Words of thanks to the guests at the wedding. What and how to say

The wedding is designed to celebrate the birth of a new family together with loved ones and relatives. Guests give young people presents, proclaim toasts, say wishes and give parting words to a new life. This is customary everywhere and for everyone. Any person is pleased to be at such an event, and an invitation to it is perceived as an honor.

words of thanks to the guests at the wedding

But there is a tradition to thank the guests for honoring this wedding with their presence. Of course, the heroes of the occasion do this - the bride and groom, pronouncing words of gratitude. Guests at the wedding are especially pleased to hear this, because during the banquet, the young people did not have the opportunity to approach each person personally. They usually give thanks at the end of the evening, in one speech expressing their appreciation to all those present. In this way, the young family pays attention to all the guests gathered at their holiday.

Words of thanks to the guests at the wedding. In what form do they pronounce

As noted, a thank-you speech is usually delivered at the end of the banquet, but when the guests have not yet dispersed. It is compiled by the young or the host in advance, embodied in the form of poems or prose. There are ready-made speeches, odes and whole poems. However, it is always touching when the bride and groom invent the words of gratitude to the guests at the wedding themselves. These lines will be permeated with sincerity, sincerity and genuine appreciation to all those gathered. With the help of this speech, young people can turn to their guests to express their respect to everyone for their attention. The whole evening the bride and groom were the center of the celebration, but at this moment the guests are the main ones, because without them this event would not have been so fun!

Interestingly, somewhere else it is customary to say words of thanks on the wedding day?

"Their manners"

It is customary to thank guests not only in the countries of the former USSR. This tradition is widespread in Europe, Canada, USA. There sometimes the words of gratitude to the guests at the wedding are replaced by the presentation of memorable gifts: bonbonnieres, souvenirs, beautiful cards. It is customary to lay them out near the guest’s personal device before the celebration or hand them in at the end of the evening. Bonbonnieres are especially popular, they put in various sweets, funny little things, souvenirs. In this way, the newlyweds express their respect and gratitude to their guests.

words of gratitude to the bride guests
There is another tradition. The bride and groom thank the participants in the celebration on their return from their honeymoon, sending them postcards or their photos from the vacation spot and a brief description of their voyage. They reinforce the message with words of gratitude for the visit to their wedding.

What they say in a thank-you speech

The bride and groom can prepare a joint speech that one of them will deliver. But you can make two calls - then the young speak them in turn. In their words, the newlyweds should thank all those present for sharing this joyful moment with them, for taking the time to come, for support, for gifts and for their cheerful mood.

thanks on the wedding day

Often girls ask what the words of gratitude of the bride should be to the guests. She can also express her gratitude to all those gathered, separately thank her friends and those who helped her in the pre-wedding bustle. If there are girls on marriageable age at the celebration, then she may wish them the speediest possible attainment of a worthy life partner. A separate speech expresses gratitude to the husband's parents for the birth and upbringing of a handsome man who became her husband.

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