Prayer for finding a good job: text of strong prayer, especially reading

Man has always been engaged in labor. Even in paradise (even before exile) Adam worked: he gave names to animals. This mission had a goal - knowledge of the world, its laws and mechanisms. The Lord expelled the sinning people from the Garden of Eden, saying: โ€œIn labor you will procure your bread. And now Eve must bear children in agony.โ€ The earth was transformed after the fall: deserts appeared, animals divided into predators and herbivores, previously fertile soil became lifeless. Adam and all his descendants still get their bread in labors and torments.

Nowadays it can be difficult to find a job for the soul and with a good salary. Many experts are not in demand, the industry has just begun to rise from the ruins, so there are not enough jobs for everyone. Sometimes you have to look for a good place for a long time. In Orthodox culture, it is customary to ask God for a better share for themselves and their loved ones, often people read prayers for help in finding a good job.

Some saints have a special grace of God to help people in this sphere of life:

  • Spiridon of Trimyphuntus.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Matron Moscow.
  • Martyr Tryphon.
  • Ksenia of Petersburg.
  • Seraphim of Sarov.

Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, also hear our every prayer offering brought with a pure heart and faith.

Why is work unlucky?

At heart, each person is honest alone with himself. Therefore, first you need to deal with the reasons, answer the question why the job is not going well. Perhaps the Lord calls for humility and you need to start small. It often happens that the applicant is viewing ads in a certain category, and the employer he needs is in another. A broader search will solve this problem.

Psychological techniques during the interview are a good way to make a more favorable impression on the recruitment manager. Internet access and free half an hour with a cup of coffee can easily fill knowledge gaps. A certain pose, gestures, gaze - all this at a subconscious level affects decision making.

Job interview

Appearance, smell, dress uniform are of great importance at the interview. Indeed, on these grounds, the employer determines what will be the cooperation with the applicant. A shocking appearance is appropriate at a holiday, carnival, but not at all in the office or office of the production personnel department. The HR manager may decide that the outrageous employee will bring chaos to the team and most likely will fail.

If all conditions are met, and with employment, as before, nothing works, one can only hope for help from above. A prayer for finding a good job, said with faith and a pure heart, will certainly help.

Lord Jesus Christ

He was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit in the family of a simple carpenter from Nazareth and from an early age worked in the same field as the righteous Joseph who nurtured and raised him. At the age of 30, he left this ministry and began to prepare for the most important event in the history of mankind - the victory over death.

The sacrifice brought on the cross for all of humanity opened the door to paradise for all who wish to acquire it. Christ taught that by our faith is given to us. That is, we can influence all events in life to one degree or another, but when we cannot cope alone, He will come to the rescue. Therefore, the first prayer for a good, well-paid job is for the Lord:

To the Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth, Even this whole thing to fulfill, Treasure of the good and life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, Better, our soul.

God bless and help me, the sinner, to complete the work that I begin, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Firstborn Father, Thou art thou wilt clean thy mouth, for without Men you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and in the heart of Thee is spoken, I give in to Your goodness: help me, the sinner, this thing that I am beginning, to do about You Himself, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Virgin and all Your Saints . Amen.

Lord jesus christ

Thanksgiving for all mercy of God

Any business must begin with a prayer to the Lord. Orthodox Christians are accustomed to regularly thanking the Creator for all that is given to them. To be able to fully work, you need health, physical strength, developed intelligence, education and so on. All this is given to us by the Lord, therefore we need to be grateful. Life is unpredictable, you can lose your ability to work at any time. If you canโ€™t get into the church and order a prayer service, you need to often repeat it out loud or to yourself: "Thank God for everything!" No strong prayer for a new good job will be heard if there is no gratitude to the Lord for everything.

Thanks be to God for everything

God protects us, helps and arranges everything so that our soul can find salvation. Sometimes we urge, passionately want to take a certain vacancy, but it doesnโ€™t work out: a passport or work book is lost, a car splashes on the way to an interview, or some other trouble happens. It is worth stopping and thinking whether it is really so necessary or whether it is worth taking a break and once again thinking everything over well.

