Father Herman in the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra: report

Three days a week, special services are held in one of the churches of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The viceroy of the monastery, Father Herman begs, smears with peace and sprinkles holy water with raging people. Curious and mentally ill people should not look here. It treats diseases of the spirit.

Unexplained symptoms

Quite often, patients treated by Father Herman become people with unexplained diseases. A person melts before his eyes, loses his strength, barely walks, but no doctor can determine the cause and make a diagnosis. Another case is constant melancholy, depression, down to the desire to die, amid a completely successful fate. Or, conversely, causeless outbursts of rage and irritation, reaching the riot in a person who is usually calm and balanced. There may be seizures, seizures, symptoms of epilepsy or schizophrenia, but without any signs of organic damage to the psyche.

There is such a disease - obsession

The answer may be found in the church. A sharply negative reaction to all the attributes of church service ā€” incense, holy water, a cross, prayers, icons, relics ā€” is evidence that a person is led by an alien force. An even greater shock may be experienced by someone who, having entered the temple, suddenly becomes crowing or begins to use obscene language. All this happens against his will.

father german
Thus, a person is faced with the fact that some other force controls her soul, regardless of whether she believes in her existence or not. The report conducted by Father Herman shows with extreme clarity the nature of this force. "Well, get away from me, pop!" - a thin girl can scream in bass, and a baby of about six years old is capable of striking the priest sprinkling holy water with such force that it throws him three meters away. Low, vicious, aggressive unclean power - demons, demons - is a source of mysterious diseases of the human spirit, called obsession.

How to become possessed

The first reason that people find themselves in the grip of demonic power is their disbelief in the spiritual world: neither God nor the devil. Because of atheistic education, one generation of atheists was replaced by another, accumulating the baggage of sins, - explains Father Herman the spread of obsession among the post-Soviet population. An unbaptized person initially lives according to his passions, does not recognize the commandments of God, does not receive the protection of the Holy Spirit, and falls into the power of an unclean spirit.

reprimand of father german
The believer knows the commandments and follows them. But under the influence of crafty spirits and baptized people depart from God, commit sinful acts. However, they have the opportunity to repent and restore their connection with Him in the sacrament of communion. The one who does not resist temptation sins and does not repent, loses power over his soul, gives it to demons. They enter the heart of such a person at the time of consciously committing an unscrupulous act.

Another set of reasons for obsession is called Archimandrite Herman. This is coding, appeal to psychics, witchcraft practices. In fact, this is "the introduction of evil spirits with the full consent of the patient and under his receipt."

But to drive the evil spirit out of the soul is no longer in the power of the sinner himself. Here we need strong prayer help from outside, and Father German provides it. Sergiev Posad is a place where thousands of unfortunate people rush in the hope of regaining power over their souls.

Exorcism - Exorcism

The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is one of the few places in Russia where those suffering from obsession and demon can receive help. The expulsion of demons in church practice is called exorcism. In gospel times, this was available only to Jesus Christ. The Savior taught his disciples: ā€œThis race is driven out only by prayer and fastingā€ (MF.17,21). That is, only a person of strong faith and a holy life under the power to assist in the liberation of his neighbor from evil spirits.

father german biography
From the first centuries of Christianity, the practice was established: to expel unclean spirits to receive a blessing from the church hierarch, whose rank is not lower than the bishop's. In Russia, from the 14th century, a prayer was extended for the expulsion of demons from the liturgical book of the Kiev Metropolitan Peter the Grave. Exorcism in Russia is called reprimands - this is a special service for the expulsion of demons. Now the rank of reprimand is included in a large census of Orthodox clergy, it is recognized by the Orthodox Church, but not everyone has been given it. Not everyone, itā€™s good if one out of a thousand.

Do we need exorcists?

Opponents of the rank of exorcism in the practice of the Orthodox Church are categorical: "The reprimand of Father Herman is a service that should not be visited by anyone." Numerous arguments are cited, it is argued that the Russian church never knew this rank. And what do opponents of the reprimand of the people in need offer? Those who are already here on earth saw themselves in hell and in the power of demons. Praying, fasting, going to church, repenting, taking communion, visiting holy places - in a word, correcting oneself and hoping for God's mercy.

Yes! Now he is obsessed and ready to do everything that he had neglected before, but the power that owns him will not allow him to draw near to God. Not every priest in the parish has the prayer power to return the prodigal son to the fold of the church. We need a special service and people capable of doing it without harm to themselves.

father german sergiev posad

Where can help

Father German Chesnokov is considered the leading exorcist in Russia, and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the most famous place where spiritually ill people receive help. Even in Soviet times, hegumen Adrian was engaged in reprimanding here. About thirty years ago, Father German received a blessing from the patriarch for this service. Lavra, however, is not the only place where spiritual healing is promoted. 100 kilometers from Moscow, in the village of Shugaevo, is about. Panteleimon, in Bashkortostan is known about. Simon, carry out reports in the Borovsky monastery of Kaluga and in the Gornalsky - Kursk region; in the Nizhny Novgorod region, such services are governed by the Oransky Monastery, and in the Penza region by the Holy Christmas Church in the village of Treskino. There are priests in the rural churches of the Vladimir region and Tatarstan who use the rank of reprimands to help people. In total, in Russia there are up to 25 priests practicing this service, collecting a huge number of people. ā€œThere are many harvests, but few laborersā€ (Matt. 9:37). In the person of these priests, the Orthodox Church reaches out to people who have been captured by the enemy. Why are there so few of them?

