Red worms in fish: classification, danger to humans

Everyone knows that as a food product, fish is much healthier than meat. In addition, it is very easily and quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, fish is really very tasty. And there are many ways to prepare it, sufficient so that this product does not bother. Recently, exotic fish dishes that are not subject to salting or heat treatment have become very widespread. But not everyone knows that fish is also the source of many parasites, which under certain conditions can settle in the human body and to some extent affect its health.

Many lovers of fish - dried, dried, smoked - had to see the presence in it of one or another variety of parasites. Are red worms in fish, which are quite common and look very intimidating, dangerous for humans? And are there any species of fish where the worms are completely absent? Let's try to figure it out.

Worms in fish: how harmful they are for humans and their bodies

To begin with, not every worm that has found a haven in fish is harmful and dangerous to human health, although there are a lot of fish worms in nature. If you notice red worms in fish meat, be very careful and try to remove them as much as possible before you start cooking.

red worms in dried fish

According to recent studies in this direction, it has been established that almost all commercial fish are invasive. Even sea fish are prone to this scourge, although many mistakenly consider it safe because of the high salt content in sea water. Marine fish contain anikazides, cestodes, and a number of other species of fish helminths, as well as roundworm nematodes or flat trematodes. What if worms were found in red fish. What to do? It is better to return such fish to the seller, but you can also subject it to thorough heat treatment or freezing. In this case, up to 99% of helminths die. But first try to remove the worms from the fish meat and its intercostal space, since even completely safe worms are very unpleasant to eat.

In almost all known cases, red worms are present in the fish. These parasites are considered the most common and widespread. They feel great in any fish, localized in the intestines, intercostal spaces, gills, muscles, tail, and even in the eyes. They live a very long time and are quite resistant to poor heat or salt treatment. Poorly fried and lightly salted dishes can bring a lot of trouble and serious health problems. Moreover, these parasites can remain in the human body for a rather long time - some species can spoil your health for about forty years.

red thin worms in fish

True, with proper heat treatment, red worms in a fish become harmless. But it is better to do without such experiments, because poisoning can have very serious consequences. The most dangerous are the very small red worms that are located in the muscles of the fish. Quite often, such unpleasant surprises began to be discovered among the inhabitants of natural reservoirs. While in previous years, cases of fish infection with parasites were very rare, it can be said to be isolated, at the present time, red worms in fish come across frighteningly often. Whether the ecology or the influence of the cosmos is guilty of this is not the point for the average man. It is important to know in which fish you can find helminths hazardous to health.

Classification of worms and their description

Infection of fish with various parasites, not only red ones, is a practically universal phenomenon. Most often, these classes of parasites are present:

  • Eustrongilides, representing the genus of dioctoform nematodes. These whitish-red or completely red thin worms in fish stably parasitize in bird stomachs, getting there with eaten fish. The latter acts as an intermediate carrier of this type of parasite. Such worms are very thin and long, reach a length of 50 mm and are localized in the abdominal zone of the fish, muscles, stomach, intestines, testes and liver. If there are too many larvae, they cause hyperemia and tightening of the tissues of the stomach of catfish, milk of perches, and also lead to the destruction of the kidneys of sturgeon fish species. Red thin worms in fish lose their harmful properties with sufficiently intense heat treatment. Fish meat becomes edible, and it can be safely used in food. However, it is still better to remove from the fish the pieces in which the eustrongilides are located.
  • There are other long red worms in fish that are dangerous to humans. They are similar to phylogeny, but longer and brighter in color. These individuals reach a record length from fifteen centimeters to a whole meter. They are found in freshwater bodies and pose a great danger to humans. This type of helminth is very little studied, and how to effectively treat the diseases caused by it in humans, there are no clear recommendations. In order to avoid the disappointing outcome of such a meal, it is better to refrain from eating fish with similar inclusions.

Filometer in fish: what is this parasite?

Phylometers are long, thin red worms in the body of a fish. Most often they can be found in the fins and heads. These parasites cause a non-dangerous disease for humans, phylometroidosis. They infected such river inhabitants as pike, common carp, bream, carp, crucian carp and perch.

worms in red fish

If there are red worms in perch fish lurking in muscle tissue, be aware that they can cause weakening of the muscles and the human body. And although a filometer is not dangerous for a person, but a fish suffering from phylometroidosis becomes loose and lethargic, and its meat becomes tasteless.

Often you can find red worms in stockfish. Dried perch is also susceptible to dominance by these parasites, and even if the technology of salting and drying is maintained correctly, then these helminths do not leave captured portions of fish even after their death. In principle, as already mentioned, phylometers are safe for people, and salt contributes to the fight against this parasite, but it is better not to risk eating the affected parts of the fish.

Advice from an experienced ichthyologist

The most frequent “guests” are tubular small red worms in fish, up to 5 cm in length. They can be found in perch, bull and pike perch. Fish infected with them can be eaten by first cleaning its meat from parasites.

According to the candidate of biological sciences Roman Novitsky, an experienced ichthyologist, such fish must be thoroughly cleaned and properly cooked. If you fry it, then you should do this for at least 10 minutes so that the helminths come out, and if you decide to make salting, then keep the carcass in salt solution - at least two days. According to him, when frozen, these parasites do not die and after thawing become completely viable.

red worms in dried perch

Novitsky also advises paying attention to herring, which at the moment, according to statistics, is infected with helminths by 60%. The cleanest fish, according to the ichthyologist, are catfish, mackerel and tuna, which live in open sea spaces. But here, the presence of parasites was not without. It's just that there are not so many of them in comparison with other types of fish, and they are not striking. For this reason, thoroughly process, just in case, all fish that is intended for you to eat.