Prayer of thanks for finding a good job:

We thank you, our Lord God, for all your good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy thy servants (names), former, theirs and nots, manifest and undetected, formerly deeds and the word: beloved us and Thy Only Begotten Son of us a darling, like us and be worthy of your love.

Give Thy word wisdom and Thy fear, breathe strength from Thy strength, and even though you at least or unwillingly sinned, forgive and do not impute, and save our holy soul, and present Thy throne that I have a clear conscience, and the end is worthy of Thy love of mankind; and remember, Lord, all who call on thy name in truth, remember all who are good or who want us to resist: all are Esma's men, and every man in vain; the same prayer to you, Lord, give us your mercy great mercy.

Appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary, the daughter of the righteous Joachim and Anna, descendants of King David, received the best education in those days at the temple. Even at a young age, Prechistaya vowed celibacy, but according to Jewish laws, the girl could not live alone. Her parents in those days had already died, and she had no other relatives. The Council of High Priests decided to select Mary as her guardian husband from the elderly widowers by drawing lots.

Staves were gathered from the candidates for husbands and laid on the altar. The priests prayed for the will of God for a long time. When the staves were returned to the owners, one of them, belonging to the righteous Joseph, blossomed. Seeing such a miracle, the high priests handed over the future Virgin to the care of a widower.

The blessed virgin mary

Best of all, Mary was given the art of sewing. Once, embroidering the curtain for the temple, she thought about the prophecy of the birth of the Savior. In the tradition it was indicated that the Messiah would be born of the Virgin, and Mary wanted to at least serve this wonderful woman. But she understood that Christ would be born in the royal chambers, and she was a simple poor girl and she certainly would not become a witness to this event. At that moment, the archangel Gabriel appeared to her and announced the election of her to the Savior as her mother.

Joseph wanted to let the Virgin go, thereby saving her from stoning. But an angel appeared to him and explained everything. Soon the need forced the holy family to go to the city of Bethlehem for a census. The journey took several months. The Christmas of the Savior caught the couple by surprise. They were looking for where to lay their heads, but all the places in the hotels were occupied, only a manger was found. The place where the shepherds drove the cattle for the night became the receptacle of the Lord who was born.

Maria throughout her earthly life worked tirelessly. Survived the suffering of the Son on the cross, His death and resurrection. Moreover, from the moment of conception, she knew what fate was destined for him and lived in anticipation of the fulfillment of the prophecy, appreciating every second spent nearby.

Mother of god of athos

Virgin Mary laid the foundation for monasticism. On Mount Athos in Greece, she is considered abbess, that is, the organizer of the monastic life, taking care of the fraternity. Indeed, miracles from the icons of the Mother of God on holy mountain cannot be counted. Only men can go to Mount Athos; meat is strictly forbidden by the monastery charter. There are cases when a fresh piece of game was carried through the courtyard of one of the Athos hostels, and it spoiled in 10 minutes.

Prayer for a job search with a good salary to the Blessed Virgin Mary:

O Most Holy Lady of the Theotokos! With fear, faith and love that falls before your honest icon, we pray to you: do not turn your face away from those who come to you, plead, mercy to your mother, your son and God, the Lord Jesus Christ, that he may preserve our country in peace, and establish it in piety May the Holy Church be kept unshakable, and may it be delivered from unbelief, heresies and schism.

Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, except you, the Blessed Virgin: You are the omnipotent Christian helper and intercessor. Deliver all with faith to You who pray from the fall of sin, from the libel of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, troubles, and from sudden death.

Grant us the spirit of contrition, the humility of our hearts, the purity of our thoughts, the correction of our sinful lives and the forgiveness of sins, and thanks to all who gratefully glorify Your majesty and mercy, who are shown to us here on earth, we will be honored with the Heavenly Kingdom, and with all the saints we will glorify the holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Spiridon of Trimyphuntus

The future saint was born on the island of Crete at the end of the 3rd century AD. In his youth, he married a pious girl; in a marriage, a daughter, Irina, was born. He was engaged in grazing and always helped the poor. For mercy, the Lord gave him the gift to work miracles: he healed the seriously ill and had power over unclean spirits.

