Gingerbread cookies with cinnamon: traditions and recipes

Gingerbread cookies with cinnamon and other spices are a fragrant delicacy that can turn any day into a holiday. And it is not necessary to wait for the New Year to cook it. In the summer, maybe it will seem too spicy, but in the cool spring, rainy autumn and lingering winter, everyone who loves aromatic sweets will like it. The tradition of making gingerbread cookies with cinnamon appeared centuries ago. Both then and today, the delicacy is used not only as a treat, but also as a decoration and original gifts.

From the depths of centuries

How did gingerbread cookies with cinnamon come about? The recipe is said to have arisen by accident. Centuries ago, a monk who worked in the kitchen over Christmas treats knocked a jar of spices into the dough. One can only guess what a storm of emotions he felt at the same time: in those days, spices were almost equal to gold in value. Be that as it may, the cookies were prepared, tested and approved. I liked it so much that it turned into a Christmas tradition. The monks of foggy Albion are traditionally considered the inventors of goodies.

Holiday treat

Today, gingerbread and cookies are customary made for Christmas throughout Europe. And in America, back in the 60s of the last century, a tradition was born to exchange such a delicacy. At the end of the holiday, each of the guests gathered a box of cookies with a variety of additives and decorations.

gingerbread cookies with honey and cinnamon

Today, delicacies must be baked shortly before Christmas in Catholic countries. At pre-holiday fairs in Germany, France and England you can find a variety of options for ginger cookies. They decorate the Christmas tree, give it and enjoy eating it.

Past and present

gingerbread cookie with cinnamon recipe with photo

Initially, ginger cookies with cinnamon were round or oval. Figured delicacy became only in the 19th century. Stars, flowers, various animals and little men pleased the eye no less than Christmas-tree decorations. Gingerbread houses that combined the culinary craftsmanship and the craftsman’s imagination were especially valued then and now.

Today you can find a variety of gingerbread cookies with cinnamon. Each author's recipe with intricate figurines has special features. The amount of oil and the composition of the ingredients may vary. Culinary experts often increase or decrease the number of items in the list of spices used. However, most often cookies differ in decor. Culinary specialists use glaze, mastic, edible beads, icing sugar and the result inspires new experiments every time.

gingerbread cookie with cinnamon recipe

Cinnamon Gingerbread Cookies: A Basic Recipe

Preparation of the dough, like baking, does not take much time. Of the spices used ginger and cinnamon - two tablespoons each (teaspoonful), as well as cloves, cardamom or black pepper - in smaller quantities - to taste.

Softened butter (200 g) is combined with egg and sugar (200 g). It is most convenient to use a blender for this. Separately, flour (2 cups with a slide), spices and soda (0.5 teaspoon) are mixed, and then liquid is added to the dry ingredients. Quickly knead the dough, wrap it in foil and put it in the cold for at least 15 minutes. After cooling, it will become more convenient in operation.

The finished dough is rolled into a thin layer and cookies are cut out with the help of molds. Bake it in an oven preheated to 180º for about 15 minutes.

The spices in this recipe can be changed. Sometimes, for a brownish tint of dough, cocoa is added to it.

With honey

Gingerbread cookies with honey and cinnamon are often found on the network under the name "Like Ikea." Spices can be added to it a variety of. Traditionally, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom and cloves are used. Honey not only gives the dough a special taste, but also makes it more convenient to use compared to regular sand.

Spices are mixed with soda (1 tsp) and flour (200 g). Beat sugar (100 g) with soft butter (100 g) separately, and then add egg and liquid honey (3 tsp) to them. Both mixtures are combined and the finished dough is sent to the refrigerator for two hours. Then, as in the previous recipe, the figures are thinly rolled and cut out. Cookies are cooked at 180º for about 10 minutes. It is important not to miss the moment when it turns red. Cookies can burn out quickly.


gingerbread cookie with cinnamon

Ginger cookies with cinnamon are good and immediately after baking. However, if you have patience, you can make it a little more interesting. To do this, prepare the icing. One protein is whipped into a strong foam. Then sugar is added to it in a spoon (200 g in total) and each time the mixture is whipped. Then pour the juice of half a lemon and whisk again. Glaze can be left white or betray a new color with beet juice, cherry syrup or food colors. Painted cookies are dried in a cooled oven at 50º. Painted gingerbread cookies will be a tasty and unusual gift for loved ones.

The process of making gingerbread cookies is a lot of fun. It can not be called difficult, and the aromas that arise during the mixing of dough and baking fill the house with comfort and celebration. This cookie is perfect for tea, coffee, and milk. You can cook it not only for the New Year, but literally for any reason.

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