Wheat flour "Ryazanochka": reviews, composition, calorie content

Favorite pancakes, pies, pies and rolls, as well as many other delicious dishes can be prepared from high-quality wheat flour "Ryazanochka". Reviews on this product are extremely positive. Today we will figure out what flour consists of, what is its calorie content, what useful qualities and properties a product has.

flour ryazanochka reviews


Wheat flour "Ryazanochka" is made from whole grains of the highest quality. For production, a special latest technology for grinding wheat is used. The grinding is carried out in such a way as not to lose all the beneficial substances in the shell.

Judging by the reviews, the Ryazanochka flour is the owner of a heterogeneous structure. The grain is ground slightly larger than the housewives used to see in bags of wheat flour. But the positive qualities and baking ability of this do not get worse. On the contrary. The product can be stored for about six months, provided that all the rules and conditions are observed.

Tip: it is recommended to store wheat flour in a cool place, the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Useful properties and composition

All reviews of Ryazanochka flour speak about the incredible benefits of the product. Many housewives prefer this particular brand because of quality. Wheat flour contains a large amount of carbohydrates, called "slow". They are able to give a huge amount of energy needed for work and health, and the body will be saturated with it for a long time.

flour ryazanochka reviews

About the Ryazanochka flour in the cook’s reviews they say that the product is a storehouse of useful high-quality fiber. Since special technology is used for production, it is able to keep the inner shell of grains intact, all the useful properties and qualities of wheat. Flour has a rich mineral composition. It contains numerous vitamins and minerals that can maintain health in the human body.

Calorie content

Of course, the reviews about the Ryazanochka flour do not bypass the issue related to the calorie content of the product. It is recommended to reduce the use of flour products for those who are obese or just monitor calories and weight consumed. One hundred grams account for more than 360 kilocalories.


As for the negative effects on the body, the only harmful factor is the gluten content. If a person has intolerance to this substance, then it is better to reduce the use or avoid it altogether.

ryazanochka flour premium

Cooking use

Flour "Ryazanochka" (premium) is widely used in culinary business. Chefs use it for the manufacture of bakery products, pies and pies. Mistresses choose this flour for baking fritters and pancakes. It can also be used to make healthy dietary breakfasts, combined in competent proportions with oatmeal. On some packages, the manufacturer carefully prints several delicious recipes for magnificent pastries, which makes the culinary process easier and more understandable for the hostesses who begin their culinary journey.

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