The saint's wife died early, and he was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt. Having become a dignitary, Spiridon did not leave merciful deeds and always helped his neighbors. Participating in the first Ecumenical Council, the bishop delivered a soulful speech that put an end to disputes with the Greek heretic philosopher. This performance showed all gathered the great wisdom of God, and the persecutor of Christianity believed. Later, the Greek said that he felt in the words of Spiridon the power of the creator, which he could not and did not want to resist.

To prove the words of the saint, a miracle happened at the Council. Wanting to explain the unity of the Holy Trinity, Spiridon picked up a brick, and it fell apart into components: fire, water and clay. And he said these words:

There are three elements, and one plinth (brick), โ€said St. Spyridon then,โ€œ and in the Most Holy Trinity, there are Three Persons, and the Divine is One.

On the canonical icons the bishop is depicted precisely with this brick in his hand. Spiridon of Trimyphuntus is compared with the prophet Elijah, through his prayers on the arid island of Crete, blessed rain often poured.

Miracles of the saint

One godly woman died a child. With a lifeless baby in her arms, she ran to Saint Spyridon. Through prayers to God, the child came to life, but his mother fell dead from the shock. And again the saint prayed, bringing the woman back to life.

In another city, they unfairly slandered and sentenced a close friend of the bishop to death. He immediately hastened to rescue his friend, but on the way he was stopped by the natural elements: after a rain from the mountains, a stream that came out of the banks fell off with a noise. Even the coastal trees carried along streams of water; there was no question of a crossing. And then the saint turned to God in prayer and boldly ordered the stream to stop in the name of the Savior. The creek stood, as if shackled in ice, and Spiridon calmly moved to the opposite bank. He succeeded in bailing out a friend, despite all the obstacles.

The name of St. Spyridon is also associated with the appearance of angels in an empty church. Together with the deacon, they began the Liturgy, and after the first cry, angelic singing came from somewhere from the ceiling. An invisible choir sang an answer. In great litany, the angels sang, "Lord, have mercy!" People ran to the sounds of wonderful voices, but when they entered the temple, they found there only a bishop and deacon.

Spiridon of trimyphuntus

Prayer for a good job for Spiridon of Trimyphus:

Oh, the great and wonderful Saint Christ and the miracle worker Spiridone, the Kerkir praise, the universal Universe luminous blessed, the warm prayer to God and all the fellow worshipers and with the holy frenzy! You, Orthodox in the Council of Nice through the middle of your fathers, mercifully explained to Yesi, the triune of the Holy Trinity showed miraculous power to Yesi and heretics to the end. Hearing us, sinners, the sanctuary of Christ, praying to you, and your strong representation at the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from the flood, the flood, the fire and the deadly ulcers. Thou in time his life from all these disasters had delivered hast thy people: from the invasion Hagarites and from GLADA to your saved art Thou, O king of neistselnago illness spared and many sinners to repentance led wast dead gloriously resurrected the art Thou, for the sanctity of the lives your Angels invisibly in the church of the chanting and serving you, he was. Let me thank you, His faithful servant, Lord Christos, as if all the secret human deed has given you the power to understand and reprove the unrighteous living. In many ways, in poverty and lack of living, you have eagerly helped you, disaster has abundantly drunk plenty of joy and blessedness for a long time. Do not leave the Syce and us, the Sanctuary of Christ, mention the us, a part of us, at the Holy See and pray for the Lord, and may bring many sins for us to live in. There is nothing to do with it. He will grant us peace, letting you send out the word of thanks and thanks to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen

Nikolai the Miracle Worker

The lamp of Orthodoxy was born in the city of Patara in the IV century, under the emperor Constantine. His family was wealthy, but God-fearing. Nicholas from infancy showed his God-chosenness, because on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not take his motherโ€™s chest before sunset. As you know, on Wednesday and Friday, one-day Orthodox posts in honor of the Savior's cross suffering.

When the boy grew up, he was given to study. With a keen mind and excellent memory, Nicholas quickly comprehended science, including the Holy Scriptures. People noticed that the boy was trying to live the gospel commandments.

The young man Nicholas was ordained a cleric. In a new capacity, the young man began to lead an even more ascetic way of life, tirelessly building in himself the container of the Holy Spirit.

