Water bodies monitoring: purpose, categories of observation points, frequency

Monitoring of water bodies is a system of current (continuous), as well as a comprehensive analysis of the state of water resources. It includes accounting and control of qualitative and quantitative characteristics over time, as well as a system for the development and conservation of water bodies in various application modes.

Monitoring of water bodies is carried out in all places that are in federal ownership, as well as in the possession of legal entities or individuals.

monitoring system of water bodies in Russia

Normative base

The process is regulated by the following local norms:

  • The Water Code of the Russian Federation.

  • Regulations on carrying out.

Monitoring of water bodies of the Russian Federation is a part of state monitoring of the environment.

Purpose of

It consists in the timely detection and prediction of the occurrence of negative processes that affect the quality of water in objects and their condition. Also, monitoring of water bodies involves the development and implementation of measures to prevent negative consequences due to poor water quality. Such events involve information management support in the field of application and protection of resources, supervision and control of their application.

state monitoring of water bodies in the Russian Federation

Main goals

State monitoring of water bodies is designed to solve the following problems:

  • regularly analyze the condition, check the regime of use of water protection zones;

  • entering information that was obtained during the observations into the water state register drawn up by the Federal Agency for Water Resources of the Russian Federation.


What is its structure? State monitoring of water bodies consists of the following components:

  • analysis of water surface objects taking into account monitoring information, which is carried out during work in the field of hydrometeorology and related fields;

  • assessment of the condition of the coast and bottom of water resources, features of water protection zones;

  • research of underground sources;

  • observations of all technical structures, the volume of water in the discharge and consumption.

state monitoring of water bodies

Observation Points

Similar events are carried out systematically. Environmental monitoring of a water body involves the creation of a special network of observation points. Observations on them are regulated by GOST, as well as certain guidelines.

The created control system involves systematic activities in hydrology, hydrochemistry, and hydrobiology. Monitoring of water bodies involves obtaining information about the quality of water by chemical, physical, hydrobiological indicators.

Depending on the economic purpose of the water bodies, ecological status and size, observation points are divided into categories (it is permissible to include one or several sections representing transverse conventional sections of the reservoir).

Location Features

The location of observation targets is determined by the morphological and hydrological features of the water body, the location of the pollution sources, the composition and volume of wastewater, and the interests of water users.

Some targets are placed on drains that do not have a systemic discharge of wastewater. Another is installed a kilometer higher from the main source of pollution (beyond the zone of its influence). Others put behind the zone of influence of contaminated sources. When arranging the sections, the degree of contamination of the area and the displacement of river and waste water are taken into account.

Monitoring of water bodies involves the installation of at least three sections, which should be located evenly across the water area. When installing observation points, traffic intensity and the depth of the reservoir are taken into account.

In the alignment of a water body several verticals are allowed with sampling from different horizons. The number of verticals is characterized by the width of the contaminated zone, as well as the conditions of displacement of wastewater and natural waters. The number of horizons is determined by the depth of the object.

Regulation on the implementation of state monitoring of water bodies

Frequency and features of observations

Monitoring of water bodies involves daily visual observations. Every ten days sampling, hydrochemical and hydrological observations are carried out. For many water bodies, a mandatory research program is carried out seven times a year:

  • during floods (rise, peak, decline);

  • during the summer low water season (the passage of rain flood, with a minimum flow of water);

  • before freezing;

  • as part of a winter low water.

How are samples taken?

Selection is made for the analysis of physical parameters and chemical composition in accordance with GOST 17.1.5.-85. Samples are taken from the surface horizon with a bottle or an enameled bucket, and from a deep water, with a bathometer. From each alignment it is supposed to take 78 liters of sample. Monitoring the status of water bodies involves the analysis of natural waters using special laboratory techniques. Quality control is carried out using gas chromatographic, photometric, absorption methods.

When sampling for chemical composition and physical properties, special containers are used, each of which is designed to identify individual pollutants and ingredients.

Considering that it is water that is the substance without which a full-fledged human activity is impossible, the organization of monitoring of water bodies is an important stage in the general system of work of ecologists.

monitoring of water bodies of the Russian Federation

The specifics of integrated monitoring

It implies the organization of a full-fledged system of observation of the state of natural objects in order to assess their actual pollution, as well as warning of emerging critical conditions that can harm human health and other living organisms.

