Kitsune is a fox endowed with supernatural powers. Japanese mythology

What does kitsune mean in Japanese mythology ? By this concept is meant foxes possessing supernatural skills, the most important of which is to transform or inhabit a person. The first mentions of them are found in the legends of China, and only later the mystical faith in kitsune appeared in Japan, where it overgrown with specific details, turning into an independent folklore element. According to legend, the deity of Inari once came down to earth on a snow-white fox, giving people prosperity and fertility. Inari does not have a specific gender, and can appear before a person, both in the image of a pretty girl and in the image of a gray-haired old man. The deity was accompanied by subordinates - magic foxes, possessing not so much good as mischievous disposition. The Japanese name for the fox is kitsune. They will be discussed in the article.

Kitsune Classification

Kitsune is an extraordinary and mysterious creature of Japanese folklore. In myths there are two varieties of them. One of them is called Hokkaido fox, and the second - Kitsune. Both species are carriers of ancient knowledge, use magical powers as necessary, live a long life, and eventually transform into a more perfect form. They have incredibly subtle hearing, are able to see past and future events. When meeting with such a red-headed prankster, you need to be alert, she knows how to read thoughts and will definitely try to fool the person she meets.

In Japanese mythology, kitsune is presented as an evil demon, but most often a cunning werewolf spends time creating traps, chuckling at gullible travelers. There is another classification of foxes:

  • Mobu supports people, serves the deity Inari.
  • Nogitsune - a fox with a vicious disposition, becomes a werewolf, terrifying the whole district with bloodthirsty actions.

Kitsune is unsurpassed hypnotists who are able to carry a person into the future and the past, to show whole theatrical performances.

kitsune is

Always Coming: The Kitsune Legend

The Japanese composed a romantic legend fanned by a note of sadness about a mysterious girl who turned out to be a real kitsune. A young man from the Mino region named Ono set out to find a girl of extraordinary beauty. He asked his neighbors, looked closely at all the local beauties, but all in vain. Once the guy was really yearning for grief and his feet themselves led him to an abandoned wasteland. In the midst of the milky fog, a fantastic sight opened up for him - in a cloud of reddish hair stood a refined charming lady, a spark of mischief splashed in her almond-shaped eyes.

Soon the wedding died down, and the young couple had a baby. At the same hour, the owner’s dog gave birth to a puppy that the lady did not like. He pounced on a young mistress, and she turned into a fox and ran towards the wasteland. In desperation, she began to call her: “Stay a fox if you like it more, but the doors of my house are always open for you. Come to me and our son, we will always be happy to see you. ” Every night, the mistress returned home, where she again regained her human form, but in the morning became a red fox. Therefore, “kitsu-ne” can be translated literally - “always coming”.

Red fox

Kitsunetsuki - Obsession or Medical Syndrome

There are two categories of foxes in Japanese mysticism: "Nogitsune" or free foxes and "Tenko", who serve their master - the goddess Inari. In some cases, the spirit of a fox can enter a person in moments of weakness or anger. The spirit during its stay in human form regains strength after being wounded.

In medical practice, sometimes the introduction of a fox or Kitsunetsuki is noted. The obsessed can be recognized by the changed gastronomic tastes: love for the bird, tofu, rice, as well as nervousness and increased sexual activity. There is an opinion that “fox blood” manifests itself in this way. In ancient times, the possessed were given to exorcists, and afterwards they were cleansed by fire. Suspicion included people with a special type of appearance - thick hair, close-set almond-shaped eyes, an elongated and slightly snub nose. Kitsune can be recognized by reflection in the mirror or by the cast shadow, although this statement does not apply to half-breeds and higher kitsune.

Magical abilities: Kitsune tail

As they grow older, foxes acquire increasingly powerful magical abilities. The youngest kitsune have only one tail. Learning the art of transformation, they cannot hide it well enough under their clothes. Over time, the fox may have three, five, seven, and even nine tails. The ability to hypnosis, the creation of illusions appears, the ability becomes invisible, fly and change its original form. Young foxes play pranks among people, adore antics and deceit. Famous stories of romantic relationships between people and one-tailed kitsune.

