How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound: an overview of methods

There are many methods with which you can not only determine the gender of the child without ultrasound, but also immediately conceive, depending on your desire, either a boy or a girl.

How to plan the sex of a child on the day of conception

We all know that the conception of a new life can occur in a month only once, on the day of ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Male cells, sperm cells, are divided into 2 types: male cells, which move fairly quickly, but die soon, and female cells, which are very tenacious compared to male cells, but they move more slowly.

It follows from this that those who really want a boy should make love clearly on the day of ovulation or for only a few days after it. And if you really want to give birth to a girl, then for conception you need to choose, on the contrary, the day preceding ovulation. This interval is determined by measuring basal temperature, a decrease in which indicates an early ovulation.

Determining the sex of the unborn child by the menstrual cycle

By using not so complicated arithmetic calculations, you can find out what dowry, blue or pink, you will soon have to cook. True, it is suitable subject to a stable menstrual cycle for several months. In practice, it is clear that if you completed the process of conception 11-12 days before the arrival of menstruation, then you will have a boy. Sexual acts committed on days 13-14 promise you a girl. But nevertheless, you can only find out if you made a mistake in the calculation or calculated everything correctly, only after the birth of the long-awaited baby.

How is the sex of the unborn child determined by the diet used

This technique consists in the fact that approximately a couple of months before the planned conception, the future mother and father begin to follow a diet. If you eat a lot of foods such as meat, mushrooms or potatoes before the day of conception, then you may have a boy. But if you, on the contrary, eat mostly fruits and vegetables, dairy products and all kinds of sweets, then a girl. This method is 80% effective.

How to calculate the sex of the unborn child by the blood of his parents

If you know the approximate day of conception of your child, you can find out his gender by the method of updating the blood. This method consists in the fact that if the blood of a man at the time of conception is younger, then a boy will be born, and if the blood of a woman is younger, then a girl. Since the renewal of blood in a woman occurs in 3 years 1 time, and in a man 1 time in 4 years, on the day of conception, the full age of the woman should be divided by 3, and the full age of the man by 4. And whose result is less than that of the gender baby and be born.

How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound by the number of years a woman lived

This theory of answering the question: “Who will be: girl or boy?” Is quite bold. According to her, the sex of a child can be calculated by an even or odd number of years a woman has lived. So, if a woman at the time of pregnancy planning turned an even number of years, then the months favorable for conception of the girl will be odd months - February, April, etc., and if it is an odd number, then even months - January, March, etc., on the contrary will be conducive to the conception of a boy. This phenomenon often works, but it still does not lend itself to any explanation.

How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound by the frequency with which the fetal heart beats

This method is popular with gynecologists and rarely gives errors. If the fetal heart rate exceeds 140 beats per minute, then there will be a girl, and if the heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute - a boy.

How to determine the sex of a child without ultrasound according to the ancient Chinese table

Using this table, which can be easily found on the Internet, it will be easy for you to plan the birth of a child of the gender you wish. If you know in which month the birth of a boy is expected (the designation in the table is the letter “M”) or a girl (the letter “D”), then you can plan the time for conception of the baby in advance. You can also determine in accordance with the horoscope the zodiac sign and constellation, under which your child will be born. To some extent, this will help determine his character and destiny.

So we examined various ways that will help give you the answer to the question: “How to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound?” Well, in order to plan the sex of the future baby, you can choose any of them or use all at once. We wish you that the result of any of the above methods turn out to be exactly what you expect.

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