Is it possible for a nursing mother herring. When nursing mothers can eat herring

The period of breastfeeding for a young mother is not at all easy. First comes the adjustment of lactation processes, which in itself is not too pleasant, then the baby gets used to eat breasts. But at the same time with these problems, many mothers ask themselves: "What can you eat during breastfeeding?" What kind of food will be most beneficial for the baby? So, in this article I want to talk about whether it is possible for a nursing mother herring.

is it possible for a nursing mother herring

A few words about the prohibitions

Initially, I still want to tell women about how the process of digestion and breakdown of food occurs in the body, what is absorbed into the blood and breast milk, and what goes directly to the baby. So, today for nursing mothers there are a huge number of restrictions. That is impossible, this must be abandoned. It turns out that the woman eats exclusively dry cereals and beef. However, this is completely wrong. The diet of a young mother should be complete, because all the vitamins and minerals that a baby needs so much, get into breast milk precisely from food.

About the process of digesting food

Before giving an answer to the question โ€œis it possible for a nursing mother herringโ€, you need to talk a little about the process of digesting food. So, all the food that a woman eats is first chewed in the mouth, and then it enters the stomach. It is worth noting that it is from the stomach that only water, alcohol and drugs are absorbed into the blood. Other products, which are not yet split and digested, are unable to get into the bloodstream, and, accordingly, into milk.

Further, all food moves to the small intestine. Here it splits into various products convenient for digestion. So, thanks to enzymes and bile, food is processed and converted into peptides, amino acids, fatty acids, etc. And it is these particles that enter the babyโ€™s body along with milk. But not a piece of herring or sushi.

when nursing mothers can eat herring

The main principles and rules of nutrition of a nursing mother

Understanding whether it is possible for a nursing mother herring, it is worth saying that every woman should know the principles of proper nutrition during breastfeeding.

  1. You need to eat as much as you want. So, often mothers during the period of breastfeeding feel hunger. This is normal, because the baby also eats what his mother eats. It must be satisfied in time.
  2. No need to eat for two (in huge portions). You just need to eat more often, but in smaller portions. Overeating is as harmful as hunger.
  3. Mom can eat anything that does not cause an allergic reaction in her and the child. However, one must remember that food should be as healthy and fortified as possible. So, you need to abandon fried and fatty dishes. However, they are also harmful to the health of any adult.

Is it possible to eat a herring to a nursing mother?

A few words about restrictions

If a woman wants to know if herring can be fed to her mother, she is already held captive by various restrictions. What should ladies remember? So, if a mother eats exclusively healthy food, she does not need to limit herself at all. However, products that cause increased gas formation can be discarded. All food that can cause allergic reactions should be eaten in small quantities.

It is necessary to refuse fried fatty foods in favor of cooked, stewed or steamed dishes. If you really want to eat, for example, a leg of fried chicken, do not deny yourself this. However, this will not be harmful only if it occurs no more than once a week.

Fish for a nursing mother

Many mothers ask themselves: "Is it possible for a nursing mother to fish, herring, sushi?" Thus, the World Health Organization says that during breastfeeding, fish simply must be in the diet of every woman. After all, it has a certain complex of all vitamins, macro- and microelements, which are so necessary for the baby for normal growth and development.

According to doctors, people who regularly consume fish are much less likely to experience various diseases of the cardiovascular system, and all kinds of malfunctions of the thyroid gland are very rare.

Separately, you need to clarify about sushi. So, all the food that my mother eats during breastfeeding should be indulged in heat treatment - cook, stew, steam. Sushi is a piece of raw fish. So for the time being, it is best to refuse a favorite delicacy of many women.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to fish herring sushi

Herring: benefit

The time has come to answer the question "is it possible for herring to be breastfed?" So, it must be said that herring, like the rest of the fish, contains the same beneficial substances and trace elements. It is rich in iodine, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, protein. It contains such useful acids as Omega-3, which are simply necessary for the work and development of the brain, vision, and cardiovascular system. The composition of this fish has the most useful vitamins A, D, as well as group B (B1, B12, B2).

Herring: harm

We examine further whether it is possible to eat a herring to a nursing mother. Despite all its positive aspects, this fish has a number of contraindications for use.

  1. Herring is considered a strong allergen. Scientists put it on a par with citrus fruits, strawberries, honey. Therefore, in the baby, after the mother eats this product, a rash, diathesis, indigestion and bloating may appear. Therefore, the mother for the first time should gradually try all the products. If there is no reaction to them - well, if the baby reacted negatively - it is best to refuse to use them.
  2. Herring has a specific taste. And she is able to slightly change the taste of milk. It acquires a light salty shade. If the baby does not like this, he can generally refuse to breastfeed.
  3. In the first months of life, nutritionists also do not recommend eating herring. And all because the babyโ€™s digestive tract is not yet developed enough to take this food product even in split form.

is it possible to breast herring

When can I eat herring without fear?

Separately, it is also necessary to talk about when nursing mothers can eat herring without fear. That is, so that it does not harm the baby at all. It is recommended to introduce this food product into the diet no earlier than when the baby turns three months old. Initially, you need to try no more than a couple of pieces of herring. If the child reacted normally to her, he did not have a rash and there were no other non-standard manifestations, the mother can eat herring without fear. But here you must comply with the norm. Do not abuse this fish. Norm: no more than a couple of pieces of herring at most twice a week.

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