The origin of the name Pauline. Value and characteristic

The feminine name Polina has gained great popularity these days. It gives its owner a meek disposition, outward appeal and desire for a secure and beautiful life. The meaning and characterization of this name will be described in our article.

origin of the name Pauline

The origin of the name Pauline

Etymologically, it is associated with the colloquial form of the name Apollinaria. This name became independent for various reasons. Firstly, the sound "a" at the very beginning of the word is not characteristic of the Slavs. Therefore, he quickly fell away, and the name began to be pronounced as Polinaria. Secondly, in the 18-19th centuries, the French language came into fashion. Noble people tried to give Russian names a foreign consonance. Therefore, the female name Polina was fixed in our country.

The name Apollinaria, in turn, dates back to the male Apollinaria. It was formed from the ancient Greek adjective apollinarius, meaning "belonging to Apollo." This god enters the pantheon of the Olympians and is the patron of sunlight, as well as art and science. As you can see, the origin of the name Pauline has a long and interesting history.

female name polina

"French" version

There is an opinion that this name has French roots. It is assumed that it came from the male Paul, which is translated from Latin as "baby" or "small." Its analogue in Russian is Paul. Many connect the origin of the name Pauline with the French female name Pauline (or Peacock). It goes back to the Roman personal or tribal nickname Paulinus. Pauline translates as "small", "modest."

Patron saint

The holy patroness of the owner of this name is the Rev. Apollinaria. This woman is known for having refused marriage and went on pilgrimage to holy places. Later, in Alexandria, she changed into men's clothes, pretended to be a monk, and came to the monastery, which was under the command of St. Macarius of Egypt. Apollinaria was called Dorotheus, and she was accepted into the brethren.

The name of Pauline, whose origin and meaning is examined in this article, is connected with the history of the scriptures. It says that the parents of Apollinaria had another daughter. She suffered a rage. The girl was sent to the monastery to Macarius for a complete cure. There, by the prayers of the monk Dorotheus, she was completely healed. But upon returning home, she seemed pregnant to her parents. Those demanded the extradition of the culprit, and Dorotheus (Apollinaria) had to take the blame. She returned home and opened to relatives. Soon, she returned to Macarius of Egypt and devoted her life to serving God. Only after the death of the monk Dorotheus did the brothers learn that in fact he was a woman. Remembrance Day of Rev. Apollinaria - January 18.

name polina origin and meaning

Pauline in childhood

Polina is a name for a girl who is distinguished by an affectionate and friendly disposition. She is constantly surrounded by the attention of her entire family. The owner of this name is often sick, so she spends a lot of time next to her mother, who will have a great influence on the girl. At school, Polina is an obedient, diligent and neat child. She is one of the most successful students. However, Polina still likes to play with peers. She is very sociable, can support in difficult times. The girl always has many friends. Polina is growing as a versatile personality: she goes in for sports, attends various creative groups. In general, this is a very pleasant, obedient and responsive child.

Polina's career

The name Polina, whose origin and significance is of interest to many, characterizes her possessor as a smart and calculating person. From a young age, she has clear life priorities. Most of all, she is interested in comfort and a strong, friendly family. The choice of a profession for Polina is not the main thing. In this matter, she can listen to the opinions of senior members of her family and become a psychologist, paramedic or teacher. She can handle various "female" professions. Polina is not seeking a career. She has no need to gain recognition at work or take the highest post. Already in her youth, she understands that for her the most important thing is a strong and strong male shoulder nearby.

polina name for girls

Pauline in love

The character of the name Pauline gives its owner an incredible appeal. Charming, fragile and feminine girl attracts men like a magnet. She is not only endowed with the best feminine traits, but can also present them favorably. Being a coquette by nature, the girl plays with the hearts of fans in love with her. However, she knows her worth well and will not put her reputation at undue risk. Polina’s fleeting novels are not interesting. Economic and intellectually developed, Polina will easily become a member of the wealthiest family. And at that moment her two dreams will come true at once: she will marry and become the mistress of a wealthy house. Any man can only dream of such a companion as Polina. She is a passionate partner, a reliable wife, a caring mother and a prudent hostess.

Name Compatibility

Polina will reach the maximum power of feelings with Arkady, Boris, Averyan, Alfred, Makar, Nikolai, Robert, Trofim, Eric, Rodion, Robert, Yegor, Dmitry, Gleb, Vsevolod, Vadim and Innocent.

She will be able to create a lasting marriage with Jacob, Roman, Tikhon, Eric, Rodion, Kozma, Hilarion, Zakhar, Eugene, Daniil, Vsevolod, Victor, Veniamin, Vasily, Valentin, Bogdan, Arseny, Arkady, Anatoly.

The Union of Polina with Akim, Yaroslav, Julian, Fedor, Stanislav, Oleg, Nikita, Naum, Luke, Igor, Demyan, George, Vladislav, Vilen, Arthur, Anton, Andrey, Albert, Alexander may be unsuccessful .

Pauline character

The origin of the name Pauline is no longer a secret for you. It will suit any girl, provide her with a happy family life and well-being.

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