Email business correspondence rules. Business letter: sample. How to send an email

Over the past decades, business correspondence through e-mail has gained immense popularity and has become one of the main ways of business communication. Today it is difficult to find someone who would not use e-mail in the practice of interpersonal communications. Despite this, many today are wondering: how to send an e-mail so that all the rules are followed? How to use a competent letter to form the recipient a good impression of the sender?

This article describes the rules of business correspondence by e-mail, and the practical tips presented in the article will help you learn the right business communication when composing emails.

Many start their day by checking the mailbox for new messages. But, unfortunately, despite the prevalence of this method of exchanging information, many do not know how to correctly use the language of business correspondence, accepting emails as an informal way of communicating.

Thanks to the speed of delivery of letters, e-mail simplifies the exchange of important official documents, forms, statements, but here people make mistakes when sending letters. It often happens that when composing an e-mail when exchanging any files, the addressees for some reason do not compose cover essays and do not enter topics, which can complicate the work of the recipients. The purpose of this article is to answer the question: how to send an e-mail and follow all the rules of business written communication by e-mail?

When composing emails, all fields provided must be completed

The rules of business correspondence by e-mail oblige the sender of the letter to fill in all the fields provided in the e-mail, such as the address and name of the recipient and sender of the letter. Be sure to describe the topic, which briefly describes the essence of the letter sent. Very often, the fate of the sent letter and the speed of resolving the problem outlined in it depend on the topic described correctly. A business email should begin with a greeting - this is a straightforward expression of respect for the recipient is very important in correspondence. After the greeting, the text that is called the "body of the letter" should follow, and at the end a signature is left, for example, "Sincerely, Brisov Pyotr Ivanovich."

how to conduct business correspondence by email

Greeting in business correspondence

At this point, it is worthwhile to further focus your attention, as a gesture of respect is very important in any aspect of business communications. The best welcome phrase is "Good afternoon" or "Hello." Conducting business correspondence by e-mail limits the sender in the use of the phrases “Good evening” or “Good morning”, since the recipient can read the letter much later than its receipt. It is also not correct to use the colloquial expressions used in informal communication in a greeting .

After the word or phrase greetings, you should contact the recipient by name and patronymic, and if the name is unknown to the sender, you can skip this moment. After the welcoming speech, you can proceed to state the purpose of the letter.

Attached files in business correspondence by e-mail

If the main purpose of the letter is not only a written narration and statement of the essence of the issue, but also the sending of the file, then it is better to attach the forwarded object in the first place. It often happens that many senders, because of inattention, having stated the essence of the issue in the text of the letter, forget to attach the necessary attachment. Such negligence may adversely affect the business reputation of the sender of the business letter.

business correspondence examples

Email address must be recognizable and concise

The rules of business correspondence by e-mail oblige the sender to have a recognizable electronic name, which must contain true information about the name of the sender. Official letters and appeals do not look very concise and silly when informal expressions or words are indicated in the email address, for example, the email address limon_petya. It looks very solid for an adult. For business correspondence it is better to create a separate email and observe the etiquette of business correspondence by e-mail.

Using the fast Reply (Response) function to reply to previously received letters

The Reply or Response function (in an abbreviated form it looks like Re :) helps the user quickly respond to previously sent messages from the sender. This function also has the universal ability to read the previous correspondence with the interlocutor on a given topic. But the rules of business correspondence by e-mail oblige the sender to rename the subject of the business letter, if during the correspondence the essence of the discussion is changed.

Before sending a business letter, proofreading should be made for spelling errors and punctuation.

E-mail simplifies the exchange of information, but during business correspondence, do not neglect the rules of the Russian language, as a careless mistake can affect the authority of the sender. Before sending a letter, you should review the text several times and carefully check it for the presence of office and punctuation errors. Many e-mail clients have a spell check function, so you should pay attention to words underlined with a red line. If you have doubts about the spelling, you should seek help on the Internet or check the spelling using a spelling dictionary.

email business etiquette

The recipient field must be filled in last

To avoid sending unfinished or unedited letters, the address of the recipient of the business letter should be entered at the very last moment before sending. This rule is also included in the basics of business email communications. It happens that when filling in the addressee field, the e-mail can offer a list of previously used recipients, here you should also pay attention so that you do not mistakenly send a business letter to a third-party addressee.

