Skin aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped. There are many methods that can visually improve the condition of the skin and prevent premature wrinkles. If a woman has so-called crow's feet around her eyes, then she will have to deal with them comprehensively, using homemade masks, ready-made creams. In more advanced cases, salon procedures will help.
Why does the skin around my eyes age quickly?
The skin in the eye area is too thin and sensitive. Every day she is subjected to tremendous stresses that are associated with the manifestation of human emotions. In this zone, the sebaceous glands and muscles are practically absent. If she does not receive full hydration, she loses elasticity. It is easily stretched, which entails the appearance of wrinkles.
Stroking of crow's feet around the eyes can also be caused by stress, constant work on the computer, lack of sleep, smoking, and alcohol abuse. Withering of the skin in this area is also associated with a lack of collagen in the tissues. A negative effect on the condition of the skin is vitamin deficiency.
Preventive measures
To prevent the appearance of "crow's feet" on the face, you need to observe a number of the following preventive measures:
- Skin care should be regular even before the first signs of aging. From the age of 18, the skin around the eyes needs to be moistened with light creams or gels.
- If it is not possible to use an expensive cream from "crow's feet", you can make homemade products based on natural ingredients.
- The skin around the eyes cannot be stretched and often touch this area with your hands.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water daily.
- Cut down on sweets, coffee, and tea.
- Do not neglect physical activity, walk a lot, walk as often as possible in the fresh air.
- Use cream from "crow's feet".
Salon treatments
If the "crow's feet" around the eyes appeared in women who are 40-50 years old, then more radical methods will come to the rescue. It is about salon procedures. The cosmetologist will choose the best solution, focusing on the clientβs skin condition and his financial capabilities.
In the beauty parlor can offer:
- a course of masks with collagen and hyaluronic acid;
- injections of hyaluronic acid and collagen;
- contour plastic;
- photorejuvenation (exposure to problem areas with a laser);
- blepharoplasty;
- professional massage;
- "Botox" on the "crow's feet" (injection of drugs based on botulinum toxin).
If there is no way to experience such drastic measures, you can take a course of home masks.
What procedures can be done at home?
With the appearance of "crow's feet" around the eyes, you can use homemade products that are easily prepared at home. Their use gives amazing results provided that they are applied regularly. Their great advantage is that it is possible to choose the optimal composition.
To smooth the skin around the eyes, an integrated approach will help:
- Application of cosmetic masks from "crow's feet". For their preparation, you can use the most affordable ingredients: fruits, vegetable oils, vegetables, dairy products, decoctions of herbs. All these components are high in vitamins and minerals. All of them penetrate deep into the epidermis and take an active part in metabolic processes, on which the condition of the skin depends.
- Compresses Another effective remedy for crow's feet. As a rule, they use herbal decoctions, juice from parsley or potatoes.
If you complete the entire course, you can eliminate this cosmetic defect in just a few sessions. The technique of performing massage does not imply any difficulties, so anyone can master it.
Eye charging and proper cleansing
In order not to overload the already sensitive skin around the eyes, it is necessary to wash off the cosmetics before bedtime. To clean this delicate area, use a 2- or 3-phase liquid. Milk or micellar water is also suitable. One of the disks should be put under the eye, and the other should be moistened in a tool and remove decorative cosmetics, making movements from top to bottom until the mascara is completely removed from the eyelashes.
If shadows are used, they must be removed in the same direction as when applying the cream - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. This will help prevent severe stretching of the skin.
In the fight for skin elasticity, Facebook will help. If you do regular exercises, your facial muscles will get stronger, your skin will become more toned.
Proper nutrition
It has already been said above that it is necessary to deal with wrinkles comprehensively. Cosmetological procedures alone will not be enough. In order for the skin to maintain elasticity for as long as possible, great importance must be given to proper nutrition, to lead an active lifestyle, not to drink alcohol. It is also important to observe the drinking regimen. At least 2 liters of water should be drunk per day.
A healthy menu, which will be the key to young and fresh skin, includes the following products:
- Carrot. This vegetable is considered a champion in the content of beta-carotene, which is responsible for the nutrition of the skin. It can be used in grated form with olive oil, made from it juices, cook salads, bake.
- Spinach and parsley. As part of this greens, carotene and vitamin A are present. They must be included in all salads.
- Cabbage. All types of cabbage are rich in folic acid, vitamins and antioxidants, which are actively involved in the processes of epidermal cell renewal.
- Fruits. Any of them are considered an excellent skin recharge from the inside out. In large quantities, you need to eat apples, bananas, grapefruits, berries in the form of raspberries, currants, strawberries, blueberries and strawberries. Smoothies, fruit salads and fruit drinks can be made from them.
Mask recipes
So, how to get rid of crow's feet with homemade masks? It is worth noting that the components for them need to be combined and try to adhere to the dosages indicated in the recipes. Regarding regularity, you need to apply them 1-2 times a week, depending on how deep the wrinkles are.
The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. This time is enough for all active substances to penetrate the epidermis and begin their business.
Before using this or that mask, a small amount of it should be applied to the wrist area and check if an allergic reaction occurs.
- Vitamin based masks. To prepare this deeply nourishing mask, you will need vitamins A and E in capsules. To extract the fluid, the sheath must be pierced with a needle. You can use them both separately and in combination with other components. Ideally, the oily liquid should be combined with vegetable oils.
- A mask of herbs. To prepare a herbal mask, you need to combine in equal parts a decoction of cornflower and calendula. Aloe juice should be added to the resulting product.
- Masks from oils. To get rid of "crow's feet" from the best side burdock, olive, almond oil has proved itself. The components are mixed, and then slightly heated in a water bath. Apply to the skin in a warm form.
- A mask of greenery. Parsley and dill are some of the best plants that fight well with the first signs of skin aging. Greens need to grind and squeeze juice out of it, mix it with a few drops of vegetable oil.
- A mask of potatoes. Boiled or fresh potatoes have a smoothing effect, so it must be used to restore the skin in the eye area. From it you can make mashed potatoes or grate. To enhance its properties, you can add liquid vitamins, oils, parsley juice to it.
- A mask of butter. One of the effective remedies against crow's feet is a product that contains a lot of healthy fats. It's about butter. It can be used instead of a night cream or added to masks. To prepare an effective tool, you need to mix 1 tsp. oils with infusion of linden and chamomile. It is also advisable to pour a little castor oil on the components. The result should be a homemade cream, which must be applied to problematic dry places in the evening. Shelf life of the finished composition in the cold is 4 days.
- A mask of bread. Bread mask gives excellent results when it comes to smoothing wrinkles on the face. To prepare it, you need to take a slice of rye bread and soak it in fat milk. Ready slurry should be distributed under the eyes and lie down for about 15 minutes. Then the product is washed off with warm water.
- Yeast mask. For breeding yeast, you need warm milk. The resulting slurry should be applied to cotton pads and placed on eyes for 15 minutes.
Fighting crow's feet around the eyes is not easy. If you make some effort and follow all the recommendations, you can prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. For more pronounced results, you can seek help from cosmetologists who will select procedures against deep age wrinkles. In other cases, the effect will be achieved after a course of masks. An important role is played by a healthy lifestyle and the absence of stress.