Dried fruits: glycemic index, composition, nutritional value, benefits and harms, consumption standards

How we all love dried fruits! Especially often we turn to them in the winter. Today, dried fruit production has become a real stream. For industrial drying, the most beautiful fruits are chosen. Therefore, you can not calmly go past the shelves with orange dried apricots, grainy figs, golden raisins and dried dogwood or cherry. We suggest you learn more about the glycemic index of dried fruits, the calorie content of this product, as well as its composition, nutritional value, benefits and harms.

dried fruit world

What is called the glycemic index?

The human body needs nutritious and healthy dried fruits. Only some gourmets use them in excess. They will not hurt to learn about the glycemic index of dried fruits or GI. After all, many people have high blood sugar, and they need to monitor their diet. Diabetics are recommended dried fruits with a low glycemic index. This figure has figs, dried apricots, prunes. Some dried fruits have high glucose. They need to be consumed in moderation. GI is the speed at which carbohydrates in foods are absorbed by the body and increase plasma glucose (sugar) levels.

Everyone knows that glucose is an energy source of cells. With its help, metabolic processes function fully and normally. If there is not enough glucose, then a person feels hunger. And in cases of excess sugar, the insulin secreted by the thyroid gland is actively produced. Under its influence, glucose quickly spreads to tissues that constantly require energy. Excess stock turns into body fat.

So just GI shows the rate of getting carbohydrates into the blood and their effect on sugar levels. The glycemic index is determined in foods rich in carbohydrates, because it is they that provoke jumps in plasma sugar. In the table below you see the glycimic index scale:

GI in productsThe propertiesGI (glycemic index)
TallIt is quickly acquired65-146
AverageGradually digested41-64
LowSlowly assimilated1-40

Dried fruits with a low glycemic index are slowly absorbed, they have more fiber. And products with high GI have a very fast energy output.

the benefits of dried fruit

Dried Pineapple Glycemic Index

Dried pineapple is considered a difficult dried fruit . It has a special tropical aftertaste, so it is used for the preparation of diet desserts. It is added as a substitute for sugar in cereals, teas, compotes and other dishes. Sometimes it is used in your diet by losing weight people. This candied fruit is an excellent substitute for sugar. There are 347 calories per 100 g of product. This, of course, is much more than in fresh pineapple - 49 calories.

GI of the product is from 55 to 66 units. This is an average indicator, which is considered not very low-carb, although pineapple also contains a lot of fiber, trace elements (phosphorus, magnesium, zinc). They activate brain activity and optimize the functioning of the central nervous system.

dried pineapple

Dried Mango Glycemic Index

A very tasty and healthy product is dried mango. It is especially widely used in Thai cuisine. It is added to various dishes to give them a delicate aroma, a pleasant taste. This is a fairly light and nutritious snack.

Ripe fruits of this fruit are used to make dried mangoes. It is cut into strips and placed in a special dehydrator for drying. After that, the slices are lightly covered with a light layer of rice oil. This helps preserve all the beneficial properties and attractiveness of the product. There are 314 calories per 100 g of product. The glycemic index is 58-60 units.

Dried mango normalizes the digestive tract, because it is involved in metabolism. It contains dietary fiber that can absorb and remove harmful substances. This product strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps fight hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis.

mango slices

GI dried apricots

Dried apricots have a low glycemic level, only 35 units. Diabetics are free to consume it in moderation. It contains priceless vitamins, minerals to maintain the general condition of the body. Dried apricot cleanses the intestines well. Dried apricots can be used as a separate treat and in the form of compote. Its consumption prevents anemia and eliminates the problems of the cardiovascular system.

Dried apricot is introduced into the diet of various diets. It is great to add to salads. The daily consumption rate of dried apricots is 80 g. If you see very bright dried apricots on the market, then know that it is processed with chemistry. But dark orange or dark brown is very useful.

The glycemic level in prunes

Dried plums are called prunes. The Italian plum Hungarian is most suitable for its preparation. To get a quality product, you need to select ripe, fleshy fruits. Prunes very well retain useful properties and have a low GI - 40 units.

Minerals and vitamins contained in prunes contribute to the normal functioning of the body. In addition to glucose and fiber, it contains organic acids, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium. Calorie content per 100 g of dried fruit is 230 kcal.

With the help of prunes, they prevent cardiovascular diseases, the stomach and intestines, normalize the pressure in hypertensive patients. Overweight people introduce it into their diet. Prune is an ingredient for various salads, meat dishes, drinks.

healthy prunes

The content of nutrients in raisins

Everyone knows that raisins are dried grapes. This dried fruit contains a lot of glucose and fructose - 70% of the total composition. It also has a lot of fiber, carotene, folic acid, potassium, iron, selenium. Each of these components is important for the body. These valuable substances contribute to the elasticity of the skin, blood vessels, the activity of the immune and digestive systems.