Nikolai the Miracle Worker

After the death of his parents, the young man inherited a rich inheritance, which he spent on helping poor people. The most famous act of St. Nicholas is the salvation of three girls. One rich man with daughters went broke. They had no dowry, in those days it was impossible to successfully marry daisies. The father was no longer able to support them and seriously thought about sending his daughters to serve in a brothel.

No matter how scary this phrase may sound, the girls father had no other choice. Saint Nicholas heard about this and threw a bag of gold to the man. Not believing his eyes, the unfortunate father thanked the Lord for such a beneficence. With these funds, the eldest daughter was able to get married. The other two girls did the same, Nikolai the Wonderworker tossed two more bags of gold coins. For this good deed, he became the prototype of our modern Santa Claus.

Archbishop of the world of lycian

But not only this is famous for the Lycian archbishop. Many miracles still occur through the prayers of believers from the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The prayer helps Nicholas the Wonderworker in search of a good job. In our country, his icon, along with the images of the Savior and Our Lady, is in every car, because it is considered the patron saint of travelers. The saint is also given prayers for finding a good job. The pleaser of God has the power from the Lord to help the Orthodox, and everyone who turns to him from the bottom of his heart will receive comfort.

Prayer for good work to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Oh, all-blessed Nicholas, the compassionate of the great Lord, our warm concession and everywhere in the speedy fast assistant! Help me, sinful and despondent, in this life, I implored the Lord God to grant me the forgiveness of all my sins, who have sinned a little from my youth, in all my life, by doing so, by all means; and out of my soul, with my help, repented, I implored the Lord God of all the Creators of the Savior, to deliver me from the air of suffering and everlasting torment: let him always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, . Amen.

The relics of the saint can be worshiped today in the Italian city of Bari, in the church of St. Stephen. The Orthodox Church celebrates the transfer of the relics of the saint of God on May 22.

Another prayer to Nicholas for a good job:

Oh, all-merciful Father Nicholas, the shepherd and teacher of all who, by faith, flow to your intercession and warmly pray for those who invoke you! Soon walk along and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that destroy him; and protect the whole country of Christianity and protect your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, coward, invasion of foreigners and internecine battles, from the gladiost, flood, fire, sword and sudden death. And I also had mercy on three of her husbands, in the dark of the graying ones, and delivered him from the wrath of the king and the congregation of those who were half, so that we had repentance and less, so that we could bear it all. Like by your intercession and help, by His mercy and grace, Christ God will give a quiet and sinless life to me to live in this spring, and will rid me of great standing, and will bless me all. Amen.

Martyr Tryphon

The saint lived in the III century after the birth of Christ in Asia Minor. Particular fame came to the youth after the expulsion of the demon from the imperial daughter. Tryphon helped ordinary people, gave alms, healed. For all kindness, he demanded a single payment from the healed - faith in the True God. Once, by the power of prayer, the martyr drove the locusts from the fields of his native village, thereby saving the inhabitants from starvation.

Everything changed when Emperor Decius, famous for his anti-Christian views, ascended the Roman throne. The persecution of believers resumed, and those caught were subjected to such sophisticated tortures that their hair stood on end.

They reported to the monster about Tryphon, far beyond the borders of his native land known for his sermons. During interrogation, the young man confessed faith in the One Lord without fear and was thrown into prison. Later, the emperor and his servants tortured Tryphon, forcing him to recant. They beat him, tore the body of the saint with iron hooks, burned wounds with fire so that he would not die from the loss of blood before Decius wanted it. Towards the end of the torture, seeing that the martyr would not give up his faith, they led him to execution on foot, driving iron nails at the feet of the young man. Before the execution, by trimming his head with a sword, the saint thanked God, who supported him in suffering. Before the young men brought a sword over his head, he put his soul into the hands of God. It happened in Nicaea in the middle of the III century.

In Russia, a martyr has been worshiped since the time of Ivan the Terrible. The king was very fond of hunting and kept gyrfalcons for her. Once the beloved bird flew away and sent in search of the falconer Trifon Patrikeev. He unsuccessfully searched for the falcon for three days, but did not dare to return empty-handed, knowing the terrible temper of Ivan the Terrible. Tired, Tryphon lay down to rest, praying to his patron. Immediately a falconer dreamed of a martyr sitting on a snow-white horse and holding a lost bird in his hand. He comforted the namesake and suggested where he was gyrinating.

