She is Sagittarius, he is Sagittarius: compatibility. Characteristics of man and woman

Most people carefully conceal or do not seek to recognize the fact that astrology in one way or another has an effect on them. This is especially acute in those moments when a person wants to get a characterization of an individual that is interesting to him from the position of the stars. Of course, this is more common among girls, and more often their curiosity in astrology manifests itself in the search for compatibility of various zodiac signs and methods of conquering them.


So, let's look at an example of a pair, where it is Sagittarius, it is Sagittarius, their compatibility in a single whole and the characteristic of each separately. If we talk about this sign in general, it gives people a cheerful disposition, emotionality, friendliness and love of freedom.

Sagittarius horoscope for 2014
You will notice such people right away, they are always the soul of any company, they are surrounded by many loving and loyal friends, fans who yield to their influence and are charged with their enthusiasm. By nature, Streltsov can be called adventurers, they never sit in one place, they are looking for something as bright and interesting as they themselves. They, like no one, understand that the world is full of opportunities, beautiful places and events, and they want to see everything with their own eyes and go everywhere. However, at the same time, the sign of Sagittarius can repel people with its sometimes excessive directness, reminiscent of child cruelty. They say everything without a second thought, as it is, so do not try to convict them of hypocrisy or atrocities. Often, having offended another person by an inadvertently dropped word, for a long time they do not even realize the reason for the negative reaction. More precisely, Sagittarius simply does not allow the thought that they can harm anyone or hurt anyone. However, they are what they are. At the same time, they are extremely successful, love children and animals, are always engaged in sports or outdoor games, and are distinguished by their liveliness and speed of thoughts. Now, let’s take a closer look at the differences between this sign in different gender categories.

Male sign

First of all, let's try to find out what a Sagittarius man is. The characterization of the sign in this perspective as a whole does not differ from the general, however, it still has its own nuances. Firstly, the zodiac gives men extraordinary will, determination, physical and intellectual strength, and most importantly, self-control.

she is a sagittarius he is a sagittarius compatibility

As a rule, they achieve a lot in life, while not losing their close friends along the way. On the contrary, they always follow side by side with them. And all because Sagittarius is open to the world, they smile broadly and good-naturedly, attracting more and more people, including women.

What is his relationship?

In love, the Sagittarius man is unrestrained. It is romantic, light, one might even say windy. And he is looking for exactly that person with whom he will not lose his freedom and brightness. A woman should never burden his life, she should be as interesting and exciting an adventure as climbing Mount Everest with one pickaxe and a rope in a backpack. In this regard, in his youth he is inclined to frequent changes of partners, because as soon as the next fan begins to impose his opinion on him or remind him of some obligations, he immediately loses interest in her. And since he is always surrounded by a dozen cute young ladies who are coquettishly trying to win his attention, he simply moves from one to another, without burdening himself with worries.

The price of words

However, from a frequent change of partners, a male Sagittarius will not turn into a lovable Casanova, he will remain honest and frank. Any compliment of him is a manifestation of his sincerity; in no case can one doubt them. Plus, such a man is extremely trusting and can easily succumb to deception, but if this is revealed, do not wait for mercy.

female sagittarius characteristic
Sagittarius requires the same openness and honesty with which he treats you. And therefore, only that woman who will understand him in all respects, will be ready to listen to his thoughts aloud and the important events of every day, will be faithful to him and will not allow disrespect to herself. This can happen in a pair where he is Sagittarius, she is Sagittarius. Their compatibility is greatly increased due to mutual understanding. At the same time, she will have to learn not to monopolize him, not to be jealous, not to demand the performance of any duties. If a woman is worthy of him, wise and will not put pressure on him, he himself will be faithful to her. You can be sure that the word “love” that has come down from the mouth of a Sagittarius man is the most honest “love” you have ever heard. He is extremely reluctant to marry and generally binds himself with bonds and promises, but if for your sake he agrees to take such a crucial step, you will become the companion of the most remarkable man.

