Convent of Kera Cardiotissa

Not everyone who has been to Crete can tell about the convent of Kera Kardiotissa - the Monastery of the Virgin of the Heart. It is not the central attraction of the island, and not all guides carry tourist groups to this monastery. Nevertheless, it is interesting in that it stores a copy of the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary of the Heart. They say that a copy also reveals miracles of healing and fulfillment of desires, as well as the original. We will talk about this icon and the convent, which people from all over the world are trying to get to, in this article.

Monastery in the mountains

Kera Kardiotissa Monastery is located 50 kilometers from the capital of Crete, Heraklion, surrounded by the Diktey Mountains. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, like most Cretan monasteries. This is a very old monastery, which became known thanks to the "miraculous" icon. In the photo below, the monastery of Kera Kardiotissa on the map of Crete.

monastery on the map of Crete

The exact date of the creation of the monastery is unknown, there are suggestions that it arose in the XIII century, that is, it is at least 800 years old. It contained a valuable icon of the Virgin, which, according to legend, was painted by the icon-monk, according to some sources, in the VIII century, according to others - in the IX century. It depicts the Virgin with a baby in her arms. There are references to this icon in the manuscripts of 1333.

Kera Kardiotissa Monastery of the Virgin of the Heart

Legend of the icon

According to legend, during the period of iconoclasm, the icon was transported to Constantinople, but miraculously she returned to the island of Crete in the monastery of Kera Kardiotissa. Emperor Theophilos learned about the wonders of this image and ordered to find and return the icon to Constantinople in order to destroy it with his own hands.

However, this wonderful icon again "escaped" from its pursuers and returned to its temple. When the icon was brought for the third time to Constantinople, Theophilos ordered to link it with a marble column, but it broke the shackles and disappeared. In the courtyard of the monastery of Kera Cardiotissa, tourists can see with their own eyes a piece of the column, chains are stored inside the monastery. Believe it or not believe this legend, everyone decides for himself.

Copy of the icon of the Virgin of the Heart

The monastery of Panagia Kera Kardiotissa has a copy of the icon. A wonderful copy is also in the Metropolitan Church of Rethymnon.

How the icon came to Rome

In 1498, a Greek merchant stole an icon to take it to Rome. When they sailed half way, a storm broke out at sea, they risked drowning in the abyss of a storm. The merchant prayed for help to the Virgin Mary, and the merchants received it. Virgin Mary helped them by ending the storm. When they arrived in Rome, the merchant fell seriously ill and, before he died, gave the icon to his Italian friend, so that he would hand it over to St. Matthew's Church in Rome. The church kept the icon for 300 years, and in 1799 it was transferred to the monastery of St. Eusebius. Until 1927, the icon was in this monastery. The icon is currently located in the church of San Alfonso in Rome.

Most likely, it should have happened that the icon was exported to Italy. There is no doubt that it would simply have been destroyed, like many Orthodox relics during the Turkish rule in Crete.

Church of Panagia Kera

The monastery of Kera Cardiotissa in Crete was built in four stages. Its original form was a citadel type. The catholicon of the monastery was originally a single-span church, covered with an arch with a vaulted roof space. Then several parts were added to it: two narthexes and a small chapel.

Kera Cardiotissa Monastery

The church was painted with frescoes, some of them have been preserved, which allows us to contemplate the painting of the walls of the monastery dating back to the 14th century, in the northern part preserved frescoes of the 15th century with the characteristics of the Macedonian school of hagiography. The church has a copy of the icon of the Virgin, written in 1735. According to the nuns, she is also considered miraculous.

Considering these frescoes, many are perplexed as to how they were preserved, because there was a period of Turkish occupation and times of vandalism. And there is an explanation for this. Residents hid them, applying a thick layer of lime. The walls of the monastery looked like plastered. Not once experienced the monastery for years. He was attacked by the Turks twice: in 1822 and 1842. It was the center of resistance in 1866 when Crete was engulfed in rebellion.

Current life in the monastery

Now the monastery of Kera Kardiotissa is a quiet place, lost among the mountains. In 2001, there were 45 women in the monastery. Currently, there are several nuns and abbess. The monastery is ready to accommodate up to 25 people, and for some time provide housing and food. There is a museum on the territory of the monastery, where visitors can see objects of church utensils and books.

Monastery Kera Kardiotissa

The monastery has a minimum of excursions mainly in the evening, after the lunch break, which lasts from 13:00 to 15:30. In the morning there are a lot of excursion groups. True, the tour is short-lived. You can explore the whole territory and look into the church shop in about thirty minutes. Admission for adults is paid and is 2 euros. There are requirements in appearance. Women should have a head covered, clothing covering their knees. men should be without a hat. Modesty in clothing is welcome.

How to get to the monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

Usually there is a tour to the monastery, which is considered additional to the official tour program. If you wish, you can sign up and go on an excursion to the convent. If you get, for example, from Heraklion by car, you need to go along the E75 highway to the city of Agios Nikolaos, then turn off the highway onto the road leading to the village of Kritza, and from it there will be signs to the monastery.

If you get from the north coast, you need to focus on the direction to the city of Malia. From it goes the road to the Lassithi plateau. From Malia to the monastery to 13 kilometers.

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