Tryphon woke up and saw the loss, quietly sitting on a branch of a nearby tree. Sokolnik returned the bird to the king and spoke about the miraculous help of the saint. If not for this event, do not demolish the employee's head. Therefore, in gratitude for his help, he built a chapel on the site of the appearance of the saint, and then a stone church in the name of the martyr Tryphon.

Prayer for good work to the son:

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Trifon, an ambulance and assistant to all who come and pray to you before your holy image, an obedient representative! Hear now and at any hour, the prayer of us, your unworthy works, honoring the holy memory of you in the all-holy church of this, and represent us before the Lord at all places. You are the mercy of Christ, in great miracles, uplifting, exuding celibacy flowing to you with faith and being present in the Sorrow of men, you yourself were promised that you would not be left without mercy. in any need, grief and illness of spiritual or bodily invocation, your holy one will begin, that one will be rid of all evil servant. And you sometimes also the daughter of the king, in Rome, the city from the devil tormented, healed Yesh, the Syce, and us from his fierce diseases, all the days of our belly you have preserved, most of all on the day of our last remorse. Then give us a helper and an ambulance persecutor of evil spirits, and the leader of the kingdom of heaven. And you are now better represented by the faces of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, and the mercy and mercy of God be upon us and let us glorify the Father and the Holy One. Amen.

The martyr Tryphon has the grace to help in needs, in healing from bodily diseases, in cases of damage to crops in the fields and gardens, during droughts and famines.

Martyr tryphon

Strong prayer for a good job to the martyr Tryphon:

O holy martyr of Christ Trifon, now hearing and at any hour praying us, servant of God (names), and represent us before the Lord. You once daughter of a king, in the city of Rome, from the devil tormented, he healed: you and you from your fierce wives saved all the days of our life, most of all on the day of our last repose. The prayer of the Lord, may the companions also bless us and be merciful and joyful, and with you will be thoroughly rewarded with the praise of the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.

Matrona Moscow

The saint lived in the last century, she departed to the Lord in 1952. In the late 90's canonized, her relics are stored in the Danilov Monastery. Many pilgrims come daily to the grave of the blessed old woman, she hears and helps everyone. The Orthodox read prayers in front of the icon for the search for a good job Matrona of Moscow, asking for her intercession before God. The saint is famous for help in childbirth, diseases, difficult situations.

Matrona Moscow

Prayer Matronushka for a quick search for a good job:

Oh, blessed by mother Matrono, the soul in Heaven before the Throne of God is to be seen, the body rest on the earth, and given above blessings various miracles exuding. See now your gracious eye upon us, sinful, in hardship, sick and the sinful temptation of our days of dependency, comfort us, desperate, healed, we owed all of our hopefulness Jesus Christ will forgive us all our sin, lawlessness and sin, and even from our youth we have sinned even today and have been blessed with your prayers, and you were kindly blessed. The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

The blessed old woman left behind a living vivid example of life according to the commandments for the living. The Lord endowed her with the gift of vision, and she made many predictions. In particular, she said that many miracles would come from her honest relics, urged everyone to come to her grave.

Prayer Matrone for finding a good job:

Oh, the blessed mother of Matrono, hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, skilled in all your life to receive and listen to all those who are suffering and mourning, who have great hope and hope for you. but not scanty and now thy tender mercies to us, unworthy, restless in mnogosuetnem this world and nigdezhe finds solace and compassion in sorrow spiritual and assistance bolezneh bodily: heal illness ours, to get rid of temptations and torments of the devil, passionate voyuyuschago, Pomozov bring everyday your the cross, to take down all the hardships of life and not to lose the image of God in it, the Orthodox faith until the end of our days to preserve, trust and hope in God, have a strong and unfeigned love for the near; help us, after leaving this life, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who pleased God, glorifying the mercy and grace of the Father of Heaven, in the Trinity the Great, the Father and the Holy One of God. Amen.

All the afflicted are invited to the Danilov Monastery in Moscow to pray at the relics. Sometimes the way out of this situation lies on the surface, but it can only be seen when thoughts are put in order. In the monastery at the relics of the Matrona of Moscow, you can read a strong prayer for a good job, and it will certainly bear fruit.

