Baby teeth - tips and tricks

The first baby teeth in children appear in 5-7 months. Already at this time, it is necessary to begin to carry out hygiene of the baby's oral cavity. To clean the milk teeth, a specially designed toothbrush is put on the finger, or they are wiped with a gauze cloth soaked in clean boiled water.

When the child reaches one year old, you can start using a toothbrush with toothpaste. It should not contain fluorine, which negatively affects the children's body. The toothbrush must be selected according to the age of the child and changed once every three months. It should be stored separately from adult brushes. You should also rinse your mouth after each meal.

Problems with the formation of teeth also arise from "bad habits": "tasting" everything that comes under the arm, sucking fingers, falling asleep a child with only a bottle in his mouth - the so-called "nipple syndrome".
The first two lower central teeth are cut first, then the molars, and lastly the fangs. They drop in the same sequence. There are twenty milk teeth in total: four incisors, two canines and four molars on the upper and lower jaws. The following symptoms may occur during teething in children: fever, increased salivation, decreased appetite, general malaise, and stool disorder (constipation or diarrhea). At elevated temperatures, it will be useful to consult a pediatrician, as this may be a symptom of some kind of inflammatory disease.

By the time of formation of permanent teeth (by 4-5 years), the roots of milk begin to dissolve. The process of tooth renewal lasts up to 11-13 years and usually does not cause any special problems. But if milk teeth do not fall out for a long time and interfere with permanent growth, then a dentist may need to be removed to remove them.

The main disease of primary teeth is caries. It develops from the action on the teeth of lactic acid produced by bacteria from starch and sugar, which are found in sweet foods. The effect of this acid on tooth tissue (dentin) is much stronger than on enamel. Therefore, with a small surface damage to the enamel inside the tooth can be severely damaged. There are four degrees of tooth damage with caries: initial, superficial, medium and deep. To prevent the disease, giving children sweets is recommended after eating. It can be dried apricots, marmalade, raisins, fruits. After the child has eaten sweet, he definitely needs to brush his teeth.

Parents need to take their children to the dentist once every three months. This allows you to identify diseases at an early stage and accustoms the child to periodic visits to the dentist, further preventing the development of fear of them.

At the first signs of caries, you must consult a doctor, otherwise the spread of the infection and the inflammatory process will begin. With the spread of inflammation to nearby tissues, periodontitis develops, and in most cases the tooth must be removed. Milk teeth are more susceptible to decay than permanent teeth, this must be remembered.

One way to treat tooth decay is silvering. This effective method has one drawback - the teeth turn black. This does not do any harm to the body, however, it can cause a child psychological trauma due to mockery of the color of the teeth. But treatment of decay of deciduous teeth in any case should be carried out.

Currently, the treatment of dental diseases is painless and quick, thanks to the development of medical technologies.

Treatment of milk teeth in children can be carried out under anesthesia. The advantages of this method: the absence of unpleasant and painful sensations, reducing the risk of complications. Do not neglect the advice of dentists, and then the baby teeth of your children will not cause you problems!

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