Basic hair cutting operations: determining the sequence of actions and characteristics

It is known that a haircut is a rather complex technological process that requires great creative skills for the person who works with hair. What operations does it consist of? Further we will consider each of them with the description of some features.

How to cut hair

List of operations

In order to create the desired hairstyle, it is not necessary to perform all the operations that are available in principle. As practice shows, not all actions from the list below are relevant for creating this or that image.

What is a haircut operation? Currently, these include:

  • shearing the strands on the fingers with scissors;
  • Thinning
  • creating edging;
  • shading;
  • pointing;
  • graduation;
  • transfer;
  • mixing hair to nothing.

Next, we consider all of these operations, as well as some features of their implementation.

Basic Hair Cutting Operations

Finger hair

Students at hairdressing courses often hear from the teacher: "Give a definition of hair cutting surgery." When answering such a question, it is worth noting that this process is present in the technology for creating any hairstyle. Hair cutting is a change in their length using cutting type tools. Let us further consider its fundamental features.

At the very beginning of the haircut process, each hairdresser should divide the hair into parts: parietal, occipital and temporal. After this, the locks must be fixed. How to divide hair into parts?

First of all, you need to make a parting, going through the crown from one ear to another. It is also called sagittal. He will divide his head into the parietal and occipital parts. Then, horizontal division from ear to ear through the tubercles indicate the upper and lower occipital zones. After this, a vertical parting is performed from the middle of the forehead through the middle of the nape. Lateral divisions denote the temporal zones. They go from the tops of the frontal cavities to the parting through the crown.

After dividing the entire hairline of the head into parts, it is necessary to begin processing each of them in accordance with the technology prescribed for a particular haircut. In the process of this procedure, it is recommended to separate only small curls, making diagonal, vertical or horizontal partings.

For the operation of cutting, it is necessary to use hairdressing scissors that have undergone a quality sharpening. To perform the removal, it is necessary to select a strand from the total mass of the hair, the thickness of which will be no more than 0.5-1 cm and cut it at the desired angle, focusing on the intended length. In the process of this operation, it should be borne in mind that when making a length cut, you need to focus on the curl that was processed before that. In order not to lose the evenness of the cut line, you need to work at a distance of about 1 cm from the line fixed with your fingers. As for the cutting technology itself, it can be produced both from the back and from the inside of the palm.

Basic haircut operations


One of the important skills of the master in the field of hairdressing is to reduce the length of hair to nothing. This operation is the creation of a gradual change in the length of curls from the longest to the shortest sections, creating a gradual transition. It should be noted that in this case, the line located along the edge of their growth will act as the information zone.

As practice shows, nullification is one of the main operations when performing hair cutting. Masters make it with the help of various cutting tools, among which sharpened scissors and a special machine most often act. In the comments left by masters in the field of hairdressing, it is often noted that with the help of a machine, as a rule, a rough work is carried out, which subsequently needs to be corrected with scissors. Also, when implementing this process using a machine, it is worth remembering that the action can be performed only on dry hair, otherwise the line will turn out to be uneven.

Practice shows that some hairdressers perform an operation to reduce the length of hair to nothing with a dangerous razor. To carry out such an action, the curls need to be moistened, combed thoroughly and only after that use the tool. Only following the described procedure can protect the hair flakes from damage during the cut.

Define hair cutting operation


What is shading? This is one of the main cutting operations, which involves obtaining a smooth transition from one length of strands to another. At first glance, it might seem that shading and nullification are the same procedures, but in fact this is completely wrong. It is worth noting that the shading process requires a greater level of hairdresser's skill and involves the use of exclusively sharpened scissors, and the entire operation is carried out only with their sharp ends.

To achieve maximum accuracy in the performance of the technique, the master needs to use not only scissors, but also a comb, which should be used to symmetrically comb out individual curls in the planned direction, while cutting off the ends at an obtuse angle.

Practice shows that the longer the transition from small to large is, the more spectacular it will look, but it is worth noting that such work is a rather time-consuming process.


If it is necessary to name the operation of cutting from the category of additional, it is certainly worth highlighting the transfer - a procedure that is considered auxiliary and is used exclusively when performing shading and nullification. As practice shows, the implementation of this function is especially important when creating a hairstyle with fairly short hair (5-10 mm).

To carry out the process of transferring, it is necessary to fix the scissors in a half-open state and, picking up a lock of hair with them, throw the comb on the teeth, and then cut it to the level of the required length. After the cut hair, you need to comb out and do the same with all the other strands.

After the master removes the extra length, he can begin to carry out a standard hair treatment by performing a nullification operation or shading.


What are the haircut operations: when solving such a problem, any specialist in the field of hairdressing will certainly notice the thinning.

This procedure is quite widely used in the processes of creating fashionable hairstyles. Thinning is the process of creating an uneven length of hair. In this case, the longest sections of the haircut will be in its central part, and the shortest in the peripheral areas. The main purpose of the operation is to emphasize the texture of the haircut, its shape, as well as visually lighten the ends of the curls.

Often, thinning is carried out in the basal part of hair growth. This is required to thin out their excessive density.

What is a haircut operation

Create a border

Determining the operation of hair cutting, which must be present in the process of creating a new hairstyle, you should definitely talk about the edging. As a rule, this manipulation is final and involves the creation of a final contour to the general appearance of the haircut, which acts as a restrictive feature along the entire hairline or in certain areas of the cover.

In the field of hairdressing, there are three types of creating borders, depending on the place of their definition: temporal, cervical and fringing bangs.

As for the fringing of the bangs, it is carried out using simple but sharpened scissors, making sawtooth or point slices.

When creating a border in the temporal region, it is recommended to start work from the left side, as it is less convenient. Carry out the procedure using any shearing or cutting tool, which can be a pair of scissors, a machine or even a razor. The same goes for the neckline.

Hair cutting operations


Recently, in the process of making haircuts, another operation has become quite widely used - pointing. It is a mixture of thinning hair and shortening its length. It is worth noting that during such an action, the cut line begins to resemble a fringe, which looks very original.

It is convenient to carry out the procedure both on the comb and on the fingers. To create such a cut line along the entire cut line, you need to make several point cuts 1-2 mm deep.

Definition of hair cutting operation


With the advent of the bob haircut in the fashion world, an operation called graduation has become quite popular, with which you can create a rounded haircut silhouette.

In order to make the correct graduation, you should separate the strand and hold it between your fingers, pulling it along the neck. Having made a ragged cut on the inside of the fingers, you need to squeeze the second strand of the same to it and, pulling it, cut it 5-7 mm longer. Further, the process of cutting should be continued according to the same methodology. It is worth noting that, if it is observed, the tips of the finished haircut will be bent inward. If there is a desire to make it so that they are even or looking outward, sections should be done from the outside of the fingers.

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