Ksenia of Petersburg

Blessed was born in the Northern capital at the beginning of the XVIII century. There is no evidence of her childhood and youth. It is known that Ksenia soon after adulthood married, with great love, to a court singer, Colonel Andrei Fedorovich Petrov. Not even ten years had passed before the young spouse suddenly died, without proper preparation, confession and communion.

This tragic event radically changed the life of Xenia. She was greatly shocked by the death of her husband, and she took upon herself one of the hardest Christian feats - foolishness.

When Andrei was buried, his wife put on his clothes and told everyone that they were not burying Petrov, but Ksenia. At that moment, she really left the world to serve the Lord. Her only desire was to pardon the sins of her husband so that he would inherit the kingdom of heaven. For this feat, the Lord gave her the gift of insight and wonderworking. Therefore, the blessed one is often prayed to find a good job for her husband or son.

Ksenia of Petersburg

Ksenia has worked for almost half a century. The saint died in about 1803 and was buried in the Smolensk cemetery. Today there is a chapel in the cemetery, attracting many pilgrims.

Prayer for the search for good work of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg:

O holy blessed mother Xenius! Under the shelter Vsevyshnyago lived, led and strengthened by the Virgin Mary, smooth and thirst, coldness and heat, vilification and persecution undergone, the gift of clairvoyance and miracles of God received and under the shadow of the Almighty rest, this day also, of the glorious tysyascheletiya Baptism of Russia, the Russian Church, glorified thee like fragrant color. Before the place of your burial, before the image of your saints, who live like us, who pray with us, we pray: receive our prayer and bring me to the Holy See that I have no mercy upon him. I ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, for the good deed and the beginning of our generous blessing, from all troubles and sorrows of deliverance. Present your holy prayers before the Merciful Savior, who has fallen for us, unworthy and sinful. Waste, holy blessed mother Xenius, infants with the Holy Baptism light and light the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, young in faith, honesty, godliness and goodwill take care of them. Bolyaschiya and neduguyuschiya heal, spouse love and harmony nisposli, religious feat kind podvizatisya Pomozov and from reproach fence, pastors in the strength of spirit strengthen the Church and to our preserve, and all God-loving children in the hour of death Holy Communion vouchsafe, Thou art our quick hearing and deliverance, thank you we kindly and with you praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Seraphim of Sarov

The future ascetic was born in the city of Kursk in a merchant family. It is known that his parents built the temple, and little Prokhor fell from a high bell tower. His mother, in a fainting state, ran downstairs and found the baby unharmed. The child himself explained that the angels caught him and did not allow him to break. Such was the first miracle that determined the whole life path of the future lamp of faith.

In adolescence, the boy became very ill, but was healed of the icon of the Virgin ("Root"). A procession was held in the village where the family of the future monk lived. Before the icon was brought into the house, the Blessed Virgin appeared to Prokhor herself and promised healing.

Seraphim of sarov

Prokhor dreamed of a monastic life and at the age of 17 left his mother and went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, after - to the Sarov Monastery. Before leaving, his mother blessed him and put a copper cross on his neck, which Seraphim wore all his life.

Prayer to the Sarov Miracle Worker:

O Reverend Father Seraphim! Raise up on us, the servant of God (names), your gracious prayer to the Lord of Forces, may all good things in life give us all, and all that may be useful for spiritual salvation, may it protect us from the fall of sinfulness, and teach us true repentance, without fail to teach us into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, even though you are now in an irreplaceable shine of glory, and there to sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

In the Sarov desert, Prokhor was tonsured a monk with the name Seraphim. Soon the saint went into the gate and stayed there for more than 20 years. Several times the Mother of God with the apostles appeared to the saint. Prayers are offered to the saint for a good job.


True Orthodox Christians know that all trials are given by the Lord and try not to murmur or lose heart. Unbelievers do not see the special need to pray, but if the situation is hopeless, they always turn to God and are often honored with what they ask. So they are shown the right path, and whether they choose it or not is a private matter for everyone. You need to pray with a pure heart and faith. The main thing to remember is that everything is possible with God in the heart.

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