Today, people have become more cruel and envious. There are quite a lot of reasons for such a development of events, but this will not be discussed. In this article I want to talk about how to get rid of enemies using various magic means.
Easiest option
First of all, I want to say that only a person who knows this business firsthand should engage in magic and various conspiracies. After all, there are quite a few stories that people who do not know simple magical rules and just wanting to protect themselves, incurred even greater misfortunes. Therefore, there is the simplest advice on how to get rid of enemies: simply exclude them from your circle of communication. And if from time to time they will appear on the horizon, just ignore them. However, this does not always work, because people can even destroy the life of an innocent person with their negative energy. Well, in this case, if nothing else helps, you can try to turn to magic.
If a person wants to know how to get rid of enemies, it must be said that a very effective way is to have a special amulet from such people and their black energy. What could it be? In general, the amulet is such an object that should protect a person and repel everything negative that is directed at him. So, an excellent amulet is clothes, namely underwear. However, putting it on for strong impact and protection must be done inside out. It can be panties or a T-shirt. The red ribbon works well in the defensive direction, which must be tied to seven knots and always carried with you (the red color symbolizes positive, and the nodules will not allow evil to break through to the person). The branch of an aspen tree, on which Judas was once hanged, works on the same principle. This is a very strong amulet, however, breaking off a piece from the tree, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the pain. It is worth saying that this amulet can be both personal (and always worn with itself), and family. Such a branch placed at home will protect the family nest from bad people and their energy attacks. For self-defense, you can also lubricate the area of the "third eye" (the area between the eyebrows) with lavender oil. Well, in order to protect your home and family from bad people, you can use garlic for this. It is necessary to weave two braids from it, each of which will have 7 heads of garlic. All this is hung at the window, which will not allow negative energy to break into the house.
What else can you use when figuring out how to get rid of enemies? A conspiracy is a powerful assistant in such a matter. However, it is worth saying that it is better to turn to a person who knows, so that he gives the correct text of the words and tells how everything can be done correctly. Otherwise, a person risks simply not protecting himself. So what is it? A conspiracy is a special set of words, after reading which the needy acquires a certain protection. The conspiracy can be read on its own, it can also be spoken by a knowledgeable person - a healer, a magician. The text will be something like a prayer. However, it is worth remembering that at the end of the conspiracy there must be a key that will confirm the words. For example, there is a conspiracy from evil neighbors who pretty much ruin the lives of normal people. Words are read right in front of the ill-wishers door. The text will be as follows: “My head does not hurt, they do not make noise - my neighbors do not hurt. The key lock is sim. ” In this case, it is necessary to hold a lit candle in your right hand and drive it in a circle.
Return Words
A very strong defense against enemies who say or wish disgust is to tell them the following phrase: “All mine will remain with me, all yours will return to you. All yours is in your bodies! May it be so!". The reaction on the face of the enemy will definitely be liked, he will be pretty scared, because all his negative energy will return to him. You can also protect yourself, for example, from gypsies on the street, who, having not received what they want, can begin to curse, saying: "Come back to you!". After that, they are usually removed, because they know the power of these words.
Magic Rite 1. Against a clear enemy
A very effective way to get rid of enemies. So, for the ceremony you will need a handful of pure wheat, four church white candles, as well as a bit of wormwood dried and crushed between the fingers. Everything is done after midnight. In your right hand you need to take a bowl of wheat and repeat the following words to yourself for three minutes: "Misfortune, deceit, misfortune, get away from me!" Further in a fist it is necessary to take a handful of wormwood and read any prayer, even if “Our Father”. Next, you will need to go outside and sprinkle the sprinkled grain on the ground. It is necessary to wait for the birds to start pecking him, while saying: “As soon as the bird pecks the grain, my enemy’s bad thoughts will fly away. The key lock is sim! ” Wormwood needs to be scattered under the threshold of his enemy, while imagining how his machinations before his eyes are destroyed. A few nuances: the rite should be performed only on the waning moon, while avoiding the 7th and 13th numbers. It is also important to remember that candles must be extinguished, not blown out.
Magic Rite 2. Black
The next way to get rid of enemies forever. So, all actions should be carried out on a waning moon. To do this, you will need two black candles, a long black ribbon, gloves, a bowler hat, scissors, an alcohol bowl, a silver bell, as well as aromatic oil. First you need to properly lubricate the candles with oil and light them. Next, a tape is taken in hand for two ends, the first of which is called by its name, and the second by the name of the offender, i.e. enemy (several can be). Next, with the ringing of a bell, you need to tune in the right way, come to peace, expel evil and negativity from your soul and thoughts. After that, black gloves are put on and the following words are pronounced: “I invoke all the energies of the world and the Universe, ancient people and creatures of the underworld! I awaken my energy in order to break the connection with my ill-wishers (names), I renounce them, break any ties and kinship with them. Let it be as I wish! ” After that, the tape is cut with scissors, the alcohol in the pot is ignited and two parts of the tape are burned. If they did not burn in alcohol, you can burn them with candles. It is important to remember that candles cannot be extinguished only when they completely burn out on their own, the action of the rite takes effect.
Magic Rite 3. Prayer
What else can help in this matter? Magic! How to get rid of the enemy with the help of icons and prayer, that's what else I want to talk about. To do this, you need a prayer black cloth, three icons, one of which is “Lord Almighty”, church candles. Icons are placed on the table in a triangle, a prayer sheet spreads on the floor, a man becomes in the very center. First, he simply asks for help from the Almighty with words, then three times reads Our Father. After that, you need to read the plot “Upset the plans of enemies” once. After that, standing on the canvas, while the candle is burning, a person should read prayers of thanks. Only when the flame of the last candle goes out, the rite is considered complete.
Prayer against enemies can also help. It is worth saying that these do not have to be memorized words. Prayer at its core is an appeal to God, so it can be of any form, albeit different each time. It is only necessary to turn to God for help, correctly formulating your desire. Previously, you can read "Our Father", and after that ask for something of the Almighty. It is also a very effective way to get the help of strong forces and get rid of the attacks of their ill-wishers.