Showing the beauty of his hometown Vladimir Kachanov

A city of great opportunities, surprising in luxury and scope, can not be called cozy. In a dynamically developing metropolis, very little remains of old Moscow, because in the pursuit of profit entire blocks of centuries-old trees are cut down, and business centers rushing into the sky appear in their place, and residents are moved to faceless sleeping areas. People whose soul hurts for their hometown believe that it is impossible just to demolish areas, because they are worthy of protection even out of respect for the memory of their ancestors.

Pessimistic residents include a native Muscovite who has been painting landscapes of the capital for more than 40 years. He carefully stores all his sketches made in the open air, and it so happened that his works have now become historical documents. The Moscow that Vladimir Kachanov saw and painted, unfortunately, is no more.

Etudes, capturing the beauty of Moscow

The artist, born in 1945, is anxious about his beloved city, which goes "into the past." He realizes that every year the modern metropolis is changing, but no one is engaged in its protection. All that can please us now is memories, sketches and studies made many years ago.

Vladimir Kachanov

Lyric artist Vladimir Kachanov with genuine sadness looks at the ongoing architectural apocalypse and does not see any beauty in the glass skyscrapers that flooded Moscow. A person with a rare attitude to life is most often exhibited abroad, and his last works could be seen in Moscow in 1994.

Exhibition dedicated to your favorite city

And only six years ago, all lovers of the master’s creativity were able to enjoy his atmospheric works, in which the face of the capital is changing. “The artist’s mission is to consider the beauty of his hometown and show it to people,” says Vladimir Kachanov.

“Outgoing Moscow” is an exhibition that took place at the end of 2010 in Moscow and gathered a huge number of spectators who highly appreciated the skill of the creator who was infinitely in love with the capital. In his works, time flows according to its own laws: people live there who are so similar to those who walk now on the streets of the city, but they belong to a completely different era. Not fully aware of their happiness, not seeing the elusive beauty that will never happen again, the inhabitants of the city are lost in the pretty alleys that have now turned into stone jungle, devoid of souls.

Each sketch is an artifact of a bygone era

Vladimir Kachanov, referring to the memory, which creates a unique image of his native corner, in each sketch depicted a mood inspired by playing glare of the sun's rays, quietly falling first snowflakes or giving freshness to torrential rains. He feels himself a true chronicler, thoroughly describing everything that his inquiring eye sees, and the sketches belong not only to art, but also to history.

Vladimir Kachanov Moscow leaving

Each work is magically transformed into a document, a kind of evidence of the era, since the canvas captures a nonexistent capital that has gone forever. For forty years, his picturesque observations formed the basis of a project called "Moscow, which is not there." Over time, traces of architectural monuments are erased, on the site of alleys, for which caring people once fought, skyscrapers grew, and picturesque boulevards turned into footpaths. So the memories go when the evidence of the past disappears, and the author’s lyrical sketches made in the 60s turn into real artifacts.

The album, which collected all the works of the artist

For many years Moscow’s confrontation between modern and ancient has been watched by nostalgic Vladimir Kachanov, who has released all his sketches that look like a single whole in the album “Moscow is leaving. Boulevards. " This is the author’s journey through ancient streets, which are changing for the worse. Outlines revealing the originality of the capital show modern residents of the metropolis that they have irretrievably lost.

artist vladimir kachanov

Unfortunately, this is Moscow, which is no longer there, and Vladimir Kachanov hopes that the authorities will urgently take up the protection of colorful and distinctive streets, otherwise it will be too late.

As before, he continues to draw from nature, which is still there.

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