Raskoksovka "Laurel": reviews. What is the best way to use Laurel?

During the operation of the vehicle’s power unit, a part of the fuel-air mixture remains in the combustion chamber, which settles on oil scraper and compression rings, as well as pistons and cylinders. Over time, this leads to the fact that the rings lie and do not fulfill their function. There is an increased fuel consumption and a decrease in the dynamic characteristics of the engine. In this case, you can use the laurel skidding. Customer reviews, the advantages and disadvantages of the product, as well as the method of its use, we will consider in this article.

reviews laurel

Some general information

Currently, there are a huge amount of tools for cleaning the car engine . There are both foreign and domestic manufacturers who have proven themselves well. In this article, I would like to talk about the domestic product for sizing - "Lavra". Reviews about him go more than positive, and many motorists prefer this particular flushing. But I would like to immediately note that if the vehicle’s motor needs major repairs, then cleaning it with Laurel or any other similar means will not help. Here only the overhaul will solve the problem.

It is worth paying your attention to the fact that carburizing can be done with your own hands. There is nothing complicated, although much depends on the design of the car. The more modern it is, the longer it will take. But often carburizing is performed on motors that are already pretty run and heavily soiled. Typically, motorists perform flushing on their own, because this will save some of the money and do everything honestly.

On the causes of coking

First of all, I would like to understand in more detail what contributes to severe pollution of the motor. The fact is that during the operation of the car, very often you have to drive at low speeds. This leads to the formation of carbon deposits on the valves and walls of the combustion chamber. Although in fact this is far from the only reason for the coking of the internal combustion engine, because their whole mass:

  • use of low quality fuel;
  • riding on an unheated engine;
  • use of unsuitable oil under the power unit.

All this gradually leads to the fact that soot is becoming more and more. Ultimately, the mobility of the compression and oil scraper rings is limited . This contributes to an increase in oil consumption, deterioration of the dynamic performance of the motor and other problems.

laurel rippling reviews

Of course, the coking of Laurel will help to solve the problem . Customer reviews confirm this. Let's see if this domestic product is so good, how to use it and what you should not forget about.

Soft cleaning

There is one fairly popular way to care for your engine. Most suitable for owners of new cars or those that have just undergone major repairs. The essence of the method is the so-called preventive “soft” cleaning of the engine. This allows you to maintain the internal cleanliness of the motor throughout its life. "Soft" cleaning is a regular event that must be carried out every 2-3 thousand kilometers. In this case, the "Laurel" raskoksovatel is also used, reviews of which we will still consider.

True, no skills are needed here. All that is required of the driver is to add a Laurel to the fuel, observing certain proportions and intervals. As a result, a protective film is created in the combustion chamber of the power unit, which prevents the formation of soot for a certain time. If the procedure is regularly repeated, then coking can not be afraid.

engine coking laurel photo instruction

Raskoksovka engine "Laurel": instructions, photo

Yet a more popular and relevant method for flushing a car’s engine is “hard” cleaning. The fact is that not all motorists regularly use detergents in fuel, and far from everyone owns a new car. Poor fuel quality and difficult operating conditions lead to the fact that the engine is very dirty and loses its performance characteristics.

First of all, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for using the Laurel raskoksovka. Reviews say that it is the non-compliance with the dosage that very often leads to sad consequences. The washing manufacturer recommends pouring 45 ml of liquid into the cylinders, and then immediately close the process openings. This is done to form a steam bath. In this case, you need to try to set the pistons at about the same level and leave the liquid for 1 hour. It is also recommended that the pistons be rotated periodically.

After a few hours, it is necessary to unscrew the candles and close the technological holes with a clean rag. This is done in order to avoid the presence of flushing fluid on the car parts. After that, for 5-10 seconds, twist the starter and so several times. It is advisable to press the accelerator pedal all the way. This will cause the remnants of the Lavra to exit the system completely. After that, we start the engine and let it run for 10-15 minutes at idle and variable gas flow.

engine sizing of laurel reviews and instructions

"Laurel", a tool for raskoksovaniya: customer reviews

Already many motorists have tried this tool on their engines. Most drivers respond positively to this flushing. Nevertheless, there are a number of nuances that must be observed and what car owners are talking about. Firstly, in order to avoid problems with the ignition system, it is recommended to remove the connector from the Hall sensor or short-circuit the central explosive wire to ground. In any case, ignition of vapors due to the appearance of a spark cannot be allowed. Secondly, immediately after flushing it is necessary to replace the oil in the system. This is a necessary item to complete. The fact is that washing with sludge settles in the crankcase. Accordingly, during operation, all this is mixed with grease, which is nothing good.