Did a good deed - prepare for temptation

In one popular Orthodox book, there is a story of a father who dared to heal a demoniac girl once. I could not resist the requests of unfortunate parents. After a week of intense fasting and prayer, he ran the rank of reprimand for the requisition - and the unclean spirit left the child.

father german reviews
A sense of joy was accompanied by an innocent thought: "And I'm not so simple, I can do something." The desire to dissipate and relax after the exertion of spiritual forces is also quite understandable - and the father with the newspaper in his hands went deeper into reading city news. Looking up from an interesting article, he clearly saw the one who left the girl. Bes, looking directly into his eyes, studied him carefully. Not remembering himself in horror, the priest rushed to his spiritual father, who did not even ask for blessings for this service. Presumably, the confessorā€™s prayers softened the reprisal: the father was robbed, beaten, lost all his teeth.

"Without Me you cannot do anything"

Absolute humility, which excludes any thought of being involved in success, is a condition of protection against an attack of evil spirits. Humility is an experienced knowledge of oneā€™s weakness; the minister is absolutely sure that only Christ heals. ā€œI do not cast out demons, I read a prayer asking God to help,ā€ Father Herman explains. Reviews of his service may be different, but everyone acknowledges that he is a strong prayer book. He develops the thought further: the reporting service does not have a special philosophy and does not require supernatural abilities; he does it not by calling and personal attraction, but by obedience. The same attitude to the rank of reprimand from father Simeon from Bashkiria is only spiritual hygiene, because we wash our hands and brush our teeth.

Another component of security, protection from the attack of demons is the maximum distance from all worldly things. In a monastery, this is easier to accomplish. People in the world need to be careful. ā€œTelevision is a source of spiritual damage,ā€ says Father Herman and includes it among the most common causes of obsession.

Obedience, humility, renunciation of the world with its passions - it would seem, is nothing supernatural, but there are so few ministers who can do it!

Social life of Alexander Chesnokov

Divine providence is in the life of every person, but not everyone can follow it. A series of miracles was seen in his life by father Herman - his biography contains many seemingly incompatible facts.

Military service in Central Asia in a special border district. Times were turbulent - there was a war in Afghanistan. For military operations to detain scouts Alexander Chesnokov (the worldly name of Herman's father) they even wanted to present to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. What did not start a successful military career? But the applicant was not a member of the CPSU and, apparently, was not going to join it. The next stage is study at the Moscow Road Institute, a prestigious Soviet university. He studied at the Faculty of Economics. Automobiles, economics - education that could provide an interesting job and a successful life in both Soviet and post-Soviet society. Unexpectedly for relatives and friends, it is interrupted.

ā€œMy life is a series of miraclesā€

On the advice of the spiritual father, Alexander becomes a student of the theological seminary, and then the academy. MDA professor A. Osipov recalls that at his seminars Chesnokov did not stand out for his special knowledge, was a simple listener, and did not go into the subtleties of theology. And in the last year of study, student Alexander becomes a novice of the Lavra, trying on a monastic life.

Archimandrite Herman
When the question arose about the future life: to become a monk or a priest in the world, an ā€œepisode with saltā€ occurred. It shows a direct reference to the will of God. Half an hour before giving a final answer, Alexander, sitting in his cell, thought: ā€œIf you stay in the Lavra, let someone ask me for something.ā€ There was a knock on the door, and the familiar hieromonk asked him for salt. The issue was resolved, the same day Alexander was tonsured. The acquaintance hieromonk only shrugged: ā€œI didnā€™t ask you for salt!ā€ At present, the failed Hero of the Soviet Union is the exorcist Father German. Sergiev Posad is the place of his permanent residence and ministry.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult

Every week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at noon in the Peter and Paul Church, which is next to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the rite of exorcism is performed. It used to take place in the Gate Church of St. John the Baptist inside the monastery. Several hundred people are waiting for the priest for 10-15 minutes. This delay is the beginning of preparation for a difficult service.

The appearance of the priest is accompanied by noise and murmurs in the crowd, crying in some places, threatening somewhere, growling, meowing, crowing, barking are heard - everything reveals the presence of evil spirits. The service of Father Herman begins with a long sermon. It lasts 1.5-2 hours, and some leave already. The rest listen with bated breath, because everyone will recognize his life story in the denunciations of the priest.

The reading of prayers for the expulsion of unclean spirits begins. This is the culmination of worship, and demons begin to rage: howl, growl, swear, scream. In the temple there are assistants to the priest, who, by his sign, lead out "simulators" - people playing in public. By recognition of. Herman, he knows after which prayer the demons come out.

Hermanā€™s fatherā€™s service
Then comes the anointing with the world, sprinkling with holy water - unclean spirits show physical resistance to these actions, considerable effort is required for the shrine to touch the body of the raging person. "Come, step back, Satan ... We cast you out in the name of God!" At the end of the prayer Fr. German recalls that it is advisable to visit the report three times, and then be sure to participate in the sacraments of unction, confession, and communion.

"A narrow path leading to eternal life"

Demonization and obsession is a lesson given by God to a man who has gone too far along the broad path of sin. This is an opportunity already in earthly life to see whose will the sinner is doing. The reprimand of Herman's father is a chance to break free from demonic captivity and begin life according to God. Repentance, confession, communion, prayers and following the commandments are a way of personal struggle for oneā€™s salvation.

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