It is important to note that dried grapes contain eight times more sugar than fresh berries. GI of white and dark raisins is 65 units. The experiments proved that only a few handfuls of dried berries will raise sugar several times laid. The calorie content of raisins is also quite high - 270 calories per 100 g of product. If you use it often, you can quickly gain weight.

colorful raisins

GI dried dogwood

It is no secret that cornel is considered a very valuable berry. Nowadays, these rich red, fragrant, sweet and sour fruits have learned to properly dry or dry. Drinks from dried or dried dogwood eliminate colds, remove harmful metabolic results. They are also used as a diaphoretic, antipyretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory drug. Regular consumption of dried dogwood normalizes blood pressure, lowers sugar levels, and prevents sclerosis.

It is very important to note that dried dogwood is a champion in the content of vitamin C. It is more in it than in gooseberries, mountain ash and even lemon. With the help of these dried fruits, sour, fatty and spicy foods are well digested. For good digestion, just an hour before a meal, enjoy a few dry fruits.

This dry or dried berry is perfect for those who decide to lose weight, because it has a low calorie content - only 39 kcal. per 100 g of berries. Candied dogwood has a very low GI - 15-20 units. This product has the following beneficial properties:

  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • helps protect the body against infections;
  • It is an excellent prevention of obesity;
  • eliminates the problems of anemia.

It can be concluded that the low glycemic index of dried dogwood makes fresh and dry berries equally useful.

Useful Elements in Dried Melon and Banana

Dried melon is considered a true vitamin and mineral supplement. It saturates the body with energy, cleanses the intestines, enhances metabolism. It is added to casseroles, milk porridges, pies, pancakes, fruit bread. Slices of dried melon are present in granola. The taste of this product is very rich, pleasantly sweet, reminiscent of the texture of dried banana. Qualitatively dried melon has a sticky, soft, elastic structure. On sale, it is found in the form of lobules or neatly braided braids. There are 341 kcal per 100 g of product. The glycemic index is 65 units.

dried melon

Dried bananas are often used. For their preparation, only ripe fruits are taken, and for some time they are languished at a certain temperature. Often there is a product similar to chips, cut into round slices. Are dried bananas healthy? The calorie content of dried fruit per 100 grams, proteins, fats of dried banana are of interest to many readers.

Even dried banana contains a lot of vitamin B 6 , which helps to improve metabolism. In 100 g of this product is the daily norm of this vitamin. Dried fruit is easily absorbed and quickly saturates the stomach. This is an excellent snack for athletes, because it contributes to the production of serotonin. With him you will get a good mood and get rid of sad thoughts. Dried banana is quite high-calorie, in 100 g of the product there are 390 kcal. Diabetics should refrain from eating dried banana, its glycemic index corresponds to 65-70 units.

The glycemic rate of dates

In countries with tropical climates, date palm fruits are harvested and dried. This treat is sold worldwide. He is also considered desert bread. But in order to consume them correctly, you need to know the glycemic index and calorie content. We must say right away that it is not suitable for diabetics. This dried fruit has the highest rate of glucose in the blood - from 103 to 165 units. The figure is pretty impressive, so you need to consume this delicacy moderately. The calorie content of dates is also high - 292 kcal. per 100 g of product.

But in dried dates contains a valuable amino acid - tryptophan. This substance acts well on the brain, eliminates depression and improves memory. Palm fruits contain natural oxytocin, which promotes uterine contractions after childbirth and breast milk. In dates, pectins were found that prevent the development of cancer.

different dates

Useful qualities of dried figs

The glycemic index of dried fruits and nuts is of interest to many users because they include them in the diet as snacks. Many prefer delicious dried figs. In eastern countries, it is called "food for the poor." This product is a true source of antioxidants and has laxative properties. Calorie content and glycemic index of dried fruit are quite high. The penetration rate of glucose into the blood is 40-55 units, and the calorie content of the product is 247 kcal.

At the same time, dried figs in moderation are beneficial. It calms the nervous system, helps to cope with stress, gives endurance and performance. This is a kind of natural antidepressant.

dried figs

Calorie content of dried fruits

There are more high-calorie dried fruits and less energy. Let's walk a bit through our local dried fruit. Dried cherries have the most calories - 292 kcal. It is followed by raisins, we wrote its calorie content. After dried grapes , apples, dried apricots, then peach should be called. Prunes are in sixth place, and the dried pear closes the list - 246 kcal per 100 g of product.

The benefits of dried fruit compote

The most useful for diabetes will be a compote of dried apples and prunes. The glycemic index of dried fruit compote, in this case, will be no more than 30 units. Naturally, sugar should not be added to such a drink. In second place on the usefulness of compote will be dried apricots. The glycemic index of such a drink will not exceed 35 units. All other dried fruits are useful, but the rate of their glucose entering the bloodstream is quite high.

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