What kind of music does the current generation prefer? Contemporary youth music

Modern youth music is very diverse. This phrase can be interpreted in different ways - for some it is a variety of genres, for someone it is a variety of quality. Modern music can be light and heavy, fast and slow, high quality and low grade. So what do young people prefer?

Variety of genres

Recently, a lot of genres have appeared that our parents did not even suspect of. Modern youth music is tightly connected with such genres as Rap, Trap, Babymetal, Minimal, Lo-Fi and many others. And if innovations appear in techno music almost every year, then modern rock music rarely changes, you will not hear about new genres often. Gothic, which was popular 10 years ago, is now almost not developing and has lost its former relevance. Indie scene is developing rapidly, there are a lot of good performers in this direction, including in Russia. Rap and its derivatives are now at the peak of popularity. The latest trend in the rap industry is battles. In addition to creativity, they have lively emotions, which is important.

Singer Adele

Tastes differ

Representatives of the older generation often say that modern youth music is meaningless and mediocre, that there are no good performers now, and that they are unlikely to appear. It is worth recalling that such legendary rock bands as Qween, Rolling Stones and even The Beatles were subjected to harsh criticism. If we take, for example, Mozart, the brightest representative of recognized classics, we will see that he was not always loved by the public. Jazz was generally considered second-class music. Who knows, maybe in 100 years the students of the conservatory will study the works of Yegor Creed and Timati. In any case, music is an unpredictable and ambiguous phenomenon.

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Contemporary Russian youth music

Russia has always been famous for the works of classics, which are recognized throughout the world. If we talk about our time, the music industry in Russia seems to be trying to imitate the older sister - the music industry in the United States. The motives of the songs are sometimes identical, the ideas of the clips are brazenly laced. But if we talk about modern youth music, sounding from every iron. There are a lot of high-quality underground in Russia, but, unfortunately, you cannot go far without promotion and promotion nowadays. It is also worth considering the fact that the lack of high-quality Russian music for a long time gave rise to a stereotype of its worthlessness and low quality. But in vain - stereotypical thinking puts a framework in our minds, prevents us from looking objectively at things, including music.

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Modern stars

There are many examples in the world when a really talented artist achieved impressive results. But there are also examples of the enormous popularity of untalented people. As they say, talents need help, mediocrity will break through themselves. The global music industry is quite controversial. But whatever you say, musical trends have always dictated, dictate and will continue to dictate western pop stars. The most modern youth music is always from there. At the peak of popularity in R'n'B and rap genres, Rihanna, Beyonce, Lil Pamp, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Bruno Mars and others are now rock. Jared Leto and his 30 STM, Green Day, Linkin represent Rock (heavy and not so). Park, Coldplay, Enter Shikari, Marylin Manson, U2.

Contemporary youth music in Russia is represented by such performers as Basta, Timati, Yegor Creed, Olga Buzova (a separate phenomenon), Anna Sedokova, such groups as Silver, Viagra, Max Barsky, Svetlana Loboda, the group Vremya i Steklo and a lot others. A lot of modern Russian stars have come out of such projects as “Star Factory”, “People's Artist”, “X-Factor”, “Voice”, “Songs”. Perhaps the trends of modern youth music do not come from Russia, but in our country, simple talented guys have the opportunity to break into the world of show business.

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