Foot baths with soda. How to make heels smooth at home

Foot baths with soda perfectly soften the skin, reduce excessive sweating of the legs. They help remove dead skin and calluses. They make the heels smooth and well-groomed.

Characteristics of soda baths

Baking soda (the price for it is quite affordable and therefore this tool is available to every woman) is an important component for limb care.

Soda-based foot baths prepare the epidermis for further cosmetic manipulations. They help not only to steam the skin, but also to clean the dermis from dirt and dust. They have an irreplaceable therapeutic effect.

The positive aspects of the use of soda baths

foot baths with soda

Sooner or later, the skin on the legs becomes rough, crusty, or, even worse, cracks form on it. This situation makes a woman take a fresh look at foot care and add foot bath with soda to the arsenal of procedures. What does this procedure give:

  1. Skin disinfection on the feet.
  2. Elimination of an unpleasant smell.
  3. Healing of abscess inflammation in the area of ​​the feet, under the nails.
  4. Removing small cracks.
  5. Skin softening.
  6. Removing fatigue from the legs.

For the greatest benefit, you can use not a classic soda bath, but with the addition of soap, ammonia, various oils, etc. The choice depends on the goal that needs to be achieved.

Rules for the use of soda baths

baking soda price

Foot baths with soda give a good result, but they can not be abused, otherwise instead of the long-awaited effect, you can get a violation of the pH level and excessive dryness of the feet. Before proceeding with the procedure, the following nuances should be considered:

  • the procedure with soda solution should take no more than 20 minutes;
  • the water should be warm, and as it cools down, boiling water is gradually added to it;
  • after a soda bath, the feet are thoroughly cleaned with a pumice or foot brush;
  • at the end of the session, the limbs are rinsed with cool water;
  • the feet are held in the water ankle-deep;
  • limbs after bathing are wiped dry with a towel or dried naturally;
  • after the procedure, the legs are lubricated with a nourishing cream or ointment, and then put on cotton socks;
  • to relieve fatigue in the legs, it is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Such baths should be done at least three times a week, and the total number of procedures should be 7-10.

Ailments that can eliminate baths with soda

unpleasant foot odor

Foot baths with soda will not remove serious diseases, but they can eliminate some discomfort and prevent the development of some skin diseases.

For the best effect, the classic bath with the addition of soda is enriched with olive (50 g), apricot (2 g) or other oils, add vitamin A.

A foot bath with soda heals calcaneal cracks, but for this, the procedure is carried out daily. Here it will be useful to lubricate the heels with soap every other day, and after the bath, treat the skin with pumice on them, then apply a nourishing cream.

Heel spurs are steamed in a soda bath. Next, lotions with kombucha are applied to the problem area, they are kept for up to 4 hours. Then the compress is changed and the spur is treated for ten days.

Warm baths help to remove the ingrown nail plate. To do this, the feet are steamed, and after the nails are trimmed, and the finger is treated with iodine or a special ointment.

Soda also helps fight foot fungus. Here, in addition to soda, soap and salt are put in a soda solution.

Also, a soda bath relieves fatigue from the legs well. After this event, it is good to treat the skin with a homemade balm. It includes half a glass of olive oil, 1/3 of a glass of castor oil, oil vitamin A in an amount of 10 g. The product is rubbed into the skin, and then put on socks on the legs.

Fighting foot fungus

how to make heels smooth at home

Soda baths in the treatment of fungus are used in combination with other means. They soften and prepare the skin for further activities. The water in the basin should be 35-40 Β° C. At 2.5 liters take a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of liquid or laundry soap. Bath time is 20 minutes.

The feet affected by the fungus do not wipe, but wait until the water on them dries itself. After the affected area is treated with antifungal ointment or varnish, and then put on clean cotton socks on the legs. Foot baths from the fungus are done every 4 days for a month.

Elimination of a bad smell

tired legs

The unpleasant smell of the legs is a lot of trouble. This is due to the thousands of bacteria that, as a result of their life activity, create a similar problem. If the feet naturally have excessive sweating, and besides, fungal lesions are present on them, then the unpleasant foot odor will not keep you waiting. In this case, ordinary baking soda will help .

In a glass of water you need to take one teaspoon of soda. Rinse legs with this compound. Do not wipe them, but give them the opportunity to dry naturally. Next, dip cotton swabs in soda solution and put them in the space between the toes and put on socks. Leave as it is for the night. In the morning you should pour cool water over your feet. The course of treatment is 7 days.

During these events, people with especially sensitive skin may experience severe itching and irritation. When side effects occur, soda procedures stop or make them less frequent, for example, after a day or two.

Foot Soda Bath Recipes

soda baths

Fatigue in the legs, bad smell of limbs and other ailments can be overcome if soda baths are regularly used. Below are a few recipes to help improve your feet.

In order to cleanse the skin on the legs well and how to disinfect it, you need to take 50 g of sea or table salt and the same amount of soda. Pour everything in not very hot water. During the first fourteen days, baths are done every day, and then 2-3 times over a period of 7-10 days.

Before conducting a pedicure to soften the dermis, take a teaspoon of soap and two tablespoons of soda. The ingredients are diluted in two liters of water. Feet after the bath are dried naturally, and rough areas are treated with pumice. This procedure helps to easily remove the cuticle and trim your nails without any problems.

A solution of liquid soap, drinking soda and ammonia taken in the amount of one teaspoon will soften the rough skin on the legs. All components are added to warm water and thoroughly mixed. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

A decoction of chamomile or calendula, which is obtained from a glass of boiling water and 25 g of grass, will help heal the cracks on the feet. Dry flowers are simmered in boiling water over low heat for five minutes, and then added to warm water with soda. Feet in such a bath are kept for no more than 20 minutes.

A warm bath of five liters of water will help soothe your feet, where 50 g of soda and six drops of vanilla, lavender or juniper essential oil are added. If dilated veins, blue vessels or asterisks are visible on the limbs, then a few drops of mint phyto essence should be added to the water.

You can experiment and add various base oils, such as olive, linseed, and nut, to the soda bath. Baking soda (the price for it barely reaches twenty rubles) is available to everyone, and foot care with this component is particularly effective.


About how to make a soda solution, it was written above, and now dwell on cases when this event will do more harm than good. So, such procedures are prohibited for people with diabetes, as well as people with tumors of various types. You can not take foot baths at elevated body temperature and with infectious or colds. Cardiovascular and renal diseases, as well as varicose veins, are prohibited. Before using bathtubs, individual tolerance of baking soda should be considered.

Such trays should not be too carried away, since soda can change the natural pH level of the skin and cause excessive dryness, peeling, itching and cracking of the skin.

How to make heels smooth at home

foot baths for fungus

In order for the heels to be smooth, and the legs to look neat, it is not necessary to go to the salon, because you can transform our limbs without leaving the house. For this purpose, you need any greasy cream and a brush to clean the heels, do not confuse it with pumice.

The procedure should not be carried out without first cleansing the heels of the coarsened skin, and it can not be done when the dermis is well steamed, since together with the coarse layer you can remove the healthy one.

So, first you need to lubricate the skin with cream and leave for five minutes. Next you should lightly wet the brush, but not much, water should not drain from it. Brush on dry heels, and after a few minutes the dead skin on them will begin to roll into lumps and will fall away. If the rolling of the lumps on the skin has stopped, then the brush should be slightly moistened again. So do 3-4 approaches. Then the legs must be rinsed and greased with cream. This procedure will make your heels smooth and well-groomed in a short time.

How to make heels smooth at home with and without soda, we examined, and now it remains to consolidate all the knowledge gained in practice and get healthy, beautiful and smooth heels.

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