What activities need a license: list

What type of activity needs a license - the answer to this question interested citizens with the advent of entrepreneurship in the country. Some works require special specialization, skills and knowledge, therefore, authorized authorities issue permits for such classes. Whatever the rights and legitimate interests are infringed on, the life and health of individuals and society are not endangered, a number of professional functions are regulated by regulatory legal acts.

Special work

You can find out what type of activity you need a license from from the list of Government Decree No. 957, which was published in 2011.

What laws govern business?

Lack of special qualifications, violations of the rules established by law, can cause significant damage in various areas of human activity. Therefore, special bodies strictly control and determine what type of activity a license is needed. In addition to workers performing specialized labor, some production activities related to the release of goods are subject to licensing. For example, federal laws control and regulate activities:

  • No. 170 - work on nuclear energy.
  • No. 171 - controls the turnover of alcoholic beverages.
  • No. 395 - established the rules for credit organizations.
  • No. 5485-1 - stands for the protection of state secrets.
  • No. 325 - under the auspices of these legal standards, tenders are held.
  • No. 39 - regulates the work with securities.
  • No. 75 - operates in the field of private pension funds.
  • No. 7 - works with clearing entrepreneurship.
  • No. 4015-1 - helps insurance companies not to break the legislative line.
  • No. 5663 - manages space activities in the legal regulations.
Alcohol trade

It is necessary not only to decide on what type of activity a license is required, but also to prepare financially and documentally. It is necessary to apply for the necessary profile to the LRO (licensing and permitting department).

How to deal with the terms?

When entrepreneurs work in a direction that is registered with the fiscal authorities, they go through a licensing procedure. They will first find out if they need licenses for the types of activity they have chosen. If there is such a requirement, they draw up a special contract provided for private enterprise.

License example

Licenses should be understood as official documents, they are issued by state structures, after which it is allowed to perform work for a certain period. The law requires confirmation of compliance with this business, professional level and competence. The licensor is the party authorized to issue work permits; the recipient is the licensee. Whether licenses for activities are needed, determines the legislative regulation by a special list.

Why strict control is established

They control entrepreneurs so that everyone does his own thing. This procedure helps random people, scammers, not to remain in the profession. Activities for which a license is required should not:

  • harm people;
  • adversely affect the environment;
  • threaten state security, defense;
  • to damage culture and values.

For example, only a person with a special education can treat people, false doctors do not belong in this area. Limitations and requirements for applicants for permits allows:

  • identify true professionals;
  • exclude citizens with insufficient qualifications or who do not meet the requirements;
  • establish the professionalism of private providers of services.
Transportation license

Strict selection serves as a state exceptional measure; it classifies each activity for which a license is needed. The document confirms that qualified people are able to provide quality services in a particular industry.

Limitations of Russian business

The list of activities for which a license is required indicates that you cannot engage in without special permission:

  • development, production, sale of data encryption devices;
  • creation, design, repair, disposal in the aviation industry;
  • weapons manufacturing;
  • explosive, chemical devices;
  • industrial fire extinguishing in nature, in residential and industrial premises, if this does not apply to voluntary assistance;
  • maintenance of fire safety installations;
  • the manufacture of medicines, psychotropic and narcotic substances, alcoholic beverages, service medical equipment;
  • genetic engineering, use viruses that affect a living organism;
  • transporting people, goods, loading and unloading dangerous substances, towing;
  • transportation of people if there are more than 8 passengers;
  • recycling, storage of hazardous waste to the environment;
  • the organization of gambling, sweepstakes;
  • object protection, search;
  • processing, storage, sale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • provision of communication;
  • development for the sale of software, video products;
  • enlightenment;
  • space exploration;
  • the search for natural resources, explore the territory for this purpose;
  • treatment
  • collecting antique items in pawnshops;
  • expert activities in production;
  • work with explosives.
Dangerous job

Related industries are added to the list where it is indicated for which activity a license is needed.

The art of healing

By special permission, the state body provides the right to engage in certain work, for this clear requirements are established. With documentary evidence, the company becomes legal and guarantees quality treatment, on which a person’s life sometimes depends. Therefore, both the physicians themselves and the patients should have no doubt whether a license for medical activity is needed. A distinctive feature in this area of ​​employment is the need for direct and additional licensing for each type of employment. Whether it is the installation of medical equipment, the provision of medicine to the population or direct medical assistance.

What activities need to be legalized

Medical care should be classified according to the following criteria:

  • rooms where patients are admitted;
  • medical services to be provided to citizens;
  • massage activities;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • production and circulation of substances containing narcotic drugs;
  • manufacture, maintenance of medical equipment.