Are there parasites in red fish?

Red fish is the most delicious and popular. There is an opinion that it is impossible to get helminth infections from sturgeon breeds due to their noble origin. Today, this opinion is largely disproved. And when eating meat of this class of fish, there is a real chance of picking up one or another parasite. Try not to eat this fish raw or cooked with a violation of the recipe and processing time - you can provide your body with quite serious poisoning problems.

The main suppliers of helminths include pink salmon, salmon and trout. What kind of worms are present in red fish (some photos are presented below for clarity), and how dangerous are they for humans?

transparent worms in red fish

In modern kitchen, dishes of red fish are not uncommon. They are usually timed to great holidays or serious social events. What will be the amazement of the eater if he notices that in red fish there are transparent worms. Meanwhile, this happens. Therefore, red fish is by no means a guarantee of the absence of worms.

Many gourmets love dishes from raw or half-baked pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon and do not even think that, along with a delicious delicacy, one of the parasites can penetrate the body. So, in Japanese cuisine it is customary to make fish dishes with a minimum processing time and amount of salt, so as not to spoil the true aroma and taste of the product, as well as preserve minerals and vitamins.

If worms or their eggs enter the human digestive tract, they have a rash on the skin, a severe digestive system, nausea, vomiting, and many other signs of fish poisoning.

Flat ribbon parasites: how dangerous are they for humans

Infection occurs through eating food with viable helminths. They are classified into two subclasses - these are worms of round tubular shape and flat ribbon. In any red fish caught industrially in a free sea or river body of water, there are parasitic worms.

what are the worms in fish called

One of them, the tape is wide, is located in the larva, which is a thin translucent shell. They look like a grain of rice, and after breaking the capsules, transparent worms appear in red fish. These parasites are found in fish eggs, inhabit its body and the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, they affect the liver and muscles of the fish, as well as its milk.

The white worms present in red fish - young lentets - are about 55 mm long and 2 mm wide. In appearance they resemble a white or milky-colored transparent tape, which, getting into the human body, can grow to gigantic sizes - up to twelve meters. Lentes live for 15 years and longer, and throughout their lives infect the body of the carrier (person), destroying its internal organs.

A person infected with this parasite feels severe weakness, headaches, has loose stools, poor appetite, a feeling of nausea, heartburn, belching and vomiting. Itching and rash are possible. The larvae of these helminths can survive even with very long processing of the carcass. Even freezing will not help, because the larvae are viable at a temperature of 4 degrees. They can be destroyed only with the help of salt, if the pickling lasts several (3-5) days.

Round tubular parasites in red fish - are they dangerous to humans?

Round tubular worms also bring people a bad disease - anisacidosis. Such parasites as anisizides are present in each of the marine fish, but most of all they prefer chum salmon, followed by salmon and pink salmon. These pathogens affect almost all fish organs - the body, muscles, liver, milk, spleen, caviar and gastrointestinal tract. These parasites have a spiral shape and reach a length of 5 cm. The color of the worm is whitish, brown or cream. Their introduction into the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines of a person is a direct path to intestinal ulcer. The introduction process is accompanied by swelling of the ulcers. Often the presence of this helminth becomes a cause of bowel obstruction, and also disrupts the gallbladder, duct of the liver and pancreas.

What to do to protect a person from the effects of fish helminths?

Is it possible to eat fish infected with parasites? Sanitary standards classify such food as conditionally suitable. To make it completely safe, it is necessary to subject the fish to a special heat treatment or salting regime. Do not eat fish raw or half-baked - even a very refined taste does not compensate you for serious problems associated with infection with parasites. Here are some tips for choosing and buying uninfected fish:

  1. Pink salmon and other sturgeons should be bought in specialized stores, where they monitor its purity and undergo the necessary industrial processing.
  2. Give preference to fish grown artificially and fed artificial feed.
  3. Freeze freshly caught sea fish and defrost them just before cooking.
  4. If it is not possible to freeze, immediately gut and start cooking.

To protect the fish, you can not only boil or fry it, but also smoke, salt, pickle, but do it strictly in accordance with certain cooking technologies. For example, when frying or boiling the carcass, the cooking time should be at least 15-20 minutes. If the fish is quite large, then its meat must be separated from the ridge. When cooking fish pie, bake the product in the oven for at least half an hour, and better and longer.

Smoking and freezing fish

For high-quality smoking, fish up to two kilograms of weight are neutralized as follows:

  • if the ambassador is hot, then you need to salt for 5-9 days and smoke at a temperature of 15-16 ° C;
  • cook cold-smoked fish with salting in one to two weeks and at a temperature of 5-6 ° C;
  • with dry salting, keep the fish for at least two weeks.

For this procedure, salt is taken in such an amount that its weight is not less than 20 percent of the weight of the fish. That is, if you have a kilogram carcass, you will need 200 grams of it.

red worms in the perch

When freezing red fish, all parasites die within two days if the fish is kept at -20 ° C. If you freeze it at a temperature of -27 ° C, then the period can be reduced to twelve hours. In the case of using the freezer of a conventional refrigerator with a temperature of -4 ° C, the fish must be kept in such conditions for at least a month.

Little conclusion

In this article, we have presented various types of worms that are found in different types of fish. It is noteworthy that there is no fish without any parasites that are dangerous or safe for humans. Therefore, try not to eat even that unprocessed fish that is considered safe. Because it may simply not be well understood. It is unlikely that you will want to study its harmful qualities on your example.

We hope that the information presented in the article was useful to you.

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