Most car owners plan to flush immediately before maintenance. If you perform all the work yourself, it comes out very budget. The novice driver can help with the given reviews and instructions. Carbonizing of the Laurel engine should also be carried out regularly to achieve the most optimal results. In some cases, the procedure makes sense to repeat.

laurel ripper reviews

In details about full sizing

It is necessary to install the car in horizontal position (as when changing the oil). The vehicle engine must be warm to operating temperature. Without this, it will not be possible to achieve the effect of a steam bath. The next step is to unscrew the candles or remove the nozzles, depending on the type of power unit (gasoline or diesel). Further, as already noted above, you need to put the pistons in the middle position. This can be done as accurately as possible with a screwdriver, which measures the depth at which the piston is currently standing. The crankshaft can be turned manually by 5-10 degrees. This procedure is necessary so that there is no overspending of the Lavra, and it spreads more evenly.

For dosage "Laurel" it is best to use a syringe. If you notice that after a while the cylinder is empty, you can add a little flushing. As for the duration of coking, there is no unequivocal opinion. Someone leaves according to the instructions for an hour, while other drivers are washed for 12-14 hours to achieve a better effect. Here, everyone must decide for himself. The effect of the "steam bath" will be preserved only for the first time, but nevertheless, in especially severe cases, it makes sense to perform coking of the order of 12 hours. After the candles are tightened, it is necessary to start the engine and let it run for a while (no more than 15 minutes), while it is advisable not to increase the speed above 2.5-3.0 thousand. The next step is to change the oil and filter.

coking laurel what is it

What problems can you face?

Far from always, the process of sizing occurs like clockwork. Nevertheless, this method has been known for a long time. Of course, several other means were used before. For example, our grandfathers for raskoksovka simply mixed acetone and kerosene in a 1: 1 ratio. In fact, the Laurel has a similar composition with slight differences. The fact is that after washing the combustion chamber, the oil film is completely removed from the cylinder walls. That is why the first start of the engine after coking can be called critical. When there were no specialized means, but acetone and kerosene were used, this led to the appearance of scoring on the pistons and other defects.

But modern means do not have such a drawback, because after their use an oil film forms on the walls, which protects the system from increased friction. But many motorists still do not trust the composition and add a little engine oil to the cylinders. There is nothing terrible in this, it will burn and fly into the exhaust pipe. Sometimes it is quite difficult to start a car after coking. In this case, it is recommended to install a set of new spark plugs or ignite the old ones, and while they are hot, try to start the engine. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated several times.

More about the important

We have already figured out a little how the Laurel ripping is performed. What it is and how it works, you also know. But I would like to highlight some rather important details, which are rarely talked about. The fact is that ideally, coking should contribute to increasing compression of the power unit. But sometimes the opposite happens - compression drops.

This often happens on older engines with significant mileage. The wear of the piston group parts in such an engine has long exceeded all norms, and soot acts as a seal between the cylinder and the piston. When deoxidation is carried out, soot is removed. This leads to a drop in compression. Consequently, the overhaul of the power unit is approaching. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about the benefits of flushing the motor with 100% certainty. In one case, skokoksovanie can significantly delay the overhaul, in the other - vice versa.

laurel ripping

What do drivers advise?

Oddly enough, many motorists prefer to use "soft" coking. This is a less effective method and more time-consuming. Nevertheless, it does not require any effort from you. It is enough to pour a certain amount of liquid into the fuel tank and drive on. Although the deposit lasts for a long time, it gradually burns out, and the higher the load on the motor, the faster and better the flushing process, at least numerous reviews speak of this. Means for deoxidation "Laurus" from a domestic manufacturer is inexpensive, but its effectiveness is not worse than "Liquid Moth" or "High Gear", which are several times higher in price.

Moreover, motorists note that the Laurel is most neutral towards rubber seals and gaskets. But still, you should not use it too often, since oil seals and old gaskets may not withstand. But nevertheless, it is necessary to understand that if there is too much production, then coking will no longer help. Yes, this method can delay the overhaul of the power unit, but in the end it can not be avoided.

To summarize

Yet online reviews are much more common. Raskoksovka rings "Laurel" is really able to restore their mobility. But a lot depends on the condition of the power unit and the amount of soot. In some cases, to achieve more or less noticeable results, it is necessary to perform several washes in a row. Only then will the compression rates increase and the oil consumption will decrease.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about the complexity of the coking of the Laurel engine. Reviews say that on an in-line 4-cylinder power unit there are no problems, then with V-shaped engines everything is somewhat more complicated. Of course, the essence remains the same, but putting the pistons in about the same position will be more difficult. Do not forget about the ignition, which is installed separately for each unit. In the rest, the procedure of deoxidation is performed similarly to the above.

So we figured out the tool "Laurus", instructions for flushing and other important points. If you don’t have the time and desire to independently engage in engine sizing, then you can contact a car service, preferably checked. There, specialists will perform a high-quality flushing of the system. If the motor in your car is in-line, then this pleasure will cost you several thousand rubles. For V-shaped powertrains a little more expensive. Although it is better to try to cope on your own, because for this you need a minimum of knowledge and a tool. The main thing is to follow the instructions that are written on the packaging "Lavra" and the sequence of actions. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order. After a “hard” flush, it is recommended to install new spark plugs and change the oil.

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