Creatures with five or seven tails have a black coat color, they are no longer afraid to appear in real form. The elite among the foxes are the nine-tailed kitsune, who have reached a venerable age of thousands of years. Such creatures possess incredible magical abilities, and their skin acquires a golden, white or silver color. The highest ranks of foxes can live on their own or make up the retinue of Inari-no Kami. They have unlimited power over time and space, they can transform into any creature or object - a huge tree, the second moon in the sky, a fire-breathing dragon. They subjugate the masses of people to their will or lead madness to a whole settlement.

japanese fox name

Foxes and flame

From ancient times, there was a legend that a werewolf fox could cause a flame by hitting the tail with the tail. Kitsune - these are creatures who knew how to light a fire that does no harm, but there were real disasters from the actions of werewolves. One of the monks was worried about a dream about a kitsune fox, so he began construction of a 7-story pagoda. As soon as it was built, a fire broke out, after which not only the pagoda burned down, but many residents died.

From wandering lights in the swamp they find out where kitsune are frolic. Red foxes exhale a bluish flame or produce it from the ends of their tails. Before the New Year, kitsune from the next eight provinces gather to light a fox fire at the foot of an ancient tree. Residents of Japan believed that if a bright flame can be seen far away, then heavenly foxes will present prosperity and a rich harvest in the field.

hokkaido fox

The art of cheating

Foxes have inexhaustible opportunities to create fantastic illusions, to bring people to the woes. They create hallucinations that can briefly deprive a person of the ability to perceive reality adequately. One fox learned about the greed of the old man and decided to laugh at him. He saw a huge field of beautiful chrysanthemums in the spring and rushed to collect them in arms. Indeed, in autumn chrysanthemums bloom everywhere, and in spring they can bring considerable income if they are sold on the market. Another kitsune decided to play the old woman, who adored walking on theatrical holidays. Once grandmother returned home through a mountain pass and ended up in a real theater, where she saw a touching love story of a courageous samurai and a snow-white fox.

Revenge for the offense

The fox Kitsune avenges his offenders with particular cruelty. A samurai once scared a werewolf, and he harbored an insult. Two envoys from the master arrived at the warrior's house with the order to immediately make seppuku. The warrior wanted to immediately follow the order, but at the last moment the dogs recognized the werewolves, revealing the deception.

In another story, a samurai severely wounded a werewolf during a hunt, for which he turned into a man and burned the house of the offender.

kitsune mythology

Avoid kitsune - avoid cheating

Although in Japanese folklore kitsune's antics are treated with indulgence, it is better not to meet her on the road, and if this happens, try to appease her. In order to dispel hallucinations, it is necessary to read a Buddhist prayer or sprinkle salt around a dead person, saying: “Werewolf, go away!” You can recognize a werewolf with the help of fire: if you bring it to kitsune, it takes on a true guise.

Fox lights or kitsune-bi

Werewolves can reveal their presence late at night with music or flickering lights in the wasteland. If a person shows interest and sets out to find out what is happening, then no one guarantees him safety. The source of the lights are star pearls resembling gems or pearls endowed with magical properties. Kitsune in fox form wear pearls on the neck or in the mouth. If you manage to take possession of such an artifact, the fox will fulfill any desire for the return of a valuable item.

It is worth remembering that a werewolf can call his friends for help, and then not a reward, but a punishment awaits. But a magical creature must fulfill the impudent's wish, otherwise he will be lowered in status and position. In exchange for a pearl, a fox can give many, but you should not ask for material objects, because kitsune is a master of lies and tricks. Gold bars in the hands are scattered with pieces of bark, money turns into leaves, and precious stones become pebbles. The intangible gifts of kitsune are extremely valuable - longevity, health, good luck in all matters.

kitsune meaning

Inari Shrines - Kitsune Worship

God Inari for several centuries in the minds of the Japanese associated with foxes. In the country now there are about 30 thousand Shinto shrines of Inari, which indicates the proximity of the deity to each house. The shrines can be recognized even from afar - the torii gates are painted red, which is considered a talisman. They paint the gates with cinnabar, which from ancient times was applied to the face to protect itself from the influence of evil forces. Over time, they stopped painting their faces, but they still paint the gates of the god Inari, and also use red to create a Japanese kitsune mask . On both sides of the entrance to the temple territory there are foxes with closed or open mouths, some holding in their teeth the keys to a barn with grain, spikelets or a ball symbolizing a stone that fulfills all wishes. Foxes are considered the patrons of trade, which is associated with a red coat of wool, indicating prosperity and wealth.

kitsune tail

Kitsune Mask Symbols

The Japanese purchase ceramic foxes as well as kitsune masks to decorate the house, as well as families go to the temple with a request to the deity for prosperity and prosperity. When creating a Japanese kitsune mask, two colors are traditionally used - white and red. White is considered a symbol of nothingness, and red is perceived as the sun and fire. As fire can appear in two forms, so kitsune can either bring blessing and warmth, or destruction and fire.

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