There is a monitoring unit for background, regional, local. In the framework of such studies, the following activities are carried out:

  • a stable assessment of the environmental conditions of the environment in which a person and other biological objects (microorganisms, animals, plants) is carried out, an analysis of the state of integrity and health of the ecosystem;

  • conditions are being formed for identifying corrective actions in situations in which it is really necessary.

The monitoring system for water bodies is one of the most important elements of integrated monitoring. It provides a set of measures:

  • determination of the source of observations;

  • his detailed analysis;

  • drawing up an information model for the object;

  • assessment of the state of an object, identification of its model;

  • assumption of a change in state;

  • registration of information in the necessary form, bringing it to the consumer.

organization of monitoring of water bodies


The main objectives of integrated monitoring are obtaining information:

  • assessment of indicators of the functionality and integrity of the human environment and ecosystems (analysis of compliance with environmental standards);

  • identifying the reasons for the change in the indicator, assessing the consequences of the changes (condition diagnosis);

  • creation of prerequisites for identifying measures to correct negative situations (timely warning of problem situations).

Structure in the Russian Federation

The regulation on the implementation of state monitoring of water bodies characterizes the system that is currently operating in our country. It includes the following elements: OS pollution monitoring service, Roskomzem monitoring and agrochemical monitoring service, water resources monitoring service.


Monitoring of natural resources includes several composite studies:

  • land;

  • water bodies;

  • bowels;

  • mountain ecosystems and desertification;

  • fauna.


Monitoring is carried out by special state authorized bodies in accordance with the laws existing in our country. Analysis of water bodies involves regular observations of hydrogeological, hydrological, chemical, sanitary, parasitological, microbiological, toxicological, radiological indicators of their condition. Monitoring also refers to the collection, processing, evaluation, assumptions of their development, the elaboration of recommendations to prevent negative consequences.

Activities within the framework of a unified state system for monitoring natural resources and the environment are a multi-purpose information system that includes monitoring the environment and resources. Analysis of data on its actual condition allows you to make economic and managerial decisions in order to ensure security, reproduction, protection together with special state bodies.

Principles of a Unified Monitoring System

They are:

  • functioning on the basis of methodological, informational, organizational, informational approach;

  • application of the capabilities of another monitoring system.

The main tasks of assessing the state of natural resources and the environment are:

  • collection of reliable information about the environment, ecosystems and biological diversity, types of anthropogenic impacts, environmental factors, and effects on human health;

  • forecast and assessment of the state of the environment, analysis of the anthropogenic effects of indicators of the state of the biosphere, ecosystem integrity;

  • providing data for analyzing the effectiveness of economic decisions and measures to guarantee environmental safety.

monitoring of water bodies

Monitoring organization

State quality control of water bodies is carried out as part of the following activities:

  • systematic observations of all types of water bodies, qualitative and quantitative indicators of groundwater and surface water;

  • storage, collection, processing, replenishment of observations, organization of data banks;

  • assessment and forecasts of the state of water bodies, their changes.

To summarize

The monitoring of water projects currently underway in the Russian Federation identifies several important subsystems:

  • groundwater;

  • water protection zones and the state of the bottom of the reservoir;

  • water for water consumption and sanitation.

Monitoring can be operational, operational (in emergency situations), and special. Nowadays, basic information about the quality and condition of surface water of land comes in the framework of regime studies. Background observations are carried out by analogy with the regime ones, and operational control is based on work that allows solving specific problems.

In the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Water Resources, the service for monitoring and hydrometeorology, and supervision in the sphere of nature management are engaged in state monitoring of water bodies.

At the regional level, it is carried out by water users, carrying out systematic observations of water bodies, which is determined by the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of our country.

At the territorial level, such events are carried out by Roshydromet and the Ministry of Natural Resources, which provide for the collection, monitoring, control, as well as the accumulation, synthesis of information, its transfer to the basin (regional) level.

On it, monitoring of water bodies is carried out by water basin administrations, geological regional centers, as well as other authorized bodies and departments of Roshydromet.

From the quality and timeliness of thinking through a set of measures that relate to the analysis of various water resources, their safety for humans and the ecosystem directly depends. When identifying violators of legislation adopted in the environmental field, administrative penalties are applied to them.

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