Structuring a business letter

The rules for text structuring apply not only to paper media, but also to the rules of business correspondence by e-mail. It is not always convenient for the recipient to read large amounts of text of letters on the monitor screen. To simplify this point, you should break the text into logically formed small paragraphs and avoid complicated sentences in writing the text of business letters. The optimal length of one sentence in a business letter should be no more than fifteen words.

The essence of the business letter should be set out on the merits

In addition to the specified topic of the business letter, the recipient should also be interested in the clearly formulated first and second sentences of the main text. The sender's task is to state at the beginning of the letter the essence of the problem or question on which he addresses the recipient. The first sentence should indicate the purpose for which the business letter is sent. Sample: “We inform you that the terms of the obligation under the contract No. 45 dated January 2, 2017“ On the Supply of Bulk Materials ”are coming to an end. To renew the contract you should submit a repeated package of documents. ” Thanks to the designated goal, the recipient has the opportunity to delve into the main idea of ​​a business letter. If the text of the letter is too large, it is better to use the attachment function of the object as an attachment in the form of a text document, but at the same time leave an accompanying essay that covers the business letter with the text field. Sample: “We are sending you for review an electronic copy of the letter of the company“ Mak-Stroy ”. We ask you to inform your decision on the extension of the contract No. 45 dated January 2, 2017 “On the Supply of Bulk Materials” by the deadline indicated in the letter. ”

Each business email should be answered.

There are negative examples of business correspondence where the recipient ignores the business letter for any reason. Sometimes there really can be cases when the answer cannot be given due to certain situations, for example, the term for solving the problem may take several days or the recipient is in thought and cannot immediately answer the question. In this case, a brief comment should be given on this subject, for example, “Hello, Petr Ivanovich. I have received your letter, but today I find it difficult to answer, as I should consult with the higher management. I will report your problem to the CEO of our company and will give an official response by the end of the week. Respectfully, Sales Manager Ivan G. Belov. "

conducting business correspondence by e-mail

It is worth remembering that if the answer was not given within three working days, then the fact of silence of the recipient of a business letter can be assessed as ignoring and refusing to communicate with the sender.

In the preparation of response letters should answer all the questions posed

If the letter sent to the recipient is interrogative, then when compiling the letter, you should give answers to the questions in the order that is present in the received text of the business letter. If questions have been asked, the sender hopes to receive specific answers. When composing a letter, the answers should not be numbered, you just need to state the thought in order. In order to answer all the questions posed, first you need to re-read the received business letter several times and in the event that there are too many questions, it is better to write them separately so as not to miss. If it is impossible to answer some of the questions posed, it is worth pointing out that at the moment, for some reason, the answer cannot be given.

Email Business Basics

Do not abuse abbreviations, emotional design and capital letters

There are negative examples of business correspondence when senders dilute it using informal signs in the form of smiles. Their use is popular when communicating on social networks, however, the rules of business correspondence do not welcome such manifestations of emotions, since the recipient may not know their true meaning and take them for an incomprehensible set of punctuation errors.

business correspondence examples

Also, you should refuse to write the text in capital letters. On the Internet, a set of words written in capital letters is called "flashy phrases" and more often such phrases carry a negative color. When reading an electronic business letter, the recipient may regard such a font negatively, which will adversely affect the perception of meaning. If you need to emphasize the importance of a moment in a business letter, it is better to use introductory phrases, for example, “Please be advised that you need to provide a package of documents to extend the contract no later than 02/10/2017” or “Please note that the documents for the extension of the contract should be submitted before 02/10/2017. ”

Do not transfer sensitive information via email

For the transfer of personal or confidential information, it is better to refuse electronic mailboxes, as there is a threat of interception of information by cybercriminals for use for their own personal gain. Such information may include: phone numbers, passwords from bank cards, personal bank accounts, etc. It is important to remember that the information is stored on the mail agent’s server and can be stolen in case of hacking.

The sender’s signature must be at the end of the letter.

As mentioned earlier, each letter sent must contain a specific signature. Often, developers of mailboxes introduce the function of the signature block, into which you can enter your data on the position, name and contact phone number. Subsequently, this block will be automatically displayed at the end of each letter, which will simplify typing. It is important to correctly sign the message so that the recipient can correctly contact the sender when replying to the letter. An example of a signature might look like this: “Sincerely, Head of Sales Petrov Nikolay Alexandrovich, +79810000000”.

Email Business Correspondence

Drawing conclusions, it can be noted that in order to understand how to conduct business correspondence by e-mail, you do not need to learn additional and complex basics. It is only necessary to adhere to the elementary rules of etiquette and comply with the norms of the Russian language.

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