The issued permit is accompanied by an application listing all the services available for classes. The Federal Service, which is responsible for the supervision of healthcare and social development, accepts, reviews applications and issues a document.

Specific medical services

Roszdravnadzor contains information in a single register about legal hospitals and medical personnel entitled to practice medicine. In 2019, a license is required to conduct work in the field of:

  • gynecology;
  • Orthopedics
  • pediatrics
  • Surgery
  • anesthesia;
  • resuscitation;
  • Dentistry
  • medical examination;
  • examinations and examinations;
  • sanatorium, spa treatments.
Medical practice

Permission is required when opening medical offices and it is provided for medical care:

  • medical;
  • pre-medical;
  • ambulatory;
  • stationary.

A medical worker of any level can start working in the private sector if the institution and the doctor have special permission.

Beauty Salon Requirements

When organizing enterprises that have to provide cosmetic services in various beauty salons, you also need to apply for a certain type of activity. Since during the customer service by an unqualified specialist, the skin may be broken, harm to the body, and appearance damaged. Therefore, specialists and organizations are required to have licenses. If they do:

  • depilation;
  • peeling;
  • cosmetology;
  • piercing, tattooing;
  • massage.

What are the conditions for licensees

Owners of medical institutions may not have medical skills and special education, but its main specialists should be graduated in the profile of occupying positions. When issuing licenses, individual entrepreneurs are required to have professional education and at least 3 years of work experience. The head is responsible for the professionalism of his staff and the quality of service. He draws up documents on the installation of appropriate equipment, recruits employees. When inspectors come, they first of all turn to the owner of the hospital.

Do I need a pharmaceutical license?

The health of people and animals depends on the quality of medications. The treatment of medicines is possible with special knowledge. An entrepreneur in this industry should have many qualities in relation to:

  • trade;
  • drug storage;
  • dispensing substances;
  • production.

When issuing a license, the government department requires applicants to have a special pharmaceutical education and at least 3 years of work experience in this area.

Features of pedagogical work

Do I need an IP license for educational activities? This requirement is indicated by legislative acts. Provided that the citizen runs the institution that is engaged in training:

  • preschool;
  • common;
  • professional.

When an entrepreneur has registered in his name the provision of educational services and does not involve other specialists, one certificate is enough. The teacher can personally engage in:

  • tutoring;
  • private tuition.

Teachers are allowed to conduct circles, sections, and studios.

Rules for security services

Do I need a license for security activities? The caretaker profession is ancient and has always been in demand. At the same time, no one ever demanded special preparedness from workers, who were often hired at an advanced age. Over time, the scope of work and responsibility changed, new POPs were created that did not have the right to work legally without a license.

Private Security

In addition, the specifics of the work requires armed guards with good possession of weapons, and this is a special category of licensing. The guards provide a number of services:

  • protect the life and health of their employers;
  • protect real estate, transport, property;
  • provide advice, recommendations on the protection of property;
  • ensure order in crowded places;
  • help law enforcement.

What should be a modern watchman

Business executives and businessmen often seek help from a private security company. They protect children from wealthy people, monitor the order in the offices, the volume of work they have is large and a wide field of activity. Therefore, the employer pays special attention to the availability of a license. In order to receive an authorization document from licensors for the provision of services for the protection of objects by an organization, it is necessary to meet the requirements:

  • to have available own funds for the authorized capital without attracting credit money or foreign investments;
  • the hired personnel should not be engaged in public service, work in a public association, have a criminal record;
  • the enterprise does not belong to another company as a subsidiary that does not engage in security;
  • all educated employees who have undergone special training and are in good health, a medical examination confirms it.

Licenses are issued by authorized executive state bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the federal and regional levels. They apply for the document after registration of the organization and receipt of the corresponding certificate. The validity of the permit is valid for 5 years, after which, if necessary, the admission is extended.

The competence of the government department includes:

  • issuance of license documents in accordance with the established model;
  • renewal or termination of permits;
  • filling out registries with access;
  • control measures;
  • filing, if necessary, a claim for violations.

The guard receives a license to carry weapons separately. To do this, he will have to undergo a separate possession training and prove:

  • lack of bad habits, deviations in the psyche;
  • good reputation without a criminal record and marks in law enforcement.

A security company can be run by a person with a higher education and appropriate professional qualities. Modern security guards are trained in educational institutions at various levels, after which they issue a certificate. During certain periods, specialists undergo retraining and renew licenses.

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