celebration you organized on your own!
You will meet him in a stunning outfit with the words: "Happy Birthday, beloved!"
Today is a very important day
I got up at five in the morning, forgot laziness,
Like a bee spinning all day
And on time I did it!
Preparing a holiday for you, my love!
After all, the most charming and cute!
My dear and gentle man,
I'm with you like a ballerina
Feeling graceful
Exquisite and real!
Happy birthday my hero
I'll always be by your side
In life, we boldly go
And we’ll bring the kids with you to this house!
Happiness and laughter may accompany us
And life will be like sweet dreams!
Here are some verses to read to him. “Happy Birthday!” Beloved must be said so that he was touched by the soul!
Sweet life
No matter how trite the phrase may sound that a man’s heart can be won with the help of culinary delights - this is true! All men love to eat, and at any time of the day. Get ready for the gala day in advance. If your chosen one has a sweet tooth, it's time to bake a gorgeous big cake. On this sweetest masterpiece you will write a congratulation for your beloved happy birthday! No need to sprinkle a whole poem, one quatrain will be quite enough!
Happy Birthday, dear,
My man is daring!
Be happy, positive
My beloved, creative!
What to wish you on your birthday?
Each wants his fate!
I wish you just happiness
So that was a lot and all!
Wonder man is you!
I wanted to give flowers
Shirt and deodorant,
But, I know, you will definitely be happy with the cake!
Such verses will surely please your chosen one! “Happy Birthday!” You must say to your beloved in an original way, and such poetic lines will express your feelings without tediousness and routine! Write this cream on the cake! And if your man does not like sweets, all this can be done with mayonnaise on your favorite salad!
Many individuals do not like to memorize rhymes at all, they are afraid to forget words and get into an awkward position. In this case, use prose and impromptu. Think over the plan of your speech on the eve of the holiday. What do you want to wish your man, for what to thank, what a compliment to give.
But the most important words this evening will be very simple: “Happy Birthday, beloved!” In prose or poetry, your congratulation will sound - it does not matter. The main thing is that it should be sincere and romantic.
“I don’t know why, but fate gave me the best present in this life - you! I love you every day more and more. You are real, sincere, brave and gentle! All the qualities intertwined in you, I could not even dream of such a life partner before! And here you are with me! I want you to be always as sensitive and caring, cheerful and dear! Happy Birthday, my Apollo! ”
Such a congratulation for a beloved on his birthday will be the best gift. He will appreciate these phrases coming from the very heart!
flora gifts
Everyone loves beautiful and unusual bouquets - both men and women. Many people think that it is better to give good alcohol or a tie instead of flowers to the stronger sex! It is a fallacy that men dream of receiving gifts of flora. The bouquet should look impressive and serious. No pink ribbons and glamorous elements. The flowers in the boxes are relevant now. In a huge rectangular cardboard box tied with a beautiful bow, there is a heap of roses - a very beautiful sight. On top of it you can put a postcard with the inscription: “Happy Birthday, beloved!” In your own words you will then utter wishes and recognition!
A bouquet of socks looks original and funny! A very practical and necessary gift. Instead of rosebuds, rolled up socks. They are attached to wooden sticks, which are collected in a bouquet and veiled with wrapping paper and ribbons. Nobody will refuse such a presentation, because there are not many socks.
Fun and joy
Do not skimp on kind words, wishes and parting words. Indeed, sometimes sincere congratulations are more expensive than the most luxurious gift. Happy birthday to your family and friends in an original way, and most importantly - on time. Then on your holiday you will receive a sea of positive emotions and pleasant words.