Female sign

in love man sagittarius

The Sagittarius woman, whose characteristic differs from the man's extreme tenderness and kindness, is also attractive to the opposite sex. She is straightforward and open, communicates with men, so to speak, on a short leg. Do not cheat, do not beat around the bush. She is highly intelligent and always knows what she needs. From the side it may even seem that she speaks to them as with good friends, but at the same time she does not for a moment lose her femininity in their eyes. She is graceful, sexy, smart and optimistic, which emphasizes her fine subtle humor.


girl sagittarius compatibility

It is precisely the Sagittarius girl who is able to teach persistent and even obsessive men a lesson, whose compatibility will be good only with that companion who will be able to interest her for a long time and curb her temper. Flirting and light flirtation emanating from her are not at all an invitation to close relationships, as self-confident daffodils might think. She is such with many, and if a man allows himself to cross the permissible line, then his vanity will be crushed to dust by her sharp tongue. Such a Sagittarius woman, compatibility for which is possible only with someone who will be patient, attentive and inventive, needless to say, pleasant, smart and clever. And if he manages to win her attention and isolate her from other boyfriends, then a Sagittarius woman can get caught. And if he will be able to describe in all its charms the advantages of a serious relationship, a family hearth and raising children, then she will finally succumb to him and turn into a faithful wife and perfect mother.


male Sagittarius characteristic

However, she, as a lover of free space, will not be able to breathe the dust of an apartment building for a long time, running from a washing machine to a gas stove. She needs a place for herself, for creativity, for outdoor activities. Therefore, do not be surprised if, after your many excuses from a trip to a beautiful place, she will fall there alone or with her children, but she will certainly leave to breathe a breath of fresh air, spend all the energy accumulated in it. And if this is not possible, then you will have to endure her new friends, including the male, with whom she will simply communicate or make friends only because she needs rest. And if her companion will allow her such conversations and walks, then this will only strengthen their union and strengthen its authority in her eyes. This can happen in a couple where she is Sagittarius, he is Sagittarius, whose compatibility is explained not so much by love for home and children, as by frankness in conversation and understanding of each other.

Sagittarius Couple

After all, who, if not a soul mate, can literally read your thoughts? So it happens in a pair where she is Sagittarius, he is Sagittarius. Its compatibility can be both zero in terms of romance, and 100%. Here the law “all or nothing” applies, and either their rhythms coincide, and until old age they will study the beauties of the depths of the ocean or thickets of Madagascar, or they will scatter like good strong friends and become advisers to each other in love affairs. Plus, in this union there is one extremely heavy cornerstone - their directness. They both tell the truth, not veiling it at all and not trying to hide it behind a layered lie. They are both clean, open and simple-minded, and therefore if the feelings of one of them are in a quarrel, then the second soon risks to hear everything that they think of him. This directness can hurt, and therefore their separation may lie not far off, but literally around the nearest corner.

Pair benefits

female sagittarius compatibility

Such a pair: she is Sagittarius, he is Sagittarius, the compatibility of which can be compared with a friendly alliance with "the pot itself", is the most mature. They are both serious and responsible when they begin to think about marriage. Therefore, they so rarely commit frivolous acts. On the contrary, weddings can even happen for convenience, for business gain, but without fail by mutual agreement. They respect and understand each other, do not encroach on personal territory, do not scour the notebook and do not sniff for perfumes on a scarf. Jealousy is not peculiar to Sagittarius. They are equal in strength of mind and intellect, their views are directed in the same direction, they adequately discuss with each other even trifles, since this is a real sober union that practically does not break up.

What awaits the sign this year?

The Sagittarius horoscope for 2014 is most successful in the second half, when it will finally achieve success in love and career. But the first half of the year will be accompanied by many problems, including in communication with the right people. Mars is to blame, whose influence will disappear at the end of May. And before that, Sagittarius should be quieter, trying not to take on new projects or radically change their appearance, it is better to wait for a more favorable moment. The health of the children of the representatives of this sign will not let you down all year long, which the romantic line cannot boast of. However, in July, everything will catch up, and the phone will literally be torn from calls, invitations and great offers.

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